Product of rings

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In mathematics, the direct product or Cartesian product is a component-wise operation between two sets, groups, rings, or fields. The order of the structure of the direct product always matters. The direct product between two sets, R and S is written as R X S. Take notice that R X S ≠ S X R.

i.e. Let R and S be sets such that ri ∈ R and si ∈ S for i ∈ N. Then (r1,s1), (r2,s2) ∈ R X S and (s1,r1), (s2,r2) ∈ S X R. For this example the reader should take notice how the order of the structure of the direct product always matters. R X S and S X R are distinct sets both with the same cardinality. Direct product is a similar operation to multiplying polynomials, except order matters. (r1,si) ∈ R X S ∀ si ∈ S. This pattern continues for r2,r3, ...,rn; until all possible combinations between the two sets are satisfied.

i. e. Let (R,+,·) and (S,#,*) be rings. The direct product (R X S,⊕,⊗) is also a ring under component-wise addition and multiplication. If (R,·) and (S,*) are commutative then R X S is commutative. (ri,si) ∈ R X S ∀ ri ∈ R and ∀ si ∈ S.

(r1,s1) ⊕ (r2,s2) = (r1 + r2,s1 # s2)

(r1,s1) ⊗ (r2,s2) = (r1 · r2,s1 * s2)

The notation examples shown would follow for the component-wise operations on the direct product of two groups or two fields. ΠRi represents the multiplication of elements of a set, but when used with reference to sets, groups, rings, or fields ΠRi represents the direct product. In advanced Abstract Algebra texts ΠRi will typically be the notation referenced for direct product.

Further Explanation: It is possible to combine several rings into one large product ring. This is done as follows: if I is some index set and Ri is a ring for every i in I, then the Cartesian product Πi in I Ri can be turned into a ring by defining the operations coordinatewise, i.e.

(ai) + (bi) = (ai + bi)
(ai) · (bi) = (ai · bi)

The resulting ring is called a direct product of the rings Ri. The direct product of finitely many rings R1,...,Rk is also written as R1 × R2 × ... × Rk or R1R2 ⊕ ... ⊕ Rk, and can also be called the direct sum (and sometimes the complete direct sum[1]) of the rings Ri.


An important example is the ring Z/nZ of integers modulo n. If n is written as a product of prime powers (see fundamental theorem of arithmetic):

where the pi are distinct primes, then Z/nZ is naturally isomorphic to the product ring

This follows from the Chinese remainder theorem.


If R = Πi in I Ri is a product of rings, then for every i in I we have a surjective ring homomorphism pi: RRi which projects the product on the i-th coordinate. The product R, together with the projections pi, has the following universal property:

if S is any ring and fi: SRi is a ring homomorphism for every i in I, then there exists precisely one ring homomorphism f: SR such that pi o f = fi for every i in I.

This shows that the product of rings is an instance of products in the sense of category theory. However, despite also being called the direct sum of rings when I is finite, the product of rings is not a coproduct in the sense of category theory. In particular, if I has more than one element, the inclusion map Ri → R is not ring homomorphism as it does not map the identity in Ri to the identity in R.

If Ai in Ri is an ideal for each i in I, then A = Πi in I Ai is an ideal of R. If I is finite, then the converse is true, i.e. every ideal of R is of this form. However, if I is infinite and the rings Ri are non-zero, then the converse is false; the set of elements with all but finitely many nonzero coordinates forms an ideal which is not a direct product of ideals of the Ri. The ideal A is a prime ideal in R if all but one of the Ai are equal to Ri and the remaining Ai is a prime ideal in Ri. However, the converse is not true when I is infinite. For example, the direct sum of the Ri form an ideal not contained in any such A, but the axiom of choice gives that it is contained in some maximal ideal which is a fortiori prime.

An element x in R is a unit if and only if all of its components are units, i.e. if and only if pi(x) is a unit in Ri for every i in I. The group of units of R is the product of the groups of units of Ri.

A product of more than one non-zero rings always has zero divisors: if x is an element of the product all of whose coordinates are zero except pi(x), and y is an element of the product with all coordinates zero except pj(y) (with ij), then xy = 0 in the product ring.


A) Let (R,+,·) and (S,#,*) be rings. Prove the direct product (R X S,⊕,⊗), with component-wise addition and multiplication, contains a multiplicative identity iff R and S contain multiplicative identities. Note: Additive identities are always assumed for rings since (R,+) and (S,#) are groups by the definition of a ring.

Proof: Let ri ∈ R, si ∈ S, and (ri,si) ∈ R X S ∀ i ∈ N. If 1R ∈ R such that (r1 · 1R) = r1 = (1R · r1) ∀ r1 ∈ R then 1R is the unity of R. If 1S ∈ S such that (s1 * 1S) = s1 = (1S * s1) ∀ s1 ∈ S then 1S is the unity of S.

(→) (r1,s1) ⊗ (1R,1S) = (r1 · 1R,s1 * 1S) = (r1,s1). (1R,1S) ⊗ (r1,s1) = (1R · r1,1S * s1) = (r1,s1). Hence, (1R,1S) = 1R X S iff 1R ∈ R and 1S ∈ S.

(←) If (u,v) = 1R X S then (u,v) ⊗ (r1,s1) = (u · r1,v * s1) = (r1,s1) and (r1,s1) ⊗ (u,v) = (r1 · u ,s1 * v) = (r1,s1) ∀ r1 ∈ R and ∀ s1 ∈ S. Thus, u = 1R and v = 1S. Therefore, R X S contains a multiplicative identity iff R and S contain multiplicative identities.

B) Prove (r1,s1) is a unit in (R X S,⊕,⊗) iff r1 is a unit in (R,+,·) and s1 is a unit in (S,#,*).

Proof: If r1 is a unit in (R,+,·) then ∃ r-1
∈ R such that r1 · r-1
= 1R = r-1
· r1. If s1 is a unit in (S,#,*) then ∃ s-1
∈ S such that s1 · s-1
= 1S = s-1
· s1.

(→) (r1,s1) ⊗ (r-1
) = (r1 · r-1
,s1 * s-1
) = (r-1
· r1, s-1
* s1) = (1R,1S) = 1R X S.

(←) Suppose (r1,s1) is a unit in R X S. Then ∃ (r-1
) ∈ R X S such that (r1,s1) ⊗ (r-1
) = (r1 · r-1
,s1 * s-1
) = (r-1
· r1, s-1
* s1) = (1R,1S) = 1R X S.

Thus, (r1 · r-1
) = (r-1
· r1) = 1R and (s1 · s-1
) = (s-1
· s1) = 1S. Hence r1 and s1 are units in R and S respectively.

See also


  1. ^ Herstein 2005, p. 52


  • Herstein, I.N. (2005) [1968], Noncommutative rings (5th ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-88385-039-8
  • Lang, Serge (2002), Algebra, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 211 (Revised third ed.), New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 91, ISBN 978-0-387-95385-4, MR 1878556, Zbl 0984.00001