Kappa Alpha Order

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Kappa Alpha Order


Motto: Dieu et les Dames (God and the Ladies)
Nicknames: KA, The Order

The Coat of Arms

Founded: Error: Invalid birth date for calculating age at

Washington College Lexington, VA

Founding Fathers:
  • James Ward Wood
  • William Archibald Walsh
  • William Nelson Scott
  • Stanhope McClelland Scott
Practical Founder:
  • Samuel Zenas Ammen
Spiritual Founder:[1]
Knight Commander
  • Mike Duncan
Executive Director
  • Larry S. Wiese

National Philanthropy

Muscular Dystrophy Association

No. of Undergraduates

Approx. 6,000

No. of Alumni

Approx. 100,000

No. of Active Chapters


No. of Alumni Chapters


Official Colors: Crimson and Old Gold
Official Flowers: Crimson Rose and Magnolia Blossom
Other Mottos: Fratres usque ad aram fidelis (Brothers faithful unto death).
Initiate Badge:
Flag: File:KAFlag.gif
Kappa Alpha Order Website

The Kappa Alpha Order (KA) is a secret collegiate Order of Knights. It is not to be confused with the Kappa Alpha Society.


Kappa Alpha Order was originally founded as Phi Kappa Chi on December 21, 1865 at Washington College in Lexington, Virginia. The four founding fathers included James Ward Wood, William Archibald Walsh, and brothers William Nelson Scott and Stanhope McClelland Scott. Soon after the founding, the local chapter of Phi Kappa Psi protested the name "Phi Kappa Chi," due to the similarity of the names, leading Wood to change the name of the fraternity to K.A. by April of 1866. The popular old Kuklos Adelphon society had gone defunct during the Civil War, and it is suspected that Wood selected the letters K.A. to attract those who were familiar with the old society. Within one year the fraternity's ritual would be expanded upon and given a new vision by "practical founder," Samuel Zenas Ammen. In the years that followed, the Order spread throughout the Southern United States, a distinguishing factor that separates it from the smaller, northern-based Kappa Alpha Society. KA is also one-third of the Lexington Triad, along with Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Nu. Robert E. Lee, whose ideals of chivalry and gentlemanly conduct inspired the founders, was designated the "Spiritual Founder" of the Order by John Temple Graves at the 1923 Convention.

National Office

The Kappa Alpha Order Administrative Office is located at Mulberry Hill, in Lexington, Virginia. Mulberry Hill is located on the western edge of Lexington, Virginia, is one of the town’s chief historic houses and forms a scenic backdrop for the Lexington Historic District and Washington and Lee University. It is documented that Mulberry Hill is where Robert E. Lee spent his first night in Lexington, after arriving to take over as president of Washington College.[2] Mulberry Hill is a Virginia Historic Landmark,and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.[3] The offices for the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation are also housed here.

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee is recognized as the Spiritual Founder of Kappa Alpha Order. Lee was president of Washington College while the founders were students. They were so affected by Lee's ideals of chivalry, gentlemanly conduct, and faith that they molded those of the Order after his. Although his title of Spiritual Founder was coined in 1923, Lee has inspired Kappa Alpha Order since its inception.

The Definition of a Gentleman

The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.

The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly--the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light

The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled when he cannot help humbling others.

-Robert E. Lee

Member Programs

Number I's Leadership Institute

The I’s Leadership Institute is an intensive informational and educational retreat set at an upscale Christian conference center. The facility and premises are alcohol free which provides a learning atmosphere for the intense two and a half day conference. The focus of the Institute is to educate and empower the Number I’s to understand their role and responsibility as the chapter’s highest elected officer, recognize the tools and support systems provided, and to understand the standards and policies of operating an active chapter of Kappa Alpha Order.[4]

The Crusade

The purpose of The Crusade is to provide members with educational opportunities throughout their collegiate experience. The emphasis placed on academic excellence, community service, teambuilding and leadership.

This is done over the member's active membership service, and is broken up into 4 phases (usually coinciding with 4 years of undergraduate classes.) The Crusade's four phases are:

  • Voyage for Brotherhood - This phase encompasses the new member education program.
  • Honor Bound - The second phase of The Crusade is wrapped around an in-depth study of the Kappa Alpha Laws and the customs of the Order.
  • Quest for Leadership - The chief purposes of the third phase are to provide members with leadership skills and to educate them on social issues.
  • The Journey Beyond - The final phase of The Crusade, has been designed to allow members to focus on activities that will prepare them for life after college.[5]

Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF)

Established in 1982, the Kappa Alpha Order Educational Foundation (KAOEF) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The Foundation provides grants for educational programs of the fraternity, such as the National Leadership Institute and Province Councils, and provides scholarships to deserving graduate and undergraduate students. KAOEF funds these programs with donations contributed by KA alumni.[6] In 2006, KAOEF awarded $93,000 to 73 members to further their studies.[7]

Kappa Alpha Journal

The Kappa Alpha Journal seeks to reflect the Kappa Alpha experience by presenting news of active and alumni chapters, individual members, and the national organization; by addressing current issues facing the Greek system and the Order; by educating and entertaining those interested in the welfare of Kappa Alpha; and by serving as a historical record. The Journal has been published since 1879.[8]

Members of the Kappa Alpha Order are entitled to a free subscription to The Kappa Alpha Journal if initiated within the last ten years, between the years of 1936 and 1951, or are a member of The Loyal Order. Members initiated between 1936 and 1951 were guaranteed a lifetime subscription to the KA Journal.[9]

The Loyal Order

The Loyal Order is an alumni program for alumnus members of Kappa Alpha Order. The National office uses the money from Loyal Order memberships to help defray the cost of distributing the KA Journal, as well as other alumni resources. There are other benefits of membership, which are described on the program's webpage.[10]

The Ideals of Kappa Alpha Order

The members of Kappa Alpha Order pride themselves on a tradition of chivalry and a beckoning to the traditions of the southern gentleman and reminiscent of the Knights of the Crusades. A member of Kappa Alpha Order strives to offer reverence to both God and woman, and offers his brother a fraternal love, and an unwavering relationship of trust, obedience, and loyalty.

The symbolism of Kappa Alpha order often centers around the ideals of the order, and also represents the notions which a member of the order holds dear to his heart. Such things are as follows.

The colors of the order are traditionally Crimson and Old Gold. These colors represent the bloodshed of the knights of the crusade and the money spent by the old kings in defense of the countries and empires of the old, respectively.

The flowers of the order are the crimson rose and the magnolia blossom. The crimson rose represents the blood of the knights as well, and the white magnolia blossom represents the purity of woman, the essence of chivalry, and the magnolia itself is seen as a traditionally southern flower.

The crest itself is representative of several things. The hand holding the axe is representative of the continuing power of the Knight Commander and of the order. The Helmet was, at one time, a symbol used by the Knight Commander of the order. The badge of the order is featured at the center of the crest, and the lions on either side represent different things each. The lion on the left, looking away, symbolizes "regardant." Which encourages humbleness and an abstinence from several things in life. The one on the right, facing inward, symbolizes "rampant" which encourages a boisterous life and one of want and need. The design of the crest, featuring both lions, suggests that a balance is needed in life.

The flowers of the order, and a ribbon featuring the order's motto adorn the bottom of the crest.

The Varlet (2005 ed.), Kappa Alpha Order, 2005

The Kappa Alpha Order motto "Dieu Et Les Dames" is written on the ceiling of the Mississippi Capitol.[11]

Notable Members[12]


  • Ace Amerson (Delta Theta), Real World Paris TV Personality


  • Robert Crandall (Alpha Zeta) former president, chairman and CEO of American Airlines
  • Ely Callaway (Epsilon) Founder, Callaway Golf
  • Jordan Wheat Lambert (Zeta) Founder, Listerine
  • Brad Martin (Gamma Gamma) Former CEO, Sak's
  • Ken May (Gamma Gamma) CEO, FedEx Kinko's
  • S. Morgan Morton (Gamma Gamma) Former CEO of Warner Lambert




Chapter list

See List of Kappa Alpha Order chapters.