
Oumun談詑 | 貢獻到2024年5月12日 (禮拜天) 07:35扤嗰修訂版本
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動詞國際音標:/tʰuŋ¹¹ t͡sʰz̩²⁴/)係詞類嗰一款,搦來描述滴子動作跟到行為。揸得伓共樣嗰語言分得正伓共樣嗰用法。



[編寫 | 編寫源代碼]
英語 贛語 IPA
to drink t͡ɕʰiak
to bite
to suck t͡ɕit
to spit pʰui
to vomit ŋiɛu
to blow t͡sʰui
to breathe 敨氣 tʰɛu t͡ɕʰi
to laugh ɕiɛu
to see mɔŋ
to hear tʰiaŋ
to know 曉得 ɕiɛu tɛt
to think ɕiɔŋ
to smell ɕiuŋ
to fear fɔt
to sleep kʰun
to live uot
to die sz̩
to kill sat
to fight 挭仗 kaŋ t͡sɔŋ
to hunt ta
to hit kʰok
to cut kiɛ
to split t͡sʰak
to stab tuk
to scratch ua
to dig 𠞭 lɛu
to swim 頑水 uan sui
to fly fi
to walk 行, 走 haŋ, t͡sɛu
to come lai
to lie (as in a bed) kʰun
to sit t͡sʰo
to stand t͡ɕʰi
to turn (intransitive) tɛu
to fall tiɛt
to give lak
to hold kʰiɛn
to squeeze liɛt
to rub lo
to wash ɕi
to wipe mot
to pull
to push suŋ
to throw tiaŋ
to tie tʰiak
to sew liɛn
to count su
to say ua
to sing t͡sʰɔŋ
to play 𩑃 n̠ʲiɛk
to float pʰau
to flow liu
to freeze lɛn
to swell ɕiuŋ


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