Politics of the Netherlands

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The Netherlands are a Constitutional monarchy. The most important part of parliament, the Tweede Kamer (Lower House), has 150 members, and is chosen once every four years by Proportional representation.

At the moment (1998-2002), the following parties have representatives in the Tweede Kamer, with the given number of seats

PvdA         45 Social Democratic
VVD          39 right-wing Liberal
CDA          29 Christian Democratic
D66          14 left-wing Liberal
GroenLinks   11 left-wing Green Party
SP            5 Post-Communistic
ChristenUnie  5 Christian
SGP           3 right-wing Conservative Christian

Like a number of other European countries with proportional representation, the Dutch have always had Coalition governments. Since 1994, the governing coalition consists of PvdA, VVD and D66. Before that, for 80 years the CDA (or the parties that later joined to form the CDA) had been in the government, sometimes with the socialists (PvdA), sometimes with the liberals (VVD) as their coalition partner.

Current Political Parties

  • Algemeen Ouderen Verbond (AOV)/Unie 55+ - General Senior Union/Union 55+
  • Bonapartistische Partij Nederland (BPN) - Bonapartistic Party Netherlands
  • Centrumdemocraten (CD) - Central Democrats
  • Christen Democratisch Appèl (CDA) - Christian Democratic Appeal
  • ChristenUnie - Christian Union
  • De Groenen - Green Party
  • De Idealisten - The Idealists
  • Democraten 66 (D'66) - Democrats 66
  • Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond (GPV) - Reformed Political League
  • GroenLinks - Green Left
  • Jongere Onafhanklijke Ouderen Partij (JOOP) - Younger Indepedent Senior Party
  • Katholiek Politieke Partij (KPP) - Catholic Political Party
  • Leefbaar Nederland - Liveable Netherlands
  • Libertarische Partij - Libertarian Party
  • Natuurwetpartij - Nature Law Party
  • Nederland Mobiel - Mobile Netherlands
  • Nieuwe Communistische Partij (NCP) - New Communist Party
  • Nieuwe Midden Partij (NMP) - New Middle Party
  • Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie - Independent Senate Fraction
  • Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij 1992 (PSP 1992)- Pacifist Socialist Party 1992
  • Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) - Labour Party
  • Reformatorische Politieke Federatie (RPF) - Reformatoric Political Federation
  • Republikeinse Moderne Partij (RMP) - Republican Modern Party
  • Senioren 2000 - Seniors 2000
  • Socialistische Arbeiders Partij (SAP) - Socialist Workers' Party
  • Socialistische Partij (SP) - Socialist Party
  • Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP) - Politically Reformed Party
  • Verenigde Communistische Partij (VCP) - United Communist Party
  • Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie (VVD) - People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
  • Vrije Indische Partij (VIP) - Free Indonesian Party
  • Verenigde Senioren Partij (VSP) - United Senior Party

Former Political Parties

  • Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (ARP) - Anti-Revolutionary Party
  • Christelijk-Historische Unie (CHU) - Christian-Historic Union
  • Communistische PArtij van Nederland (CPN) - Communist Party Netherlands
  • Democratisch Socialisten '70 (DS'70) - Democratic Socialists '70
  • Evangelische Volkspartij (EVP) - Evangelic People's Party
  • Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP) - Catholic People's Party
  • Pacifistisch-Socialistische Partij (PSP) - Pacifist-Socialist Party
  • Politieke Partij Radicaten (PPR) - Political Party Radicates

See also Government, Drugs policy

See also : Netherlands