Irano-Afghan race

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See also Irano afghan like, types Morphologically close to Irano-Afghans
Meyers Blitz-Lexikon, an example of an "Northern" Nordic

The Irano-Afghan race prominent since Sumerian times in Mesopotamia is the chief population element in the entire highland territory from the western border of Iran to northern India. The terms Nordic-Iranian and Irano-Afghan is used in physical anthropology for a description of Nordics, based upon shared physical characteristics through geographic adaptation. Other terms include Irano-Nordid. Numerous studies supports the formation of the type in the Iranian plateau and includes Geology, meteorology and Paleontology, furthermore geographical, anthropological, mythological, historical and linguistic studies, supports the theory. [1]

Morphological uniqueness


Anthropologist Carleton S. Coon described Irano-Afghans in his book The Races of Europe, as being long-faced, high-headed and nose-hooked.

According to anthropologist Earnest Hooton:[2]

"The Iranian Plateau type differes from the Upper Palaeolithic meaning Atlanto-Mediterranean type particularly in its long, high-bridged, and boldly jutting nasal promontory. It has the same huge dolichocephalic head and massive, usually long face.The great nose may be either straight or convex, more often the latter."

"Beard and body hair: usually heavy."

According to Renato Biasutti the type was defined by:[3]

Brunet-white color, very dark hair and eyes, abbundant pilosity; medium stature (165), slim body; very long (74) and high head with prominent occiput; long face; large and high nose with root at the level of the forehead, straight or convex spine, strongly curved nostrils (64); full lips, robust chin.

Paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey, states that differences among human races are geographical. [2]


Ramesses III of Egypt. Nordic migration to Sumerian Plains (modern day Iraq) from the Iranian plateau marks the birth of the Sumerian civilization, preceding Egyptian civilization by 3 thousand years, migration to Egypt 3 millennias later marks the birth Egyptian civilization.[4]

Irano-Afghans or Nordic Iranians in anthropological terms, are Harder Mediterraneans most common and the principal element in Iran and Afghanistan north-west Pakistan and Turkmenistan. It is also a major factor in Turkey and Iraq and comprises parts of the population of India, China (West), Arabia, Middle east, Palestine north Africa and Europe, as a result of migration of Irano-Afghans. Together with Pontics and Corded-Nordics they make up the eastern branch of the Mediterranean group. Morphologically they are closer to Corded-Nordics, and the type traditionally defined as “Nordic” in Physical Anthropology. Modern Nordics are typically mesocephalic, but their ancestors were dolichocephalic. The cephalic index was defined by Swedish professor of anatomy Anders Retzius and first used in physical anthropology. A cephalic index of 80 or more is called brachycephalic, or broad, a measurement between 75 and 80 is mesocephalic or intermediate, common among Europeans and Chinese. Below 75 is considered dolicocephalic or long. Dolichocephaly, according to Retzius, was the distinctive cranial feature of the earliest inhabitants of Europe, Today it is characteristic of the Negro races, Irano-Afghans, Nordic Hebrews and Englishmen-the inhabitants of ancient Sumeria.

Map of cephalic index [3]

Nordic Iranian

The Iranian Plateau type encountered in Europe are the effect of recombination of original plateau types, and further the result of crosses between the original dolicocephalic Iranian Nordics, and brachycephals with short, broad faces. A Mongoloid admixture produces this genetic recombination, common in Europe after waves of Hunnic migration who were the descendants Xiongnu, a confederation of nomadic tribes and the northern neighbours of China. [4] The Huns in turn are the result much earlier intermixture between Iranians and Chinese in Central Asia. The migrating Nordics to Europe were Patriarchs, and consisted of Priest and Warrior classes who linguistically and culturally replaced and subjugated the earlier matriarchy culture, languages and peoples of "Old Europe".

Nordics In Nordic countries compromise 12% - 18% of the population.[5] The Cordeds are metrically very similar to the Elmenteita from East Africa - the two groups could be combined without loss of homogeneity. In Mesopotamia, they may be favorably compared with the three dynastic skulls from Ur. Coon also related Irano-Afghans to the old Corded Ware culture of Europe.

In later works Coon proposed depigmentation of Nordics in the Eurasiatic grasslands as a result of migration north to modern day Russia, having arrived there from Iran at around –5000. (Coons theory is compatible in comparison with present day blood type systems of Russians and Iranians). Genetic research explains the depigmentationphenomonen as being related to foodshortages and especially the lack of vitamin D obtained through seafood and sunlight in which northern European latitudes lack thereof. Lighter Skin, hair, and eye color is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight that triggers the production of Vitamin D. The MC1R gene is related to this.

Sufficient intake of these elements thus also alows for repigmentation over time, with an estimated timespan of at least 2500 years.[5]

Pigmentation however, does not constitute an anthropological validity as "race" is measured through skeletal association.

Tocharian mummy found in Western China. Tocharians spoke the eastermost Indo-European dialect in which Old Chinese was Influenced. Iranian languages are still spoken in western parts of China, in Xinjiang province or Turkestan[6]. The Chinese described Tocharians as having long noses and being hairy[1].

Nordics are found in majority in Iran and Afghanistan where the dolichocephalic strains are numerically predominant. Its type is associated with the ancient Aryan movement via Sumer/Mesopotamia, Nordics are not to be confused with "Nordish" or "Nordics" of northern/central Europe, i.e collection of different subtypes of northern/central Europe and Scandinavia where the dinaric, brachycephalic and snubnosed skulls of Tydal, Phalian, Bruenn and Borreby types are predominant and the major population element.

Nordic skeletal system types are by far globally numerically inferior to the more primitive and widely distributed non Nordic types [7]. Nordic skeletal association can also be found among ancient ruling Egyptian Pharaohs and Tocharian mummies.


Haplogroup r1a1 dated to 36,000-15,000 years BP, are associated with Proto-Indo-Europeans, Indo-Iranians and the Spread of Indo-European languages.

Modern linguistic anthropology cites that speakers of Aryan languages were involved in a migratory path with Europe as well as India as destination, rather than a source. Speakers of Indo-European languages, migrated from Iran to northwestern India at around 2000 B.C and brought an early form of Sanskrit language.[6]

The routes of this great migration have set Iran as the center and set out on migration in any direction where Nordic peoples spread its language and culture.

Along with Hebrew, Proto-Indo-European has been traditionally regarded in Western culture to be The Adamic language. Anne Catherine Emmerich (1790), stated in her private revelations that the most direct descendants of the Adamic language were Bactrian, Persian and Indian languages, i.e. speakers of Indo-Iranian languages.

Morphological and Blood type comparison

Type D, A Nordic Iranian skull system.

Metrically they are very similar to the corded people who invaded Europe. These people were known as the battle axe peoples consisting of Priests and warriors who invaded Europe in the early neolithic era, 12,500 BC- 9,500 BC. In Europe the form is less prominent and often intermixed with alpine or other local variants. But nevertheless it does appear, occasionally in northern Europe.

John Lawrence Angel at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, discusses a "Nordic-Iranian type" in the following terms:

D1 lies between Anglo-Saxon and Keltic area norms, and D2 is the earlier pre-Bronze Age Corded form which Coon identifies. Type D3, lighter and more hawk-nosed, is transitional to the Mediterranean type B4 and to type D4 (Iranian), which is the Proto-Iranian of Vallois, Irano-Afghan of others, and Proto-Nordic of Krogman, and which is more linear and more rugged than D3 and has a more tilted chewing plane, more nasal convexity, and deeper occiput. Type D5 approximates Coon's Danubian-Halstatt and successor Central European forms.

Nordic-Iranian Morphological Types:

Type D Nordic Iranian Type D1 Nordic Type D2 Corded Type D3 Iranian-Mediterranean Type D4 Iranian Type D5 Danubian-Halstatt
Muscularity - Rugged Muscularity - Rugged Muscularity - Rugged Muscularity - Medium Muscularity - Rugged Muscularity - Rugged
Vault Form - Linear, high Vault Form - Ovoid Low Vault Form - Ellipse High Vault Form - V. Linear, byrsoid Vault Form - Linear, high Vault Form - Linear, high
Angularity - Slight Angularity - Medium Angularity - V. Slight Angularity - Medium Angularity - Slight Angularity - Slight
Occiput - Deep, rounded Occiput - rounded Occiput - Deep, prominent Occiput - Deep, prominent Occiput - V. deep, prom. Occiput - Upswept, rounded
Forehead - Wide, sloping Forehead - Rel. wide Forehead Wide - sloping Forehead - Rel. wide Forehead - Rel. wide Forehead - Rel. wide
Face outline - High, rect. Face outline - High, rect. Face outline - High, rect. Face outline - Med, rect. Face outline - High, rect. Face outline - Linear, rect.
Jaws - Angular, chin deep Jaws - Angular chin deep Jaws - Angular - chin deep Jaws - Angular, chin prom. Jaws - Angular, chin prom. Jaws - Angular, proj.
Nose - High, beaky Nose - High, beaky Nose - Thin beaky Nose - Prominent Nose - High, V. beaky Nose - High
Orbits - Rect. tilted Orbits - Low rect. Orbits - Low rect. Orbits - Rect. tilted Orbits - Rect. tilted Orbits - Rhomboid, tilted

The beaky "D type" nose common in Iran, has led to a Rhinoplasty boom where over 100.000 procedures are made each year.

Metric types studies were made by clustering 152 examples based on 9 variables of the head. Clustering was performed on the standardized data matrix using the K-Means algorithm and employing the Euclidean measure of distance (Duda et al., 2001). Features of five types are enumerated. Presented here is Coons Irano-Nordid:

Irano-Nordoid Metric Types:

Head Lenght, - Long Cephalic Index - Very Low 100*Head Breadth/Head Length
Head Width - Narrow Facial Index - Very High 100*Total Facial Height/Bizygomatic
Bizygomatic - Very Narrow Upper Facial Index - Very High 100*Upper Facial Height/Bizygomatic
Bigonial - Narrow Nasal Index - Low 100*Nasal Breadth/Nasal Length
Total Facial Height - High Zygo-Frontal Index - Average 100*Minimum Frontal/Bizygomatic
Upper Facial Height - High Zygo-Gonial Index - Average 100*Bigonial/Bizygomatic
Nasal Height - Average Fronto-Parietal Index - Average 100*Minimum Frontal/Head Breadth[8]

Cranial Comparison:

Iran Sub-Saharan Africa 12%
Iran Australo-Melanesian 25%
Iran Eskimo 25%
Iran East Asia 34%
Iran Pacific Island 40%
Iran Nubia 43%
Iran India 55%
Iran Greece 59%
Iran Somalia 64%
Iran South Egypt 65%
Iran Switzerland 67%
Iran Ameridian 69%
Iran North Egypt 77%
Iran Portugal 77%
Iran North Africa 80%
Iran England 82%
Iran France 84%
Iran Russia 84%
Iran Germany 86%
Iran Central Europe 88%
Iran Jericho 88%
Iran Denmark 91%[9]

Closest Blood group system in affinity to Iranians, are Russians followed by Ukrainians.

Type O A B AB Simularity
Iranians 38 33 22 7 62,9%
Russians 33 36 23 8 59%
Ukrainians 37 40 18 6 65%[10]


  1. ^
  2. ^ "Earnest Hooton on the Mediterranean Subrace (from E. A. Hooton, Up from the Ape, 1946)". Retrieved 2009-05-15.
  3. ^ Biasutti, Renato. "Renato Biasutti on Caucasoid Subraces: from Le Razze e i popoli della terra". pp. 409–410.
  4. ^ Coon, Carleton S., The Races of Europe
  5. ^ Jablonski, Nina. Pennsylvania state University USA
  6. ^
  7. ^ Hooton, Earnest. Up from the Ape. New York: Macmillan Co., 1931 (rev. ed. 1946)
  8. ^
  9. ^ pics 1 & 2 from Felix V. Luschan, The Early Inhabitants of West Asia pic 3 from Carleton S. Coon, The Races of Europe
  10. ^ L. Beckman, A Contribution to the Physical Anthropology and Population Genetics of Sweden; Lund, Sweden, 1959.

Further reading