User:Stinglehammer/Educated in NorthEast England

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List of people educated in the North East of England

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A N Barrett researcher University of Bath
University of York
A R Hopkinson researcher University of York
Aaron Gardner researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8729-9823) Newcastle University
University of York
Abby Cathcart researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7003-1273 University of Leicester
Northumbria University
Newcastle University
Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh researcher Newcastle University
Abdullah Ahmadini Ph.D. University of Durham 2019 Durham University
Abdullah Alzahrani successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Abdulrahman Al Quait researcher University of York
University of Aberdeen
Abigail Rimmer successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Adam D J Calow researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
University of Hull
Adam Martin researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2559-6483) University of York
University of East Anglia
Adam Misky researcher Newcastle University
University College London
Aditya N Sharma researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4632-4521) Newcastle University
General Medical Council
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Lady Hardinge Medical College
Adrianna P. Kępińska researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3232-6289) Durham University
Agamemnon Zafeiropoulos Ph.D. University of York 2017 University of York
Ahmad Al-Enezi researcher Newcastle University
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Ahmed Abdulaziz Alnajjar researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1912-8867) Durham University
United Arab Emirates University
Ahmed Al-sharefi researcher Royal Victoria Infirmary
Ahmed Ali Al-Ghafli Ph.D. University of Durham 2010 Durham University
Ahmed M Eissa researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Ain Shams University Faculty of Science
Aida Moure Fernandez researcher University of York
Ajit Singh researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-6239-9967 Durham University
Alaa Abouhajar Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2007 Newcastle University
Alan D Uren researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7486-2322 University of York
University of Bristol
Alet Roux Ph.D. University of York 2006 University of York
Alex Haines researcher University of York
University of East Anglia
Alex Heyam researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1569-5389 University of York
University of Cambridge
Alex Victoria Benjamin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexander B Holton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexander T Simpson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexander Thomas Campbell Sadler successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexandra Black successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexandra Lewis successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexandra Ramsden successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alexandros Chrysos researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4568-4202) University of Bristol
University of York
Department of Pharmacy of the NKUA
Ali Al-Bayati researcher Newcastle University
Ali Aldibbiat researcher Newcastle University
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Alice M Toso successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alisa Doroshenko successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alison Allam successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alison Dorothy Morrison-Low successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alison Edwards successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Alison Forrester researcher Newcastle University
Alison H. Mitchell researcher Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Durham University Faculty of Science
Alison Jane Martingano researcher New School for Social Research
University of York
Alison Osbourne researcher Northumbria University
Alistair MacIntyre Ph.D. University of Durham 1997 Durham University
Alpaslan Ozerdem successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Amanda Roberts Thompson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Amani Al-Serhan successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Amy C Richards researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2154-224X University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Amy E Vincent researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0360-6644 Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
Amy Newman researcher Northumbria University
Sheffield Hallam University
Ana Sofia Domingues Rodrigues successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anastasia Scrutton philosopher of religion Durham University
Andrea Edoardo Varisco successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Andrew Paul Miller successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Andy Mprah researcher University of Leeds
University of York
Andy Wellings D.Phil. University of York University of York
Anette Bonifant Cisneros successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Angela Godfrey successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Angela R Perri researcher Durham University
Portland State University
Angelica Carletto researcher University of York
Angus Hebenton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Angus J Lothian researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4121-3817) Durham University
University of Glasgow
Anika Kreutzberg researcher University of Bayreuth
University of York
Ann Gray successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anna Browning successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anna Katherine Patterson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anna á Váli Guttesen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Annabel Smith successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Annabell Zander successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anne van der Meij researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4174-0112) Leiden University
Newcastle University
Annie Louise Irvine successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anouk Marsman researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4768-7762 Utrecht University
University of Groningen
Newcastle University
University of Pennsylvania
Anthony Edward Harrison successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Anthony Matthews researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1290-271X) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of Cambridge
University of York
Antony K Sorial researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4449-014X) Royal College of Surgeons of England
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
University of Manchester
Anzy Miller researcher University of Cambridge
University of York
Ao Bo Zhao researcher Newcastle University
Southeast University
Ao Wang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Arakel Bedrossian successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Arancha López-Pérez researcher Autonomous University of Madrid
Newcastle University
Arathi Kizhedath researcher Newcastle University
Wageningen University & Research
Vellore Institute of Technology
Aseel Zibin researcher Newcastle University
Asif Ahmad successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Atsiya Pius Amos successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Atulya K Nagar researcher University of York
Augustin M S Brooks researcher Newcastle University
Guy's Campus
University of Oxford
Aurelio H Cabezas researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7836-5817) Anhembi Morumbi University
Kansas State University
Newcastle University
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Royal Veterinary College
Universidad de las Américas
Aylin Orbaşlı researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-7148-7640 University of York
Azizollah Azizi Ph.D. University of Durham 1997 Durham University
Bahire Erbil successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Bakhyt Aubakirova researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7106-3111) University of York
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Baltica Cabieses researcher University of York
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Medicina
Bao-Chuang Huang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Bas M J Olthof researcher Newcastle University
Radboud University Nijmegen
University of Twente
Bashar Zahawi researcher Newcastle University
Basil Price medievalist University of York Búi and the Blámaðr: Comprehending Racial Others in Kjalnesinga Saga
Basim H M Asghar researcher Durham University
Beatrice Akua-Sakyiwah successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Beatrice Hernout successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Beatrice Pierluigi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Bella Gaffney successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ben Sherlock researcher University of Oxford
Durham University Department of Physics
Ben Shillitoe researcher Newcastle University
Benen Harrington Ph.D. University of York 2018 University of York
Benjamin Elliott successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Benjamin Jacobsen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Benjamin Musembi Nganda successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Benjamin Wingfield researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2913-0779) Magee College
Newcastle University
Bernadette C Robertson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9077-4461 University of Lancaster
Northumbria University
Bethany Adams researcher University of York
University of Bristol
Bethany Sian Nelson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Bharath Sudev Ph.D. University of York 2015 University of York
Bhupinder Virk researcher Durham University
Imperial College London
Bina Mistry Ph.D. University of Durham 2008 Durham University
Binglei Zhao researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5390-1983) University of Edinburgh
University of York
Southeast University
Blessing Chidimuro successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Bliss Gibbons researcher Durham University
Bonnie Yuen researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7542-5642) University College London
Durham University
Brenda J Wilson researcher Newcastle University
University of Edinburgh
University of St Andrews
Brian P Dolan researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0138-5662 Durham University
University of Edinburgh
Bruce Grieve researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5130-3592 University of Manchester
University of York
C H Cole Sims researcher University of Manchester
Durham University
C. Stephen Varcoe successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
C.J. MacLeod researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0460-1626 The Open University
Durham University
Callum N Watson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2511-5501 University of Birmingham
Newcastle University
Calum A Hamilton researcher Newcastle University
Loughborough University
University of Edinburgh
Camila Carneiro da Silva Caiado Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Candy Rowe researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5379-843X Newcastle University
Cangheng Liu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Carlota Maria Miranda Quintal successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Carol Robinson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Carys Evans researcher Northumbria University
Durham University
Cassey Muir researcher Newcastle University
Cassim Ladha researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8617-886X Newcastle University
Catherine Atkinson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Catherine Elizabeth Fahy successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Cathren Gowenlock researcher Swansea University
University of Bristol
University of York
Catriona M H Anderson researcher Newcastle University
University of Aberdeen
Chang Li researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3514-7857) Newcastle University
Dalian Ocean University
Chaowen Zheng successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Charlie Wand researcher University of York
University of Oxford
Charlotte Catherine Aneliese Rowley successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Chen Yang Ph.D. University of Durham 2008 Durham University
Chenyang Tang researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3994-9371) Newcastle University
Chia-Ying Chiang researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9630-4003 University of Cambridge
Durham University
National Tsing Hua University
Chiara G M Girotto researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6412-342X) Goethe University Frankfurt
Durham University
University of Tübingen
Ching-Yun Wei researcher University of York
National Cheng Kung University
Taipei Medical University
Chloe I Bloom researcher Advance HE
Imperial College London
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of Manchester
Chris Gardiner researcher University College London
King's College London
Northumbria University
Chris J Hulatt researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2741-8402 Bangor University
Ermysted's Grammar School
Chris Plummer researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4135-3008) Imperial College London
University of Oxford
Newcastle University
University of Bristol
Chris R Vernazza researcher Newcastle University
University of Sheffield
Chris Sherer researcher University of Central Lancashire
University of York
Christian Fernqvist successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Christina Hood researcher Newcastle University
Christine Johnstone successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Christo Tsilifis researcher Newcastle University
Christopher Constable archaeologist Durham University
Christopher James Maddocks successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Christopher Keith Pankhurst successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Christos Karelakis researcher Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Agriculture
Newcastle University
Chun Chen researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6162-0284) Newcastle University
Chunting Michelle Wang chemistry researcher University of York
Claire Louise Eustance successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Claire P Rees researcher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Newcastle University
Clare Jackson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Clare Lesser successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Clare S Mahon researcher Newcastle University
Clive P Morgan researcher University College London
University of York
Colin Dunlop researcher Durham University
Colin M Howles researcher University of Reading
University of Nottingham
University of York
Connor Richardson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2543-9813 Newcastle University
Connor Rogerson researcher University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Conor D Rankine researcher University of York
Corry Gellatly researcher Newcastle University
Courtney A Miller researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0748-4290) University of North Texas Health Science Center
Durham University
Northwestern University
Hofstra University
Craig Thelwell researcher Newcastle University
University of Birmingham
Cristina Zambon Ph.D. University of York 2004 University of York
D. Catherall Ph.D. University of Durham 1963 Durham University
D. G. Hickin Ph.D. University of Durham 2004 Durham University
D. R. Bull Ph.D. University of Durham 1995 Durham University
Dalia Iskander researcher Durham University Department of Anthropology
University of Oxford
Daniel Bryant successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Daniel Hull successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Daniel Robins successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Darragh McCashin researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2686-2111) University College Dublin
University of York
Trinity College Dublin
Darren Baxter successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Daryl M Beggs researcher Durham University
David John Miller particle physicist at University of Glasgow Durham University
David Martin Ph.D. University of Durham 1974 Durham University
David Raynor Wilkins Ph.D. University of Durham 1985 Durham University
David Roberts successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
David William Hill successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Davis Kiima successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Dawei Lu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
De-Sheng Ker researcher University of York
Deborah Stienstra researcher York University
University of York
University of Alberta
Derfogail Delcassian researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8030-7672 Imperial College London
University of York
Detta Dickinson Ph.D. University of York 1993 University of York
Dina Salah El Din Nasr Mostafa Ph.D. University of York 2013 University of York
Ding He researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0440-5676) Uppsala University
University of York
National Taiwan University
Chung Yuan Christian University
Dominik Jochym researcher Durham University Department of Physics
Dominika J Nowakowska researcher Joslin Diabetes Center
University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Donald Henson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Dorothy Hawkins successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Douglas Robertson researcher Advance HE
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Duvuru Geetha researcher Madras Medical College
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
WellSpan York Hospital
Freeman Hospital
Dvoralai Wulfsohn researcher University of California, Davis
Newcastle University
Dzun Noraini Jimat researcher Newcastle University
University of Technology Malaysia
Eduardo M de Melo researcher University of York
Edward Hillier Blinkhorn successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Edward James Crooks successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Edward Monteith successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Edwin Charles Brady Ph.D. University of Durham 2005 Durham University
Edwin Robert Hancock Ph.D. University of Durham 1981 Durham University
Eftychia Bellou researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0971-5614 University of Thessaly
Newcastle University
Elaine Bidmead researcher Durham University Department of Sociology
Northumbria University
Eleanor G McCullough successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Eleanor Joan Green researcher University of York
Eleanor Jones particle physicist in the UK University of Warwick
Durham University
Eleni Goumenaki researcher Agricultural University of Athens
Newcastle University
Elizabeth Amanda Winn Ph.D. University of Durham 1999 Durham University
Elizabeth Coleman researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6902-0235) University of York
University of Liverpool
Elizabeth J Horton researcher Coventry University
University of Bristol
University of Sunderland
Elizabeth M A Wright successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Elric Esposito researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5881-0282 University of Strathclyde
Northumbria University
Elsayed Ali Habib Elamir Ph.D. University of Durham 2001 Durham University
Eltayeb Elhag Ahmed Adam successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ema Tokolahi researcher York St John University
Auckland University of Technology
Emily Rayner successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Emily Rebecca Hellewell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Engels Obi researcher Columbia University
Purdue University
University of Sunderland
University of Nigeria
Enkeleida Tahiraj successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Eppie Leishman successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Eraldo Ribeiro researcher University of York
Eric W S Wolever successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Erica Pool researcher London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of York
Leeds School of Medicine
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
University College London
Estefania Guimaraes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Esther Vergara Diaz Ph.D. University of York 2006 University of York
Eun Joong Kim researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5962-6994) Newcastle University
Eylem Elma researcher, ORCiD ID=0000-0001-8305-1169 Newcastle University
Sheffield Hallam University
Stockholm University
University of Kiel
F. Victor Clulow Canadian biologist Durham University
University of Ottawa
Fabio Profumo successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Faisal Haji M. Alhwikem Ph.D. University of York 2019 University of York
Farah A Rashid researcher Newcastle University
Fatih Ozgul researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8954-5899 University of Hertfordshire Department of Psychology
University of Sunderland
Newcastle University
Filip Kielar researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1785-3889) Durham University
Firat Altun successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Florian B Soulard researcher Grenoble Institute of Technology
Coventry University
Durham University
Florian Korbinian Scharnagl researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5301-9977 Leibniz Institute for Catalysis
Cardiff University
University of Würzburg
Durham University
Fran Branfield successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Fred J. Davis researcher University of York
Furqan Ahmed researcher University of York
Riphah International University
Ganesh S Mohrir researcher Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Teesside University
AO Foundation
National Academy of Medical Sciences
Gareth Dean archaeologist University of York
Gareth Dean successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gareth S D Purvis researcher University of York
Queen Mary University of London
Gareth Stewart successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gary McGeorge researcher University of Utah
Durham University Department of Chemistry
University of Glasgow
Gavin Idris Probert Ph.D. University of Durham 2005 Durham University
Gayathri Devarajan researcher University of Aberdeen
Cardiff Metropolitan University
University of York
Gayle Clifford researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1956-731X) Newcastle University
Queen Margaret University
George Edward Clarke successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Georgios Christodoulou researcher University of Liverpool
Durham University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Georgios Kanellos researcher University of Edinburgh
University of York
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Geraldine Bengsch successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
German Leonov researcher University of York
Gianluca Moretti successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gideon L Hughes researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8047-8888 University of York
Gillian Farnie researcher Newcastle University
University of Liverpool
Gina Cuomo-Dannenburg researcher Imperial College Faculty of Medicine
Durham University
Gloria Moroni successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Goksel Misirli researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2454-7188 Newcastle University
Gordon Cooper researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2864-2542 University of the Witwatersrand
Newcastle University
University of Manchester
Gracie E. Barrett researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-6741-381X University of York
Graeme A MacGilchrist researcher University of Oxford
University of Southampton
Newcastle University
Graeme Hewitt researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2614-6932 Newcastle University
Graham McClelland researcher Newcastle University
Graham S. Hall Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1971 Newcastle University
Gregory Sallabank researcher Leeds Beckett University
University of York
Greta K Wood researcher Newcastle University
Guebum Han researcher Seoul National University of Science and Technology
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology
Northumbria University
Guillermo Lopez-Casasnovas successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gurdeep Singh Sehmbi Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Gustavo Sandoval successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gwilym Williams archaeologist University of York
University of Oxford
UCL Institute of Archaeology
H Cengiz Yatmaz researcher Newcastle University
Hana Abdelwadoud Abdeen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Hanan Alsuraihi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Hani Abu Qdais researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9370-8988) Newcastle University
Hannah Connelly researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3140-0333) University of Glasgow
University of Sheffield
Durham University
Hannah Kirk researcher Monash University
Newcastle University
Hannah Lumley researcher Durham University
Northumbria University
Hannah M. Earnshaw researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5857-5622 Durham University
Hao Chen Ph.D. University of York 2007 University of York
Harald Kuntschner researcher Durham University Department of Physics
Haroldas Bagdonas researcher University of York
Harriet Thomson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4971-4915 University of York
Hasan Al-Rifaie researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2984-1247) Poznań University of Technology
Newcastle University
Hassan Jawad Al-Salman Ph.D. University of Durham 2010 Durham University
Hazel M Girvan researcher Advance HE
Helen Baldwin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Helen Jane Hawa Diggle successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Helen Lacey successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Hie Ling Wong researcher University of York
Hishamuddin Zainuddin Ph.D. University of Durham 1990 Durham University
Holly Anne Steel successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Holly Dale researcher University of Manchester
University of York
Hossein Enshaei researcher Newcastle University
Amirkabir University of Technology
Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
Hsing Miao Chi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Hui-lan Chang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Huw D R Golledge researcher Newcastle University
University College London
Hyangmi Choi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Hüseyin Ali Yalım researcher Newcastle University
Ondokuz Mayıs University
Ian Alexander Becket Strachan Ph.D. University of Durham 1991 Durham University
Ian Corrick successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ian Dersley successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ian Dransfield researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5848-7059 University of Sheffield
University of York
Ian Strachan researcher Durham University
University of Cambridge
Ian W H Jarvis researcher Newcastle University
Ibrahim Al-Zahrani researcher Newcastle University
King Abdulaziz University
Umm Al-Qura University College of Applied Sciences
Ibrahim Habli researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2736-8238) University of York
American University of Beirut
Idaira De Las Nieves Rodriguez Santana successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ignacio Briceño researcher Pontifical Xavierian University
Newcastle University
Ijeoma P Edoka researcher University of York
Ikhyun Jang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ing Chen researcher Durham University
National Taiwan University
Irene de Caso successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Isaac John Hughes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Isabelle Catherine Winder successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ivalina B Minova researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1001-6861) Durham University
J. Robert Archer Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2005 Newcastle University
Jaafar Jotheri researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-3648-3388 Durham University
Jack Bloomer researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5361-401X) University of Southampton
King's College London
Newcastle University
Jack Denham successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jack Ferguson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0503-0618) Newcastle University
Jack Longman researcher Northumbria University
Jack T Wilson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9774-553X) Durham University
University of Cambridge
Jack W Shepherd researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4840-0751) University of York
University of Oxford
Jack Wells successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jackie Hall successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jacob B Omajali researcher University of Birmingham
Newcastle University
Prince Abubakar Audu University
Jagjit Dhaliwal researcher McGill University Faculty of Dentistry
Newcastle University
Karnatak University
Jake Cowton researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8532-6453) Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Jake Morris researcher University of York
University College London
James Brailey-Partridge successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
James Gaughan successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
James Mainwaring successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
James Southwell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
James Whittle successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
James William Leonard successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jamie Auxillos researcher University of Edinburgh
Manchester Institute of Biotechnology
Newcastle University
Jamie Lawson researcher University of St Andrews
Durham University
Jamilya Junussova successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jan Sullivan Ph.D. University of Durham 1972 Durham University
Janaki Jayawardena successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jarka Glassey researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9932-6630) Newcastle University
Linköping University
Jarrod Leddy researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4492-7858 University of York
Georgia State University
Georgia Tech
Jason Scott researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7031-2171) Northumbria University
Newcastle University
University of Sunderland
Jean McKendree researcher University of York
Carnegie Mellon University
Jean-Baptiste Gouyon researcher University of York
Jeannette Kraft researcher Newcastle University
Royal College of Radiologists
Royal College of Physicians
University of Halle-Wittenberg
Jeffrey Hardy researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8688-9397 University of York
Jenni Monaghan researcher Northumbria University
Jennifer Liddle researcher University of Keele
Durham University
Jennifer Louise Cohen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jenny Alex Hayes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jeremy Beach researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8788-8406) Newcastle University
Jeremy Booth successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jeremy S Herman researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4104-2322) University of York
Jessica Bates successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jessica Hendy archaeologist University of York
Jessica Kate Hargreaves Ph.D. University of York 2019 University of York
Jia Liu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jiajie Zhang researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3928-8171) Durham University
National University of Singapore
Jianliang Ou researcher Newcastle University
National University of Defense Technology
Tongji University
Ohio State University
Xiangtan University
Jiawen Li successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jie Zhou successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jim S. Briggs researcher University of York
Jin Wang researcher ORCID 0000-0003-4646-9106 Newcastle University
Jing Wu researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5123-9861 University of York
Nanjing University
Jing Wu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jiratchaya Jaisaardsuetrong Ph.D. University of Durham 2009 Durham University
Jo Hardstaff researcher University of York
Imperial College London
University of Kent
University of Bath
Joanne B Newbury researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4080-4033 King's College London
Durham University
Joao Antonio Catita Garcia Pereira successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Joe Bogue researcher University College Cork
Newcastle University
Joe Kai researcher Royal College of General Practitioners
Newcastle University
Joe Roe
British archaeologist Batley Durham University
UCL Institute of Archaeology
Joel Francis Burden successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Johanna Nicholson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John Alwyn Joseph Ernst successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John Hill successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John Michael Weiler successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John Saddington successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John Stewart successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
John-Henry Wilson Clay successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jon Tandy researcher University of York
Jonas Niemann successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jonathan A Chapman researcher Newcastle University
Jonathan Andrew Potter successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jonathan Emerson researcher Teesside University
Jonathan Grant Ph.D. University of Durham 2016 Durham University
Jonathan M Taylor researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8016-1407) Teesside University
Teesside University Department of Sport and Exercise
Jonathan Mayes researcher Newcastle University
Jonathan Tellechea-Luzardo researcher Newcastle University
Paris-Saclay University
Technical University of Valencia
Joshua K G Karlsson researcher Newcastle University
Imperial College London
University of York
Joshua Lee researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8472-8733) University of York
University of Bristol
João Pedro Figueira Nunes researcher University of York
University of Manchester
Juliana Tipokere Tsepiso Munlo successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Julie Hirst successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Junho Park successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kai Jakob Brunner researcher Durham University Department of Physics
Culham Campus
University of York
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rostock
Kai-Wen Evangeline Tsao successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kanchanok Sirison researcher Durham University
Kanitta Bundhamcharoen researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6318-0497 University of York
Kasim Mohammed researcher Newcastle University
Kasun S Athukorala Arachchige researcher University of St Andrews
Northumbria University
Katharine Andersen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Katherine Giles successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Katherine Jackson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0332-0475) Newcastle University
University of Leeds
University of York
Katherine Webber researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1695-3354) Imperial College London
Newcastle University
Kathleen Cheung researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6449-7517) Newcastle University
University of Liverpool
University of East Anglia
Kathleen Whitaker successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kathryn Gilroy researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4607-194X) Newcastle University
University of York
Kathryn White researcher ORCID 0000-0003-2163-3547 Newcastle University
University of Dundee
Katie A. Hemer archaeologist Fitzwilliam College
Durham University
University of Sheffield
Katie E. Ardill researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7469-7873) Durham University
Katie Sworn researcher University of York
Katrina Mary Foxton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kazem Memarzia successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kazue Kojima successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ke-Jian Yan Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
KelechI Uleanya successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kelly McDonald successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kenneth Hodson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3091-6952) Newcastle University
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Royal College of Physicians
University of Bristol
Kenneth John Lovis Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
Kenneth Samora Rankin researcher Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
University of Dundee
Keri E Rowsell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Kerry Bell researcher University of York
Kerry Jobling researcher Newcastle University
Khanittha Walaijai successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Khoa Chung researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1920-3663 University of Oxford
University of York
Kimberly Jamie researcher University of York
Kirsty E McAleese researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0212-9823) Newcastle University
Klaus-Michael Aye researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4088-1928 Durham University Department of Physics
Kok-Lun Pang researcher Newcastle University
Konstantina Sotriou successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Konstantinos Georgalos successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Konstantinos Katzis researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1470-2105) University of York
University of Hull
Kristoffer S Winther researcher Newcastle University
University of Southern Denmark
Kun Wang researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2513-768X Newcastle University
Kushwanth Koya researcher Northumbria University
Kweku Andrew Ampadu Bimpong researcher Durham University
Kyriaki Mikellidou researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1860-6951 University of York
Laetitia Schmitt researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1052-488X) University of York
Laia Bosque Mercader successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Laura Cristina Rojas Blanco successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Laura Meghan Dennis successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Laura Suddaby successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Laure de Preux Gallone successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Laurence Burroughs researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0389-5148 University of York
Laurie J Phillips researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5181-1565 Bangor University
Durham University
Leanne Wake researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-1531-6473 Durham University
Lee G Broderick successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Lee Mcilreavy researcher Advance HE
Lee Thompson researcher ORCID 0000-0002-0820-1662 Northumbria University
Lei Wang Ph.D. University of York 2009 University of York
Leif Harald Fredheim researcher University of York
University College London
Leigh Andrea Symonds successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Leigh M Howarth researcher University of York
University of East Anglia
Leigh R. Martin researcher University of Manchester
University of York
Lemont Dobson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Lesley Anson researcher University of Bristol
Newcastle University
Lewis W Paton researcher Durham University
Lewis William Paton Ph.D. University of Durham 2016 Durham University
Li Sheng successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Liam D Harper researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-2089-4799 Northumbria University
Liam Dobson Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2019 Newcastle University
Liam J Fanning researcher Advance HE
University College Cork
Liang Yang researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5051-8815) South China University of Technology
University of Sunderland
Linda Speight researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8700-157X Newcastle University
Linda Tinkler researcher Institute of Leadership & Management
Newcastle University
Teesside University
Lindsay Marshall researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2077-8939) Newcastle University
Lisa M. Hodgetts researcher ORCID 0000-0001-7114-0738 Durham University
Llwyd David Orton researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8578-2296) Newcastle University
Lorna Hamilton researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0526-8252 University of York
The Open University
University of Cambridge
Lotika Singha successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Louise Hayes researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6442-4150) Newcastle University
Luca Aquili researcher University of St Andrews
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience
Northumbria University
Lucy E Bolton researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7028-641X University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
Lucy J Mitchell researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2162-013X) University of York
University of Liverpool
Manchester Metropolitan University
Lucy Waruguru Mburu researcher Heidelberg University
University of Sunderland
Maseno University
Luigi Landolfo successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Luis Cardoso Fernandes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Luisa Izzi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Luke J O'Driscoll researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0418-898X Durham University
Luke Stanbra Ph.D. University of Durham 2015 Durham University
Lyndon Drake Ph.D. University of York 2005 University of York
Lyndsay Lindley researcher York St John University
M S Abdul Majid researcher Newcastle University
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
M. David Lloyd Ph.D. University of Durham 1969 Durham University
M. J. Derrick Ph.D. University of Durham 1972 Durham University
M. S. Gate Ph.D. University of Durham 1977 Durham University
Mabel L S Lie researcher Newcastle University
Madeleine Gilkes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Maggie Lau Ka Wai successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mahdi Godazgar researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8926-7745 University of Cambridge
University of York
Maher AlQuaimi researcher Newcastle University
Georgia State University
Mahesh Poudyal researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0351-7764 University of York
Simon Fraser University
Mahmoud Medhat Elsherif researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0540-3998 University of Birmingham
University of York
University of Sussex
Maitrayee Choudhury researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2118-5537) Newcastle University
Maja Amanda Olsson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Majeed S Jassim researcher Newcastle University
Malcolm Druett researcher Northumbria University
Malgorzata Mitka successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Malihe Tabatabaie Ph.D. University of York 2012 University of York
Manal Alabdulhadi Ph.D. University of Durham 2018 Durham University
Manel Zouabi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Manish Raorane researcher Newcastle University
Manli Zhu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Manon Bondetti successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Manos Matsaganis researcher University of Bristol
University of York
Athens University of Economics and Business
Manuel Bernardo Barbosa Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2000 Newcastle University
Manuela Iovinella researcher University of York
Maoyi Tian researcher University of York
University of Oxford University College Oxford
University of New South Wales
Sydney University Press
Marc Vallbe Mumbru researcher ORCID: 0000-0002-7518-8971 University of Barcelona
Durham University
Marcus Fernandes researcher University of York
Marcus Gallagher-Jones researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4227-917X University of Liverpool
Durham University
Margaret Silvers doctoral candidate University of York
Mari R Tye researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-2491-1020 Newcastle University
Maria Jane Smith successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Marie Nicole Westmarland successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Marion Humbert researcher University of Geneva
University of York
Marjan Safi-Samghabadi Ph.D. University of Durham 2013 Durham University
Mark A Titley researcher Durham University
Imperial College London
University of Cambridge
Mark Aled Hutchinson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mark Andrew Carey successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mark Dayvon Goodsell Ph.D. University of Durham 2007 Durham University
Mark Hale researcher Queen Mary University of London
Durham University
Imperial College London
Mark Hale Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
Mark Speece researcher University of Sunderland
University of Arizona
University of Washington
Martha Deiros Collado researcher University College London
Faculty of Medicine and Health
University of York
International School of Geneva
Martin Joseph Steward successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Martin Timothy Wilkinson Scott successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Martina Garau researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0762-4743 University of York
Martyn Griffin researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-8574-7917 Newcastle University
Maryam Mehrabi researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8809-2146 Newcastle University
Maryam Mehrnezhad Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2017 Newcastle University
Maryanne Sue Vella successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matteo De Tina successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matteo Pazzona successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew Adams doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew D Frye researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4807-2807) Durham University
Matthew D Wright researcher Teesside University
Matthew Dyson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4502-6250 Imperial College London
Durham University
Matthew G Buckley researcher Durham University
Matthew Gregory Meredith Williams successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew I Beacham successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew Jenkins successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew P Su researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6186-211X University College London
Imperial College London
University of York
Matthew R Jowett successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Matthew Robson researcher ORCID 0000-0003-4558-7637 University of York
Matthew Rose molecular biology researcher University of York
University of Sheffield
Matthew Roycroft researcher Newcastle University
Matthew S Brook researcher University of Nottingham
University of York
Matthew Scott researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1062-3490) Teesside University
Leeds Trinity University
Matthias Kunz researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0541-3424) Newcastle University
TU Dresden
Matthieu Schaller researcher Durham University
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
Maureen B Quin researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7193-639X Newcastle University
Meg Gay successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Megan Geneva Murray successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Megan von Ackermann successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mehdi Hodjat successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mei-Hua Chen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mekonnen Yohannes researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5083-3073) Durham University Faculty of Science
Mel Guirro researcher Durham University
Melanie Ferguson researcher University of Nottingham
University of Southampton
Newcastle University
Melissa Jane Dearey successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Menelaos Symeonides researcher University of Vermont
University of York
Mevlut Dogan researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1730-0715) Newcastle University
Michael Atha successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Michael Francis Reed successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Michael George Hay successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Michael J Hughes successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Michal Pruski researcher Advance HE
Michele Mazzucco Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2009 Newcastle University
Miguel PrôA researcher University of York
University of Coimbra
Mike Lucock researcher Durham University
University of Leeds
Mike Paulden researcher University of York
University of Cambridge
Mikel Maiza researcher University of Mondragón
University of York
Mikhail Pokhoday researcher Northumbria University
Miles Wilson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0717-4137) Durham University
Heriot-Watt University
Minhao Zhang researcher University of York
Miqdad Asaria researcher University of York
Birkbeck, University of London
Imperial College London
Misael Anaya-Montes researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6780-6258) University of York
Mohamed H Al-Hamed researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7207-6122) Newcastle University
Mohammad Abd-Allateef Zayed Ph.D. University of Durham 2011 Durham University
Mohammad Ghamari researcher University of Lancaster
Newcastle University
University of Leeds
Mohammed Ali researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0012-0451) Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Mohammed Basheri researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2741-6893) Durham University
Griffith University
Mohd Shakir Mohamad Yusop researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7791-9363) Durham University
Mohi Miah researcher, ORCiD ID=0000-0001-5617-5350 Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Morag Galloway successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Morfo Zembyla researcher University of Leeds
University of Leicester
Durham University
Mudasir Firdosi researcher Royal College of Psychiatrists
Northumbria University
Government Medical College, Srinagar
Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical Sciences and Hospital
Mumtaz Hussain researcher University of York
Musalmah Mazlan researcher University of London
Newcastle University
University of Surrey
Mustafa Ali Hussain Al-Jaboori Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Mustafa K Bayazit researcher Durham University
Mutlu Cukurova researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5843-4854 University of York
Myfanwy Carmel Franks successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Mário L de Lemos researcher Newcastle University
University of British Columbia
Queen's University Belfast
De Montfort University
Nabeel Khan researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7267-2410) University of Sunderland
Ziauddin Medical College
Najla Qarmalah Ph.D. University of Durham 2018 Durham University
Nan Yang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nancy Innocentia Ebu researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3279-5800) University of Cape Coast
Northumbria University
Naomi Ussami researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3646-4571 Durham University Faculty of Science
Natalia Hanley researcher University of Manchester
Northumbria University
Natalie Gee Kwan Wong successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Natasha Khan successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Natasha Tracey researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6232-0868 University of Liverpool
Durham University
University of Edinburgh
Nathan Barker Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2014 Newcastle University
Nathan Forsythe researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4593-8233 Newcastle University
Nathan Huntley Ph.D. University of Durham 2011 Durham University
Nathan J Harrison researcher ORCID 0000-0001-8545-3452 Bournemouth University
University of Leeds
Newcastle University
Nathan Ramsay researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5310-209X) Durham University
Nehir Kandemir researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6624-9253) Newcastle University
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Neil C Rogers researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8423-6306) University of Leicester
Cranfield University
Durham University
Neil Frankish researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9825-7263 University of Strathclyde
University of Sunderland
Neil Greening researcher University of Leicester
Newcastle University
Neil Henderson Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2005 Newcastle University
Nektarios Andrea Rodosthenous successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nicholas John Howden Pamment researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4224-8955) Advance HE
University of Portsmouth
Nicholas R Jones researcher University of Oxford
Newcastle University
Nicholas Souter successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nicola D Airey researcher University of Hull
University of York
Nicola Edwards researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7925-2301 Manchester Metropolitan University
Newcastle University
Nicola McCullogh researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5000-1923) Northumbria University
Durham University - Queens Campus
Nicola Shaughnessy successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nienke van Doorn successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nikki Franklin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nikola Šibalić physicist Durham University
University of Belgrade
Nina Biehal successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nishant Sinha researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2090-4889 Newcastle University
Nanyang Technological University
Sikkim Manipal University
Nnodimele Onuigbo Atulomah researcher College of Medicine, University of Ibadan
University of Ibadan Faculty of Education
University of Sunderland
Nola H. L Barker successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Nuttaporn Rochanahastin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
O'Dessa Monnier successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Octavia Wiseman researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4890-9435) King's College London
University of York
Okan Yurduseven researcher Northumbria University
Yıldız Technical University
Oliver Frederick Goodbourn Ph.D. University of York 2015 University of York
Oliver J Price researcher Leeds Beckett University School of Education and Childhood
Imperial College Faculty of Medicine
Northumbria University
Nottingham Trent University - Clifton Campus
Oliver W White researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6444-0310) Durham University
Olivier Preham researcher University of York
Olusola Clement Idowu researcher Newcastle University
Lagos State University
Omara Dogar researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7122-8403 University of York
Bolan Medical College
Osagie G Izuogu researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3116-2558 Newcastle University Institute of Genetic Medicine
Newcastle University
Osaid T Al Meanazel researcher King Saud University
University of Sunderland
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Osvaldo Yasser Lagares Feliz successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Othman Omran Khalifa researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0847-6017 Newcastle University
Ozge Onay successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
P S Brown researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
P. M. D. Furness Ph.D. University of Durham 1972 Durham University
P.K. Johnny Wong researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-4645-0384 University of York
Paiboon Jitprasertwong researcher Newcastle University
Paige E Davis researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0043-9991) Durham University
Paige E Panter researcher Durham University
Pam Hanley researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4458-4322 University of York
The Open University
University of Manchester
Pamela Beatrice Hartshorne successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Pamela Frances Brown researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6819-6244) University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Leeds
Panayiotis Louca researcher King's College London
St Mary's University, Twickenham
Northumbria University
Parul Johar successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Patrick Gallimore successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Paul Dolan successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Paul Heap successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Paul James Chappell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Paula Mulvenna researcher Royal College of Radiologists
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Pauline Miller researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4157-3994 Newcastle University
University of Glasgow
Payal Ganguly researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1042-5910) University of Leeds
Newcastle University
Payam Dadvand researcher Newcastle University 20th century
Pedro Saramago Goncalves researcher University of York
Pen-Yuan Hsing researcher Durham University
Pennsylvania State University
Duke University
Peng Zhou researcher ORCID 0000-0002-4310-9474 Cardiff University
University of York
Peking University
Permtip Buaphet successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Pete Philipson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7846-0208 Newcastle University
Peter Jensen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Peter MacDonald successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Peter S. Harrison successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Peter Worth successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Petre Ionita researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2216-3842 University of York
Phil Hayes researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4197-2848 Northumbria University
Philip A Lewis researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5002-1529) University of York
Aberystwyth University
Philip Adsley researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1373-679X University of York
University of Cambridge
Philip Bett researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4508-7192 Durham University
Philip Emeka Anyanwu researcher University of Sunderland
University of Nigeria
Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Philip Fletcher researcher University of Plymouth
University of Aberdeen
University of York
Philip Hampton researcher Newcastle University
Philip Murgatroyd researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-3021-4283 University of Birmingham
University of York
University of Bradford
Pinraj Khanjanusthiti successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Pisuttawan Sripirom Ph.D. University of Durham 2007 Durham University
Polly Lang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Pradeep Dheerendra researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1575-154X Newcastle University
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Pranati Mohanraj successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Prashasth Cheekoty researcher Newcastle University
Q59835141 researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7534-8760 Durham University
Kyoto University
NOVA University Lisbon
Qian Wang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
R L King researcher Newcastle University
University of Bristol
R. Mitchell Ph.D. University of Durham 1963 Durham University
Rachael J Oakenfull researcher Durham University Faculty of Science
University of Sheffield
Rachel E Piddock researcher University of East Anglia
Newcastle University
Rachel L Abbott researcher University of Sunderland
Rachel L W Hanson researcher University of York
Rachel Louise Parks successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rachel Stocker researcher Durham University
Rachele Salvatelli successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rahul Kumar researcher in optics and sensors (ORCID 0000-0002-6465-6995) Northumbria University
Rakesh Ghosh researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3630-6912) Newcastle University
Ramalakshmi V Isaiah successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Raman Ramsin Ph.D. University of York 2006 University of York
Ramón Landin-Romero researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-0485-8090 University of Barcelona
University of York
University of Málaga
Ranjeeta Alice Thomas successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Raphael P Hermann researcher ORCID 0000-0002-5588-0696 Newcastle University
Ras Ramli researcher Newcastle University
University of Queensland
Ratchada Cressey researcher Newcastle University
Ratih Puspitasari successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rebecca A Dewhirst researcher University of York
University of Edinburgh
Rebekah J McNaughton researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9917-6289 Teesside University
Rein Ove Sikveland researcher University of York
Renato G Freitas researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4480-7212) Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Newcastle University
Federal University of Uberlândia
Reyme Herman researcher University of York
University of Adelaide
Ricardo Gonçalves researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8457-4479) University of York
Richard Cripps academic University of York
Richard Evans successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Richard Luke Powell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Richard McManus successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rifat Mahbub successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rita Faria researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3410-1435) University of York
Rita Isadora Venancio dos Santos successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rob Brooks researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7104-0099 University of Huddersfield
Auckland University of Technology
Northumbria University
Rob Lee researcher Durham University
University of Cambridge
Rob McSherry researcher Teesside University
Robert Michael Collins successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Roberto Mura successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Robin Brabham researcher University of York
Robin Christopher Wooffitt successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rochelle L Rowell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rodrigo Moreno-Serra researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6619-4560) University of York
Roger David Boyle D.Phil. University of York 1978 University of York
Roger Leigh researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2004-6965 University of York
Roisin Stout researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6519-5836) Newcastle University
Ronald Stocker Beaugard successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Rosalie Ferner researcher Newcastle University
University College London
Rosemary Ann Lees successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ross Goutcher researcher University of Glasgow
Newcastle University
Ruchi Higham successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ruggero De Agostini researcher University of Padua
University of Trieste
University of York
Rungnapa Tagun researcher University of York
Rupert Avis successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Russell Thomas researcher University of Birmingham
University of Sunderland
Rute Vieira researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3599-7299 Newcastle University
Ruth Christine Jenni Ph.D. University of Durham 2010 Durham University
Ruth Knight successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ryan C Parker researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0440-1034 University of East Anglia
University of York
Ryan Gordon Epton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ryan Samuels researcher Newcastle University
S O'Brien researcher Newcastle University
Saadat Anwar Siddiqi researcher Newcastle University
Sabina Ghislandi successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sahar Sharif researcher University of Glasgow
Newcastle University
Saiful Bahri Mohamed researcher University of Salford
Loughborough University
Northumbria University
Sajida Kousar Ph.D. University of York 2013 University of York
Sakhr Alhuthali researcher Imperial College London
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Sally Stephens researcher Newcastle University
Sam Challis researcher University of Oxford
Durham University
Samantha L Bowerbank researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4685-9350) Northumbria University
Samantha L Edwards researcher Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
University of Groningen
Newcastle University
Monash University
Samina Hamilton researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3610-8251) Newcastle University
Samuel Charles Turner successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sandra Pauletto researcher University of York
Sansom Milton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sara Anne Stephenson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sara Eugeni successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sarah Connelly researcher University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
Sarah Louise Wood UK English teacher & historian University of York
University of Manchester
19th century
Saumya Kumar researcher Instituto de Medicina Molecular
University of York
Padmashree Dr DY Patil University
20th century
Sayuri M Naruse researcher Northumbria University
Scott Andrew Thomson Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Seamus Cook researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4596-1916) Brighton and Sussex Medical School
University of Bristol
Newcastle University
Selami Sezgin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sepehr Meshkinfamfard Ph.D. University of Durham 2016 Durham University
Seung-Cheol Chang researcher Newcastle University
Dongguk University
Shan Gunasegar researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-4076-8992) University of Malaya
Northumbria University
Shaun J McLaren researcher Teesside University
Shehzad Ali researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-8042-3630) University of Leicester
University of York
University of Leeds
Dow University of Health Sciences
Sheila A. Trelease Ph.D. University of Durham 1969 Durham University
Sheng Li Ph.D. University of York 2010 University of York
Sherif Azer successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Shibshankar Prasad Gupta successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Shibu K Mani researcher Northumbria University
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Shijie Ren researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3568-7124 University of Sheffield
University of Cambridge
University of York
Shinmin Wang researcher University of York
Shipra narang Suri successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Shu-Chi Liu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Shuaili Wang successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Silvana Robone researcher University of York
Silvia A Gerber-Helbling successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Silvia Soncin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Simon A. Gardiner researcher Durham University
University of Innsbruck
University of Waikato
Simon Alderton researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5645-2338 University of Southampton
Durham University
Simon C Baker researcher University of York
Simon Charles Webb successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Simon Eggleston researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-6556-0442 Durham University
Simon Hickinbotham researcher University of York
Simon J Walker researcher Newcastle University
Durham University
Simon Leigh researcher University of York
University of Liverpool
Simone Thirstrup Andersen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Siqi Song successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Siti Mazidah Mohamad researcher Durham University
University of Leeds
Siân E. Green researcher, 0000-0003-0513-8490 Durham University
University of Southampton
University of Reading
Song Yuan Yan Ph.D. University of York 1995 University of York
Songyot Weerataweemat successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sopapun Suwansawang researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4724-8735) University of York
Prince of Songkla University
King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
Sophia E Whitlock researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4871-6385) University of York
University of Nottingham
Sophia Mackinder successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sophie Quick researcher University of Edinburgh
University of York
Sophy Jessica Laura Charlton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Stacey Gee successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Stan Zachary Ph.D. University of Durham 1981 Durham University
Stefan James Swift successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Stephanie Grillo researcher Durham University Department of Biosciences
University of Sunderland
Stephanie J Urwin researcher University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
University of Vermont
Stephanie Petty researcher University of Hull
University of York
Stephen Andrew Jarvis Ph.D. University of Durham 1996 Durham University
Stephen Andrew McGough Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2000 Newcastle University
Stephen Brealey researcher University of York
Stephen Dunne researcher Durham University
Stephen J. Livingstone physical geographer, glaciologist University of Bristol
Durham University
Stephen Matthew Platt researcher ETH Zurich
University of Copenhagen
University of York
Stephen Miles researcher Durham University
University of Sheffield
University of Glasgow
Stephen Morris researcher ORCID 0000-0003-0339-7018 University of Sunderland
Stephen P Moss researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1399-293X) University of York
University of Hull
Stephen P. Hancock researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4205-7913) University of Pittsburgh
York College
Stephen Parkin researcher University of Huddersfield
University of Plymouth
Durham University Department of Anthropology
Stephen W J Campbell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Stewart Martin-Haugh researcher University of Sussex
University of York
Stuart J Mills researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2462-7081 University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of South Australia
Stuart K Calderwood researcher Newcastle University
Stuart Nicholas Cherry Ph.D. University of Durham 2001 Durham University
Stuart R.G. Calimport researcher Imperial College London
Newcastle University
Suchada Sowat successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sujan Rajbhandari researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8742-118X Northumbria University
Sun-nam Kim successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sung-Eun Lee successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Sunil Rodger researcher Newcastle University
University of St Andrews
Supachai Vuttipongchaikij researcher University of York
Supreeta Vijayakumar researcher Teesside University
University of Edinburgh
Suraya Sukri successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Susan Buckham successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tahani Coolen-Maturi researcher Durham University
Takahiro Asano successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tanika Bawa researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1368-0346 University of Geneva
Durham University
Tanya Beetham researcher University of Stirling
York St John University
Tao Chen researcher, chemical engineering, University of Surrey, Nanyang Technological University, ORCID: 0000-0002-3941-1603 Newcastle University
Tsinghua University
Tarn Mealnie Driffield successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tatiana R Feuerborn researcher Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Fachbereich III Geowissenschaften
University of York
Tazeen Fatima Khan successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Terry J. Aspray researcher Newcastle University
Theis ZT Jensen successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Thiago Barros-Galvão researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0112-7084) University of York
Thiseas C Lamnidis researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4485-8570) Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology
Durham University
University of York
Thomai Tsiftsi Ph.D. University of Durham 2015 Durham University
Thomas Arthur Rodgers successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Thomas Edwin Hope successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Thomas James Hunter successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tim Le Bas researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2545-782X University of Reading
Durham University Faculty of Science
Timothy Roberts researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8252-6337 University of Leicester
Durham University
Timothy S McHale researcher University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Durham University
University of Central Florida
Timothy Steven Wingard doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tina Eftekhar Khansari successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tobyn Eagles researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0930-126X) Northumbria University
Tom Crane researcher Newcastle University
Tom H Anderson researcher University of Edinburgh
University of York
Tom Powles researcher University of York
Tom W Macpherson researcher Teesside University School of Computing
Teesside University
Northumbria University
Tong Peng Ph.D. University of York 2014 University of York
Tony Abramson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tosh Warwick researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9112-4612 University of Huddersfield
Teesside University
University of Lancaster
Tracee Green successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Tsung-hsi Fu successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Turalay Kenc successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Ufot Isaac Asibong-Ibe D.Phil. University of York 1982 University of York
Umeshi Karunadasa researcher University of Peradeniya
Northumbria University
Utane Sawangwit researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-9852-3667 Durham University Faculty of Science
University of Cambridge
Vanja Pekovic-Vaughan researcher Durham University Faculty of Science
University of Leeds
Vassilis Kitidis researcher Newcastle University
Verena Riedl researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2851-0347 University of York
Victoria Ann Rosalind Gould D.Phil. University of York 1986 University of York
Victoria Montgomery Ph.D. University of Durham 2009 Durham University
Vinod Kumar Puthiyapura researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1746-3573 Newcastle University
Viola Angelini Ph.D. University of York 2008 University of York
Viviana Toro-Ibacache researcher University of York
University of Chile
Vivien Deacon successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Vlad C Seitan researcher Newcastle University
University of Edinburgh
Vladislav Popov successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Véronique Pagé Ph.D. University of Durham 2008 Durham University
Wahidah Hashim researcher King's College London
University of Bath
University of York
Wei Liang Lai researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4179-8269) Newcastle University
University of Glasgow
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Institute of Technical Education
Wei-Ting Lu researcher Yorkshire Cancer Research
University of Sheffield
Wen-Tsan Lin Ph.D. University of Durham 2007 Durham University
Wen-Tsung Den successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Wenchao Wei successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Wendy Ann Mitchell successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Wendy Xiao Qin Robinson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
William Paterson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
William Roy White successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
William Swansborough-Aston successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Willliam Henry J. Bainton successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Windy A McKinney successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Xiaohui Zhao researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9922-2815 Newcastle University
Xiaoxian Zhang researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1883-8306 Newcastle University
Xin Kang researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1126-5771) University of York
Xuebo Zhao researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5352-0953 Newcastle University
China University of Petroleum (East China)
Liaoning Shihua University
Xueqi Dong successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Yan-Chuan Cai researcher Durham University
Yang Gao successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Yang Lei Ph.D. University of Durham 2016 Durham University
Yanmin Li researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0284-0930) University of York
Imperial College London
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Yann Lie researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4899-7423 University of York
École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse
Yiming Xing researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9434-0273) Newcastle University
Yu-Hsuan Lin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Yuan He researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-1712-0776) University of York
Yuan Yuan researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2689-102X) University of York
Yuanheng Xiong researcher University of North Dakota
Suffolk University
Newcastle University
Shenzhen University
Yuci Gou researcher University of York
Beihang University
Yudistira Permana successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Yunfeng Ma Ph.D. University of York 2018 University of York
Yunlong Cai Ph.D. University of York 2009 University of York
Yunyi Cao researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3400-0394 Newcastle University
Southeast University
Yunze He researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-7081-8225 National University of Defense Technology
Newcastle University
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Yura Sevcenco researcher Cardiff School of Engineering
Cranfield University
University of Portsmouth
Durham University
Yvonne S L Choo researcher Newcastle University
University of Science Malaysia
Z. Igo researcher, ORCID iD = 0000-0001-9274-1145 Durham University
Zainal Ahmad researcher Newcastle University
University of Surrey
University of Technology Malaysia
Zakiah Ebrahim Kalantan Ph.D. University of Durham 2014 Durham University
Zaliha Hj Hussin successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Zara Burford successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Zhe Chen Ph.D. University of Durham 2017 Durham University
Zhi Li researcher ORCID: 0000-0002-0583-1116 Durham University
Zhiying Jian successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Zhongmei Ji Ph.D. University of York 2019 University of York
Zhongzhen Yang researcher University of York
Zineb Abdulaker Benalywa researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5608-9337) University of Putra Malaysia
Newcastle University
University of Tripoli
Zoe C Edwards researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-9232-9131 University of Manchester
University of York
Zul Kepli Bin Mohd Desa Ph.D. University of Durham 1985 Durham University
Zuraidah Abdullah researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3791-8806 University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
Özge Demirci successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
林建華 Durham University


article image description P19 P69 P569 P800 Commons category
A. S. Byatt
British writer (1936–2023) Sheffield Somerville College
Bryn Mawr College
Newnham College
Sheffield High School for Girls
The Mount School (York)
1936-08-24 A. S. Byatt
Abigail D. Lowe successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of St Andrews
University of York
Ada H Y Ma researcher Newcastle University
University of Southampton
University of Edinburgh
Adelle Stripe British poet York University of Manchester
University of Greenwich
Tadcaster Grammar School
Agnieszka Dudkiewicz researcher University of York
Agricultural University of Cracow
Aimée Kelly
British actress Newcastle upon Tyne Sacred Heart Catholic High School 1993-07-08
Alessandra Paonessa
Canadian soprano Toronto University of York 1989-07-24 Alessandra Paonessa
Alexandra Hall Hall British diplomat Collingwood College
Windlesham House School
Alexandra Louise Melaugh researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9250-7156) University of York
Swansea University
Alexandra MacNamara researcher Hull York Medical School
University of York
Alexandra Phillips British politician in the Brexit Party (born 1983) Gloucester Durham University
Cardiff University
High School for Girls
Alexandra Rowe researcher University of Oxford
Yorkshire Cancer Research
Alice Oseman
File:Alice Oseman (cropped).jpg
English author of young adult fiction Chatham Rochester Grammar School
Durham University
1994-10-16 Heartstopper Alice Oseman
Alina Mariana Balu researcher University of Córdoba
University of York
Alison Leonard archaeologist University of York
Alison Littlewood British author of horror novels and short stories Penistone Northumbria University 2000
Alison Rose British banker Durham University 1969
Allison Curbishley British athlete Stockton-on-Tees University of Birmingham
Ian Ramsey Church of England Academy
Amanda Farrin researcher University of Sheffield
Durham University
Amanda Sourry American businessperson, former President of North America for Unilever Dame Allan's School 1963-07-16
Ambika Mod British actress Hatfield St Mary's College
Dame Alice Owen's School
Amy Tinkler
British artistic gymnast Durham Durham High School for Girls 1999-10-27 Amy Tinkler
Ana Maria Oliveira D.Phil. University of York 1994 University of York
Anastasia Kottara researcher University of Sheffield
University of York
Ghent University
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Andrea Riseborough
British actress Wallsend Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Newcastle High School for Girls
Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School
1981-11-20 Andrea Riseborough
Andrea Sutcliffe British Health administrator London School of Economics and Political Science
Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College
Andrea Sáenz-Arroyo Autonomous University of Baja California Sur
University of York
Angela Godfrey sculptor Newcastle University 1939 Angela Godfrey
Angela Milner British paleontologist (1947-2021) Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School 1947-10-03
Angela Shore researcher Newcastle University
Angela Smith researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-2013-8395 University of Sunderland 1941
Angela Webster Australian clinical epidemiologist University of Sydney
Newcastle University
Anita Radini researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2099-2639 University of York
Ann McMullan English WAAF officer Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School 1923
Anna A Tang researcher Newcastle University
Anna Barnard researcher University of York
Durham University
Anna Bortolan researcher Durham University
Anna E. King researcher University of Tasmania
Durham University
Anna J. Bourne researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1506-6160 Royal Holloway, University of London
Durham University
Anna L Duncan researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9873-4552 University of Cambridge
University of York
University of Oxford
Anna Meredith
British composer and performer of electronic and acoustic music London University of York
Royal College of Music
Edinburgh Napier University
1978-01-12 Anna Meredith
Anna Ramsbottom researcher King's College London
Durham University Department of Psychology
Annabelle Varrot researcher University of York 20th century
Anne Douglas researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-8145-7704 University of Sunderland
Camberwell College of Arts
Durham University
Anne McElvoy
British journalist County Durham Wadham College
Humboldt University of Berlin
St Bede's Catholic School and Sixth Form College
1965-06-25 Anne McElvoy
Anne R. Mason researcher University of Southampton
University of York
Anthea Phillipps botanist Durham University 1956-06-03
Anuradha Doddaballapur German-Indian cardiovascular scientist and cricketer Basavanagudi New Horizon College of Education
Newcastle University
Goethe University Frankfurt
Bishop Cotton Girls' School
Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg British-born Israeli Torah scholar (1944- ) London University of Cambridge
Gateshead Jewish Academy for Girls
Barbara Borts rabbi Los Angeles Durham University
University of California, Los Angeles
Leo Baeck College
McGill University
Barbara Kaeswurm researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9194-6277 University of York
Beatrice Bertram British art curator University of York
University of Cambridge
Bella Hardy
English folk musician York St John University
Newcastle University
1984 Bella Hardy
Biddy Baxter British television editor Leicester Durham University 1933-05-25
Birgitta Hoffmann British archaeologist Maisières Durham University
University of Freiburg
Bridget Bennett Professor of American Literature and Culture, University of Leeds University of York
Bridget Phillipson
Shadow Education Secretary. Gateshead Hertford College
St Robert of Newminster Catholic School
1983-12-19 Bridget Phillipson
Carey Jewitt British multimodality researcher Northumbria University
University of Surrey
UCL Institute of Education
Carlota Quintal researcher University of York
University of Coimbra
Carol Galley British businessperson University of Leicester
Gosforth Academy
Carol Wagstaff researcher University of York
Royal Holloway, University of London
Carole Bromley British poet University of York
University of Reading
University of Glamorgan
Caroline Bosanquet British cellist, music teacher, and composer Durham University 1940
Caroline Cox, Baroness Cox
British politician (born 1937) London University of London
University of Westminster
Newcastle University
1937-07-06 Caroline Cox, Baroness Cox
Caroline Dean
British plant scientist University of York 1957-04-02 Caroline Dean
Catharine M. West researcher Institute of Cancer Research
University of York
Catherine E Laing linguistics scholar University of York
Catherine Grainger researcher University of Kent
Durham University
Catherine Jacob British freelance broadcast journalist and news presenter Sunderland
Durham University 1976
Catherine O'Halloran researcher Newcastle University
University of Southampton
Catherine Purcell researcher Royal Holloway, University of London
Durham University
The Open University
Catherine Tayleur researcher University of Bristol
Durham University
Celine Mathieu researcher Durham University 1986
Charlie Webster
English television presenter Sheffield Newcastle University
Tapton School
1982-11-09 Charlie Webster
Charlotte L Alston genomics scientist Newcastle University
University of Aberdeen
Charlotte L King anthropologist in New Zealand, focusing on agricultural societies and human biology University of Otago
Durham University
Charlotte Riley
British actress Grindon Durham University
London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
Teesside High School
St Cuthbert's Society
1981-12-29 Charlotte Riley
Cherry Vann British Archdeacon Whetstone Durham University
Lutterworth College
Westcott House
Chi Onwurah
British politician (born 1965) Wallsend University of Manchester
Imperial College London
Kenton School
1965-04-12 Chi Onwurah
Chloe Ferry
British reality television personality Newcastle upon Tyne Marden High School 1995-08-31
Chrissie Glazebrook British writer (1945-2007) Scarborough Northumbria University 1945-03-19
Cindy C Hagan researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4576-7120 University of York
University of California, Los Angeles
Claire Bertrand researcher University of Lorraine
Durham University
Pierre and Marie Curie University
University of Paris-Sud
Claire Brooks British politician University College London
Skipton Girls' High School
Claire Greenhill researcher University of Kent
Durham University
Clare L Hawkins researcher University of York
Clare Teal British musician Kildwick University of Wolverhampton
South Craven School
Cynthia Mary Illingworth paediatrician and medical author Durham University 1920-08-03
Cécile Fabre French philosopher Paris University of York
University of Oxford
Danielle Brown
English archer Lothersdale University of Leicester
South Craven School
1988-04-10 Danielle Brown
Deborah Hutton English writer and magazine editor University of York
Benenden School
Deborah M. Capaldi developmental psychologist University of York
University of Oregon
Debra C. Vigil speech pathology researcher California State University, Los Angeles
Newcastle University
Denise O'Donoghue British television producer University of York 1955-04-13
Denise Robertson
British writer and television broadcaster (1932-2016) Sunderland Sunderland High School 1932-06-09 Denise Robertson
Di Stewart British television presenter Salford Newcastle University
Stockport Grammar School
Diana Hernandez researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1353-2175 University of Birmingham
Newcastle University
Diana Jurk researcher Newcastle University
Freiberg University of Mining and Technology
Diana Worrall astronomer Durham University Diana Worrall
Dominique Allen British basketball player Dudley Northumbria University 1989-09-10
Domna Michailidou
Greek economist and politician University of Cambridge
University of York
1987-11-13 Dómna Michailídou
Donna Air
English actress, television presenter, and media personality Newcastle upon Tyne Sacred Heart Catholic High School
Gosforth Academy
1979-08-02 Donna Air
Dorothy Hutton English artist Bolton Queen Margaret's School, York 1889
Dorothy Margaret Catling British Botanist (1927 - 2005) Durham University 1927
Druie Bowett English artist Ripon Queen Margaret's School, York 1924
E. L. Young science writer Durham University 19th century
Edwina Grosvenor noblewoman; English philanthropist and prison reformer London Mostyn House School
Northumbria University
Edith Cowan University
Eileen O'Shaughnessy British writer (1905–1945) South Shields University College London
Sunderland High School
Eleanor King
British jurist University of Hull
Queen Margaret's School, York
Eleanor Starkey researcher Newcastle University
Elisabeth Hoodless British humanitarian United Kingdom London School of Economics and Political Science
Durham University
Redland High School for Girls
Eliza Manners 21st-century English noblewoman and singer Nottingham Newcastle University
Queen Margaret's School, York
Elizabeth Barrett historian, Little Croft Farm University of York
Lehigh University
Elizabeth F Samy researcher Newcastle University
Elizabeth Harwood British opera singer (1938-1990) Barton Seagrave Royal Northern College of Music
Skipton Girls' High School
Elizabeth Hellen researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0946-1842 University of Sheffield
Brighton and Sussex Medical School
University of York
University of Manchester
Elizabeth Shove Sociologist University of York
Godalming Grammar School
Ellen Cieraad Dutch plant ecologist University of Amsterdam
Durham University
Ellen D Moss researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8821-8984 Newcastle University
University of Hull
Durham University
Ellen Hatch researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-6372-1302 Newcastle University
University of Leicester Medical School
University of Bradford
Ellie Crisell British journalist and television presenter Chester-le-Street University of Birmingham
City, University of London
Dame Allan's School
Elsie Tu
Hong Kong politician and teacher (1913-2015) Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
Heaton Secondary School
1913-06-02 Elsie Hume Elliot Tu
Emanuela Ceva researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4422-7667 University of Manchester
University of York
Emilie K. M. Murphy historian University of York
Emily J Hutchison successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Emily L Williams researcher University of Southampton
Durham University
Emily M Speller researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6555-9727 Swansea University
University of York
University of California, Los Angeles
Emily Sarsfield British freestyle skier Durham Loughborough University
Belmont Community School
Emma Bell researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2064-6496) Newcastle University
Emma Blakey researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4465-0104) Oxford Brookes University
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of York
Emma Frew researcher University of Nottingham
University of York
University of Strathclyde
Emma L Mead researcher Teesside University
University of Leeds
Newcastle University
Emma Loosley researcher School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Courtauld Institute of Art
University of York
Emma M Baxter researcher Scotland's Rural College
Newcastle University
University of Edinburgh
University of Manchester
Emma M. Hill researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0231-5818 University of Nevada, Reno
Newcastle University
Emma Parker Bowles British model Queen Margaret's School, York 1974-12-08
Eva Kipnis researcher Durham University
Eva Popiel South Korean actress and model Tokyo Durham University 1982-04-23
Faria Alam Football Association secretary Dhaka Ponteland High School 1966-02-13
Fay Bound Alberti British cultural historian University of York
University of Wales
Felicity N E Gavins researcher Imperial College London
Queen Mary University of London
University of Sunderland
Finola O'Farrell British High Court judge Durham University 1960
Fiona Beyer researcher Northumbria University
Fiona Hoyle astrophysicist at Widener University Durham University
Fiona K. Mensah researcher University of York
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
University of Leicester
Fiona Shaw British novelist and academic London University of York
University of Sussex
Fiona Sloan Dunlop successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Fiona Wood researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-7397-4074 Advance HE
Fleur Matheson aquatic biogeochemist with NIWA in New Zealand University of Waikato
Durham University
Flora Gröning researcher University of York
Frances E Williams researcher ORCID 0000-0002-6772-0753 University of York
Frances Fyfield pseudonym of Frances Hegarty, a lawyer and crime-writer Derbyshire Newcastle University 1948-11-18
Frances McNeil English novelist University of York
Francesca Mazzilli archaeologist Durham University
Franchesca D Houghton researcher University of York
Gemma Sutton researcher University of Exeter
University of York
Genista McIntosh, Baroness McIntosh
British peer (born 1946) London University of York 1946-09-23
Gillian Cookson successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Gillian Haddock researcher University of Liverpool
University of York
Goldie Harvey Nigerian professional singer Lagos University of Sunderland 1983-10-23
Griselda Allan English artist Sunderland Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art
Royal College of Art
University of Sunderland
Saint Felix School
Gráinne Mulvey Irish composer University of York 1966-03-10
Gwyneth Herbert
Jazz musician, singer-songwriter and composer Wimbledon Durham University
HSDC Alton
Hannah Bows researcher Durham University
University of Salford
Hannah E Thompson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0679-1961 University of York
University College London
Hannah Grist researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7299-1868 University of Aberdeen
University of York
University of Oxford
Hannah Harwood researcher University College London
Northumbria University
Hannah S Rosa researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4624-752X Newcastle University
Hazel Jane Read Hall
Scottish information scientist University of Birmingham
Teesside High School
1963-03-24 Hazel Hall (academic)
Hazel Tucker social anthropologist Durham University 1965
Heather Ingman British-born Irish and British academic - specialising in women's literature and inter-war literature - also a novelist and occasional journalist University of London
Bedford College
University of Hull
Teesside High School
Heather Ratnage Black British skeleton coach University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Lampeter Campus
Bede College
Heba Abd el Gawad egyptologist Durham University
Heidy Mader British physicist University of Bristol
University of York
Helen Bartlett healthy ageing academic and university executive Northumbria University
University of Bath
Helen Birkett medieval historian University of York
Helen Bond British biblical scholar Durham University
University of Tübingen
University of St Andrews
Helen Gilbert researcher Newcastle University
Helen Grace
English television and theatre actress Hertfordshire Durham University
St Helen's School
Helen Hancock researcher Newcastle University
Helen L Davies researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9016-9859) University of York
Helen M. Phillips researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4513-9148 Newcastle University
Helen Nicolson child and family psychiatrist India University of St Andrews
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Helen Osborne British journalist and critic The Mount School (York) 1939-03-11
Helen Rogers successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Helen Scales
British marine biologist Newcastle University
St John's College
Helen Stringer researcher Newcastle University
Helen Walkington researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-2101-472X Durham University
University of Reading
Helen Williams successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Helena Daffern researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5838-0120 University of York
Helena J. Shepherd researcher Durham University
University of Bath
Hilary Armstrong
British politician (born 1945) Sunderland University of Birmingham
Monkwearmouth Academy
University of East London
1945-11-30 Hilary Armstrong
Hilary Chung global studies academic at the University of Auckland (1962 – 2020) University of Cambridge
Durham University
Hilary Graham British sociologist University of York 1950
Hollie L. S. Morgan Medievalist University of York
University of Leicester
Iman Bugaighis dentist by profession, was one of the spokespersons for the Libyan revolution in 2011 and and the National Transitional Council (CNT), refugee in Portugal since 2016 Benghazi University of Benghazi Faculty of Dentistry
Newcastle University
Imogen Wood archaeologist University of Exeter
Durham University
Indah Rachmatiah Siti Salami researcher Newcastle University
Bandung Institute of Technology
Irene Ighodaro Sierra Leonean physician and activist (1916-1995) Durham University 1916-05-16
Isabel Brown International Lenin School
University of Sunderland
Isabel Davis researcher University of York
Isabel Santos researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2404-4035 University of York
University of Lisbon
Isobel Barnett British television personality (1918-1980) Aberdeen University of Glasgow
The Mount School (York)
Jacqueline Anne Bettess Ph.D. University of Durham 2000 Durham University
Jacqueline M. Cole
Chemist Durham University Jacqueline Cole
Jacqueline Stockley researcher Newcastle University
Jade Jones
British athlete, wheelchair racing Middlesbrough Outwood Academy Ormesby 1996-01-04
Jane Alexander
Bishop of Edmonton England University of Alberta
Newcastle University
1959-03-29 Jane Alexander (bishop)
Jane Clarke
English biochemist and academic London University of York
Georgia Tech
University of Cambridge
Jane E Iles researcher Royal Holloway, University of London
University of Sheffield
University of York
Jane Ferguson
Northern Irish journalist Northern Ireland Lawrenceville School
University of York
1984-09-15 Jane Ferguson
Jane Grigson British food writer (1928–1990) England
Newnham College
Sunderland High School
Jane Kennedy
British politician (born 1958) Whitehaven University of Liverpool
Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College
1958-05-04 Jane Kennedy (politician)
Jane Marriott
British diplomat. Durham University
Darwin College
1976 Jane Marriott
Jane Sidell archaeologist Durham University
Janet Baker
British opera and concert singer Hatfield York College for Girls 1933-08-21 Janet Baker
Jasmine Lundy successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Jemma Lowe British swimmer Hartlepool University of Florida
English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College
Jennifer Carter researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5974-9962) Durham University
Jennifer Clack English paleontologist (1947-2020) Manchester University of Leicester
Newcastle University
Jennifer Sumner researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-2200-3275 University of York
University of Leeds
Jennifer Wilkinson Senior Trial Manager at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
Jenny Taylor
British journalist Durham University
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Christ's Hospital
1955-10-22 Jenny Taylor
Jenny Walser English actress Westminster Durham University 1995
Jenny Willott
British politician (born 1974) London Borough of Merton Durham University
London School of Economics and Political Science
Uppingham School
1974-05-29 Jenny Willott
Jessica E. Frith researcher University of York
Jessie Burns British composer Suffolk Durham University
Jessie Murray British psychoanalyst and suffragette Hazaribagh Durham University
University College London
1867-02-09 Jessie Murray
Jiajun Chen Chinese geodesist (ORCID 0000-0002-7622-3732) Newcastle University
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University
Monitoring activity at the Daguangbao mega-landslide (China) using Sentinel-1 TOPS time series interferometry
Source characteristics of the 2015 M W 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake and its M W 7.2 aftershock from space geodesy
Time-Dependent Afterslip of the 2009 Mw 6.3 Dachaidan Earthquake (China) and Viscosity beneath the Qaidam Basin Inferred from Postseismic Deformation Observations
Jo Gilham Department of Archaeology, University of York University of York
Joan C. Beal Newcastle University 1953
Joan Cochrane researcher Northumbria University
Joan Higgins British academic University of York
Joanna Ciafone researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4339-2510) Newcastle University
Northumbria University
University of Pennsylvania
Joanna Helene Lipper successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Joanna L Chamberlayne successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Joanna L. Sharman British bioinformatician University of Birmingham
University of York
University of Edinburgh
Joanna Sharp researcher Imperial College London
University of York
Joanna Story
medieval historian Trevelyan College 1970-10-22 Joanna Story
Joanna Woodall British art historian specializing in portraiture and Netherlandish art. University of York
Courtauld Institute of Art
19th century
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
British astrophysicist (born 1943) Belfast No/unknown value
The Mount School (York)
University of Glasgow
Murray Edwards College
discovery Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Joella Allott lecturer in management at International Business School Northumbria University
University of Waikato
Johanna Taylor researcher University of York
Joy Tamblin British air force officer Durham University 1926-01-11
Joyce Quin, Baroness Quin
British politician (born 1944) Tynemouth London School of Economics and Political Science
Newcastle University
University of Newcastle
Whitley Bay High School
1944-11-26 Joyce Quin, Baroness Quin
Judith Farnworth
British diplomat Sutton Coldfield Durham University
University of East Anglia
1966-04-25 Judith Farnworth
Judith Hann British television presenter Littleover Durham University 1942-09-08
Judith M Watson researcher University of York
Queen Margaret University
Julia Copus
British poet and radio dramatist London Durham University
The Mountbatten School
Julia J Carter successful doctoral candidate at the University of York University of York
Julia Newton medical doctor, professor Newcastle University
Julia Schumacher researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7323-4789) Newcastle University
Technical University of Berlin
Osnabrück University
Julia Schückel researcher University of York
Technische Universität Dresden Fachrichtung Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie
Julie C. Wilson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5171-8480 The Open University
University of York
Julie Elliott
British politician (born 1963) Sunderland Northumbria University
Seaham High School
1963-07-29 Julie Elliott
Julie Ward
British politician (born 1957) Ripon Newcastle University 1957-03-07 Julie Ward
Julie Y Chen researcher Advance HE
Dalhousie University
Julie-Anne A Tangena researcher Durham University Faculty of Science
Wageningen University & Research
Karen Charlesworth researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0580-5652 University of York
Middlesex University
University of Essex
Karen Griffiths archaeologist Newcastle University
Karen L Aplin researcher University of Reading
Durham University
Karen Morgan researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6193-1747) Newcastle University
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
University College Dublin
Karole Vail American museum director, curator and writer Durham University 1959
Kate Adie
British journalist Northumberland Newcastle University
Sunderland High School
1945-09-19 Kate Adie
Kate Davison Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2008 Newcastle University
Kate Horan researcher University of Edinburgh
Durham University
University of Cambridge
Urmston Grammar Academy
The Open University
Katharine F. Preedy researcher University of Dundee
University of York
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
University of Edinburgh
Katharine Ford British cyclist Durham University 1986-04-04
Katharine L Harrison researcher University of York
Katharine Preston British writer and public speaker Durham University 20th century
Katharine Towers poet London Newcastle University
St Hilda's College
Katherine James researcher Newcastle University
Katherine Payne researcher University of Manchester
University of York
University of Bath
Katherine Twist researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8138-8518 University of Manchester
University of Bath
University of York
Katherine Webb
British writer Kent Durham University 1977
Kathryn Hunt American archaeologist and paleopathologist Durham University
Kathryn Kerby-Fulton American historian University of York 1955
Kathryn Mitchell Vice chancellor of Derby University St Helens University of York 1963
Katy McLean English rugby union player South Shields University of Sunderland
Northumbria University
Katy Turner researcher Imperial College London
Durham University
Keri Lewis Brown
UK businessperson University of York 1959-12-30 Keri Lewis Brown
Kerry Andrew
English composer, performer, writer and educator High Wycombe University of York 1978-04-05
Kerryann Ifill Barbados politician Durham University
University of the West Indies
Durham University Business School
Combermere School
Kim Wilford Woods Art historian Courtauld Institute of Art
University of York
Kirsten Knox researcher University of York
University of Aberdeen
20th century
Kirsty High researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3192-4540 University of York
University of Bath
L Angela Mihai British applied mathematician Durham University
Lama Abu-Odeh Professor, author University of York
Harvard Law School
University of Jordan
Lara Maiklem British author Newcastle University 1971
Laura Allum researcher City, University of London
Teesside University
University of Sheffield
20th century
Laura E Wadkin researcher Newcastle University
Laura Katherine Fawcett researcher Newcastle University
Laura McCullagh researcher Trinity College Dublin
De Montfort University Leicester School of Pharmacy
University of Sunderland
Laura McWhirter researcher University of Edinburgh
University of York
Laura Pidcock
former UK Member of Parliament North Shields Manchester Metropolitan University
Northumbria University
1988-06-18 Laura Pidcock
Laura Sayers British radio producer York The Mount School (York) 1978-10-11
Laura Woods researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4752-025X) Babraham Institute
Imperial College London
Durham University
Lauren C Houghton researcher Durham University Department of Anthropology
Lavinia Gordon researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3469-8489 University of York
Leigh Symonds archaeologist University of Toronto
University of York
Lena Liapi historian National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of York
Leonie Unterholzner researcher European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Imperial College Faculty of Medicine
University of York
Li Qiaochu
Chinese labor and women's rights activist Renmin University of China
University of York
Lila Rakoczy archaeologist University of York
King's College London
Lily Travers British actress London Durham University
St Catherine's School
Linda Michelle Garside Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2004 Newcastle University
Lindsay C Hewitt researcher Maastricht University
Sheffield Hallam University
University of York
Lindsay Johnson
English footballer (born 1980) Hartlepool Fens Primary School 1980-05-08 Lindsay Johnson
Lindsey Marwood researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5818-2199 King's College London
Durham University
Liora Bing-Heidecker poet and translator Haifa Durham University
Royal Academy of Dance
Lisa Mackenzie researcher ORCID 0000-0001-9780-5435 University of York
Lisa Nandy
British politician (born 1979) Manchester Newcastle University
Parrs Wood High School
Holy Cross College, UK
1979-08-09 Lisa Nandy
Liv Garfield
British businessman Harrogate Murray Edwards College
Bootham School
1975-09-10 Liv Garfield
Liz Hodgkinson
British journalist St Neots Durham University 1945 Liz Hodgkinson
Liz James
art historian Durham University
University of Birmingham
Liz Murphy British educator Leeds Broadoak Academy
Royal High School, Bath
Queen Elizabeth High School
Homerton College
Liz Sugg, Baroness Sugg
British politician and political adviser. Newcastle University 1977-05-02 Liz Sugg, Baroness Sugg
Lorna Hill British writer (1902-1991) Durham Durham University 1902-02-21
Lorraine Heggessey
British television executive Hillingdon Durham University 1956-11-16 Lorraine Heggessey
Louisa James British journalist Switzerland Durham University 1979
Louise Amoore political geographer Newcastle University 1972
Louise Barker British archaeologist Newcastle University
Louise Hulland
British radio presenter Durham University
Clitheroe Royal Grammar School
Louise J. Longworth researcher University of York
Louise Robinson British medical doctor and academic researcher Newcastle University
Louise Trotter Newcastle University 19th century
Lucia Rehackova researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4099-7899) Newcastle University
Lucy Akhurst actress London Newcastle High School for Girls
Newcastle upon Tyne Church High School
Lucy Beresford British writer, psychotherapist and media commentator Durham University 1964-10-09
Lucy Bronze
English association football player Berwick-upon-Tweed Leeds Beckett University
The Duchess's Community High School
1991-10-28 Lucy Bronze
Luisa Ciano researcher University of York
Luo Wenyan researcher Durham University
Madeleine Moon
Welsh politician and MP (born 1950) Sunderland University of Keele
Cardiff University
Durham Johnston Comprehensive School
Madeleine Pelling Art historian University of York
Maggie Lau researcher University of York
Margaret C. Bell researcher Durham University Faculty of Science
Durham University Department of Physics
Margaret E. Bradshaw botanist (1926- ) Durham University
University of Leeds
Margaret Mann Phillips English historian Somerville College
York College for Girls
Margaret Warwick University of Sunderland
Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4938-7563 Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Universidad de Sonora
Maria Vittoria Levati Economist (University of Verona -> Faculty of Economics -> Department of Economics) University of York
Marianne Keller researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0012-5968 Advance HE
University of Sydney
University of Queensland
Free University Berlin
Marina Costa Lobo researcher, Portuguese political scientist University of Lisbon
University of Oxford
Durham University
Marina Fiorato Italian-English author, designer, actress and film producer Manchester University of Oxford
Durham University
University of Warwick
Marina Wright Muelas researcher University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Marisol de la Cadena Peruvian anthropologist Lima École pratique des hautes études
Durham University
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
University of Wisconsin–Madison
1957-07-15 Indigenous Mestizos
Marjorie Arnfield British artist (1930-2001) Sunderland High School 1930-11-25
Martha Holmes British television producer and director, screenwriter and documentarist University of York
Windlesham House School
Mary Bousted
Teacher's union representative Bolton University of York
University of Hull
Mary Fergusson British engineer Stoke University of Edinburgh
York College for Girls
Mary Kilonzo researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3450-4536 University of York
University of Glasgow
University of Nairobi
Mary Stewart English novelist Sunderland Durham University 1916-09-17
Madam, Will You Talk?
Wildfire at Midnight
Nine Coaches Waiting
My Brother Michael
The Ivy Tree
This Rough Magic
Airs Above the Ground
Touch Not the Cat
Mary Webster researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3014-3374 Newcastle University
Maya Forstater British researcher, writer and anti-trans-activist Newcastle University 1973-07-03
Megan Crane American novelist Houston Vassar College
University of York
Merran Toerien researcher University of KwaZulu-Natal
University of York
Michelle Bass British reality TV contestant Newcastle upon Tyne Gosforth Academy 1981-02-02
Michelle Donelan
British politician Whitley University of York 1984-04-08 Michelle Donelan
Michelle M Leger researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-5500-5480 Dalhousie University
University of British Columbia
University of York
Milana von Abensperg und Traun (born 1996) Durham University 1996
Milena Trmčić researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Miriam Stoppard British journalist Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
Newcastle University
Newcastle High School for Girls
1937-05-12 Miriam Stoppard
Moniza Alvi Pakistani-British poet and writer Lahore University of York 1954-02-02
Morven G McEachern researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-2538-494X University of Salford Salford Business School
Newcastle University
Myrna Combellack Write: Academic and fiction. University of York
Vassar College
Nadia Mossong Luxembourgian basketball player Luxembourg Northumbria University 1986-04-09
Nichi Hodgson
British journalist, broadcaster, and author Wakefield University of York 1983-09-09
Nicky Downer Australian arts consultant Derbyshire Newcastle University 1952-12-23
Nicola Ellis Durham University
University of Exeter
Nicola Jackson British swimmer, Olympic athlete, world champion, former world record-holder Collingwood College
Richmond School
Nicola Monaghan English novelist University of York 1971
Nicola Williams academic researcher of transplantation and reproductive ethics, personal identity and intergenerational justice University of Reading
University of York
University of Manchester
Norma Norrish language teacher in New Zealand (1924-2019) Sunderland Durham University 1924-05-12
Norma Redfearn
British politician Wallsend Newcastle University 20th century
Nuzo Onoh british-Nigerian writer (born 1962) The Mount School (York) 1962-09-22
Olga Restrepo Forero PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology of the National University of Colombia Colombia National University of Colombia
University of York
Olufunke Baruwa
Nigeria gender activist University of York
University of East Anglia
University of Nigeria
University of Abuja
1976-11-09 Olufunke Baruwa
Olwyn Owen British archaeologist Durham University
Paloma Lays Dos Santos researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6975-9600 Durham University
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Pat Monaghan British ornithologist Durham University 1947
Paula Morris
New Zealand writer Auckland University of York
Victoria University of Wellington
University of Auckland
International Institute of Modern Letters
1965-08-18 Paula Morris
Petra Nordqvist researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8340-9976) University of York
Philippa Langley
British author, producer and historian Kenya Colony Hummersknott Academy
Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College
1962-06-29 The King's Grave: The Search for Richard III
Finding Richard III: The Official Account
Poppy Adams Television documentary director/producer and novelist Durham University
Dragon School
Princess Eugenie of York
younger daughter of Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and Sarah, Duchess of York Portland Hospital Upton House School
St George's School, Windsor Castle
Marlborough College
Newcastle University
1990-03-23 Princess Eugenie
Rachael Wiseman British analytic philosopher University of York
Rachel Ann Heaton Ph.D. University of York 2010 University of York
Rachel E. Dunmore researcher University of York
University of Huddersfield
Rachel Heather Oxlade Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Rachel Mackley meteorologist and broadcaster London Newcastle University
Leeds Trinity University
Rachel McCarthy
British writer, scientist Preston Durham University
Runshaw College
Rachel Newton
Scottish harpist and singer Edinburgh Newcastle University 1985-10-28
Rachel Squire Labour Party Member of Parliament (1954-2006) Carshalton Durham University
University of Birmingham
Godolphin and Latymer School
Rachel Thompson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6889-0121) Newcastle University
University of Oxford
Rafeef Ziadah
Palestinian poet Beirut University of York
York University
1979 Rafeef Ziadah
Ranjana Khanna American philosopher University of York 1966-12-13
Raquel de Almeida Rocha Ponzoni researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-5752-5006 University of York
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Rashida Ferrand researcher University of London
Newcastle University
Rebecca Asquith Ph.D. University of Durham 1996 Durham University
Rebecca Fortnum British painter Corpus Christi College
Newcastle University
Rebecca J. Hall researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6701-5408 University of York
Rebecca Lunn geoscientist Newcastle University
Rebecca Smethurst
British astrophysicist University of Oxford
Durham University
Bolton School Girls' Division
Riffat Hassan Pakistani-American theologian Lahore Durham University 1943
Roberta Gilchrist British archaeologist University of York 1965-06-28
Rosa Rankin-Gee British writer (1986-) Hatfield College 1986-12
Rose Neill
Northern Irish television personality Northern Ireland The Mount School (York) 1958 Rose Neill
Rose Paterson British business executive (1956-2020) Murray Edwards College
Westfield School
West Heath Girls' School
Rosemary Coogan
ESA astronaut Belfast Durham University
University of Sussex
1991 Rosemary Coogan
Rosie Wilby English stand-up comedian University of York 1970
Ruby Barker British actress Islington Tadcaster Grammar School 1996-12-23
Ruth Evans Journalist University of York
Ruth Gipps English composer Bexhill-on-Sea Durham University
Royal College of Music
Ruth McKie researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-9707-8749 Northumbria University Department of Social Sciences and Languages
Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Ruth Pickvance Lancashire University of York 1961-09-28
Ruzwana Bashir
British businesswoman Skipton Harvard Business School
Harvard University
New College
Skipton Girls' High School
1983-07-28 Ruzwana Bashir
Sally Macintyre
Scottish sociologist Edinburgh Durham University
University of Aberdeen
Morrison's Academy
Royal Holloway, University of London
Sally Nicholls
novelist Stockton-on-Tees Bath Spa University
University of Warwick
Great Ayton Friends' School
1983-06-22 Ways to Live Forever
Samantha George
British literature lecturer University of York
Samantha J Lycett researcher Newcastle University
Imperial College London
University of Cambridge
Sanaa alSarghali Palestinian legal and political researcher Tulkarm An-Najah National University
Durham University
University of Lancaster
Adawiya School (Tulkarm)
Sandy J Macdonald researcher University of York
University of Edinburgh
Sara Selwood Newcastle University 1953-08
Sarah Baker researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4196-8950) University of York
Leeds Beckett University
Sarah Banks researcher University of York
University of Reading
University of Edinburgh
Sarah Borwell
British tennis player Middlesbrough University of Houston
Nunthorpe Academy
1979-08-20 Sarah Borwell
Sarah Connolly
English mezzo-soprano County Durham Royal College of Music
Queen Margaret's School, York
Nottingham College
1963-06-13 Sarah Connolly
Sarah Cotterill researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9605-9637) Newcastle University
Durham University
Sarah Fishburn researcher University of York
Sarah Forster researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9424-6543) University of Nottingham
Durham University Faculty of Science
Sarah Hunter
English female rugby union footballer and coach Newcastle upon Tyne Longbenton Community College 1985-09-19 Sarah Hunter
Sarah Jenkins researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6469-9928) University of York
Sarah Keith-Lucas English weather presenter Collingwood College
Cranbrook School
Sarah Kiden Senior AI Researcher at Mozilla, Engagement lead at AFRALO, ICANN Gulu Northumbria University
Makerere University
Sarah Panitzke UK's most wanted woman York St Peter's School 1974-03-03
Sarah R Hill researcher Newcastle University
University of York
University of York Vanbrugh College
Sarah Thompson researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6687-8260) Newcastle University
Sarah Thompson (physicist) physics academic at the University of York Durham University
Sarah Tunstall
York St John University 1986-04-19 Sarah Tunstall
Sarah Woodroffe researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-4003-3435 Durham University
Sarah Wright researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-6636-4822 Newcastle University
Union College
Savannah Marshall
boxer Hartlepool English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College 1991-05-19 Savannah Marshall
Sheikha Abdulla Al-Misnad Qatari academic Durham University
Qatar University
Sheila Burnford British-Canadian writer Scotland Harrogate Ladies' College
St George's School
1918-05-11 The Incredible Journey
Shelagh Fogarty British journalist Liverpool Durham University 1966-01-13
Shirin Gerami Iranian swimmer Iran Durham University 1988
Shirley Webb British hammer thrower University of Edinburgh
Kings Priory School
Shiulie Ghosh British journalist Leeds University of Kent
Teesside High School
St Mary's College, Middlesbrough
Shivaani Ghai British actress Newcastle upon Tyne Gosforth Academy 1975-04-25
Silvina Batakis
Argentine politician Río Grande National University of La Plata
University of York
1968-12-27 Silvina Batakis
Simi Johnson Nigerian dentist and activist Lagos Durham University
University of Sunderland
Simin Davoudi Iranian academic Mashhad Newcastle University 1957-05-15
Sophie Louise Benson (born 1967) University of Kent
Newcastle University
Stacey Rand researcher University of Kent
Durham University
University of Cambridge
Steph Elliott field hockey player (1990-) Middlesbrough Collingwood College 1990-09-24
Steph McGovern
English journalist and TV presenter North Tyneside University College London
Macmillan Academy
1982-05-31 Steph McGovern
Stevi Jackson British academic University of Kent
University of York
Stevie Wishart artist University of York 1959-04 Stevie Wishart
Sue Broom science and agriculture journalist and broadcaster Newcastle University
University of Edinburgh
Sue Pavitt researcher University College London
University of York
Susan Fletcher British fiction writer Birmingham University of York
University of East Anglia
Susan Gray
British engineer and senior Royal Air Force officer Northumbria University 1962 Sue Gray
Susan Kruse American-Scottish community archaeology United States of America University College London
Durham University
Cornell University
Susan Mary Auld British naval architect Tynemouth Cheltenham Ladies' College
Durham University
Susan Turner paleontologist University of Reading
Newcastle University
Susanna Gross British literary editor and bridge columnist University of York 190s
Sylvani Merilion British artist Durham University 1936-10-04
Tabitha Kabora Archaeologist University of York
University of Nairobi
Taj Atwal British actress Norwich York College 1987
Tanja Pirsig-Marshall Ruhr University Bochum
University of Bonn
University of Essex
Newcastle University
Tanya Byron
Psychologist, television and radio presenter United Kingdom University of York
University College London
University of Surrey
North London Collegiate School
1967-04-06 Tanya Byron
Teodora Manea researcher (biochemistry) University of York
King's College London
Thamina Kabir British-Bangladeshi lawyer, activist, and Mrs Bangladesh Universe 2013 Mirsharai Upazila Northumbria University 1985-05-10
Thea Gill
Canadian actress Vancouver York University
University of York
1970-04-05 Thea Gill
Ulorin Vex
British model Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University 1982 Ulorin Vex
Una Padel Criminal-justice reformer University of York
Durham University
Newcastle University
Preston Manor School
Vera Baird
British politician (born 1950) Chadderton Northumbria University
The Open University
The Radclyffe School
Teesside University
1950-02-13 Vera Baird
Verity Sharp
British radio presenter University of York 1970
Verónica Tapia Mexican composer University of York
Johns Hopkins University
University of Calgary
National Conservatory of Music of Mexico
Violet Manners noblewoman; 21st-century English model and businesswoman Nottingham Queen Margaret's School, York 1993-08-18
Wang Chi Suei Taitung County Taipei National University of the Arts
Newcastle University
Wendy Gers Paarl University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg
University of Sunderland
Winifred Sargent English mathematician Ambergate Newnham College
Ackworth School
University of Cambridge
The Mount School (York)
Herbert Strutt School
Xueqiao Li researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1053-667X University of Jyväskylä
University of York
Zoe Darwin researcher University of Manchester
Teesside University School of Health and Social Care
University of York
Zoe Lyons
comedian Haverfordwest University of York
The Poor School
1971-10-03 Zoe Lyons
Zoe Williams gladiator Newcastle University 1980-04-03


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(Anthony) John Ryan Dr. Phil. University of York 1982 University of York
A. W. Pryor Australian physicist Durham University
University of Queensland
Abdul Haseeb Malik researcher University of York
Abdul Karim Koroma Sierra Leonean politician Durham University 1944-09-25
Abdul Qayum Sher
Pakistani Army officer (1919–2013) Indian Military Academy
Durham School
Adam Clarke English cricketer (born 1984) Greenwich Durham University 1984-09-13
Adam Hart-Davis
British scientist, author, photographer, historian and broadcaster Henley-on-Thames University of York
Eton College
Merton College
St Andrew's School, Pangbourne
1943-07-04 Adam Hart-Davis
Adam Henry Robson Royal Air Force air marshals Durham University 1892-08-03
Adam Hiddleston British judge Loretto School
Newcastle University
Adam M. Willows
British theologian and philosopher Durham University
Adam Pattison Rathbone researcher University of Warwick Warwick Medical School
Durham University
University of Sunderland
Adam Rayner British actor England Durham University 1977-02
Adam Reach English association football player (born 1993) Chester-le-Street Park View School 1993-02-03
Adam Sedgwick
English zoologist Norwich Trinity College
Marlborough College
Giggleswick School
Adam Standring researcher NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of York
Adil Arif Emirati former first-class cricketer Sharjah Anglia Ruskin University
Durham School
Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera EngD University of York 2017 University of York
Adrian Dannatt American actor Durham University
Westminster School
Adrian Henri British poet (1932-2000) Birkenhead Newcastle University 1932-04-10
Adrian Jackson chief executive of the Oil and Pipelines Agency Northumbria University
Adrian Paul Simpson D.Phil. University of York 1991 University of York
Adrian Weale English writer Knightsbridge University of York
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Latymer Upper School
Ahmad Poori
Iranian writer, translator and novelist Tabriz Newcastle University 1953-04-12 Ahmad Poori
Ahmed C. Bawa theoretical physicist, CEO of Universities South Africa Durham University
Aidan J. Horner cognitive neuroscientist University of York
University of Cambridge
Ajaz Akhtar cricketer (born 1968) Bahawalpur Durham University
Deacon's School
University of Hertfordshire
Teesside University
Alain R Baulard researcher Lille University of Science and Technology
Newcastle University
Colorado State University
Université catholique de Louvain
Alan Campbell
British politician (born 1957) Consett University of Lancaster
University of Leeds
Whitley Bay High School
Furness College, Lancaster
Northumbria University
1957-07-08 Alan Campbell (politician)
Alan Chesters Bishop of Blackburn; Archdeacon of Halifax (born 1937) St Stephen's House
Durham University
St Catherine's College
Alan Craft paediatric oncologist Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle University Medical School 1936-07-06
Alan David Burns Ph.D. University of Durham 1984 Durham University 1955-11
Alan Davis Anglican Archdeacon King Edward's School
Durham University
Alan Fordham English cricketer (born 1964) Durham University
Bedford Modern School
Alan Godfrey researcher Newcastle University
University of Reading Henley Business School - Whiteknights Campus
University of Reading
University of Limerick
20th century
Alan Old English rugby union player and cricketer (born 1945) Middlesbrough Durham University 1945-09-23
Alan Oswald Ph.D. University of York 1973 University of York
Alan Plater
English screenwriter Jarrow Newcastle University 1935-04-15 Oh No, It's Selwyn Froggitt!
Alan Reece English engineer and businessperson (1927-2012) London Newcastle University
Harrow High School
Alan Thorpe Richard Wood British public servant University of York 1954-04-04
Alan Tomes Scottish rugby union player Hawick Heathfield Senior High School
Northumbria University
Alan W. Owen Durham University
University of Glasgow
Alan Walker
Canadian music historian Scunthorpe Durham University 1930-04-06
Alan Webb actor (1906-1982) York Bramcote School 1906-07-02
Alastair Fothergill
British producer London Durham University
Harrow School
Orley Farm School
1960-04-10 Alastair Fothergill
Alastair Haggart Scottish bishop (1915-1998) Glasgow Durham University 1915-10-10
Alastair Heathcote British rower Athens Eton College
Oxford Brookes University
Newcastle University
Alastair Pirrie The Grangefield Academy 1954
Albany Hancock
English naturalist, biologist and supporter of Charles Darwin (1806-1873) Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School 1806-12-24 Albany Hancock
Albert Booth British politician (1928-2010) Winchester Northumbria University
Kings' School
Albert Roberts mining engineer University of London
Durham University
University of Nottingham
Alejandro de la Rosa Gomez Ph.D. University of York 2017 University of York
Aleksandr Radjenovic Ph.D. University of York 2009 University of York
Alex Bateman
British bioinformatician University of Cambridge
Newcastle University
Alex Burton
British Royal Navy officer Durham University 1968-02-26
Alex Deuchar English cricketer (born 1987) Darlington Durham University 1987-09-10
Alex Erickson
American football player (born 1992) Darlington Branksome School 1992-11-06 Alex Erickson
Alex Gray English rugby union player Bishop Auckland Barnard Castle School 1991-05-01
Alex Hanna
(born 1964) Birkenhead University of Sunderland 1964
Alex Yakovlev professor of computer system design Newcastle University
Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
Alexander Agustinus Popo Iskandar Ph.D. University of Durham 1995 Durham University 1964-08-08
Alexander Armstrong
British comedian and actor Rothbury Durham School
Trinity College
St Mary's Music School
Mowden Hall School
1970-03-02 Alexander Armstrong
Alexander Chisholm Anglican Archdeacon (1887-1975) Durham University 1887-01-21
Alexander David Peacock (1886-1976) Durham University 1886-06-13
Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, 3rd Baron Hesketh British baron and politician (born 1950) Ampleforth College
Farleigh School
1950-10-28 Alexander Fermor-Hesketh, 3rd Baron Hesketh
Alexander Goss Catholic bishop (1814-72) Ushaw College 1814
Alexander Guttridge researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-9886-5739 Durham University
Alexander I Blair researcher Durham University
Alexander J Boddy researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5967-0402) Imperial College London
Durham University
Alexander J S Lott researcher Bond University
University of York
Alexander Robinson biomedical researcher at Birmingham City University Nottingham Trent University
University of Aberdeen
University of Sunderland
Alexandros Kostakis economist (University of Manchester) University of York
Alfred Henry Chaytor barrister Durham School
Clare College
Alhashmi A. Darah Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2006 Newcastle University
Ali Dia Senegalese footballer Dakar San Francisco State University
Northumbria University
Alistair C. Darby researcher University of York
Imperial College London
Alistair Harrison
British diplomat (born 1954) Guisborough University College, Oxford
University of London
Royal Grammar School
1954-11-14 Alistair Harrison
Allan B. Cunningham History professor at Simon Fraser University Durham University
University of London
Allan Cartner British broadcaster University College 1933-12-13
Allan M. Sinclair Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1967 Newcastle University
Allan Rutter cricketer (born 1928) Bickley University of Cambridge
Durham University
Queens' College
Dauntsey's School
Monkton Combe School
Amir Har-Gil Israeli film director Tel Aviv Beit Zvi
Northumbria University
Anastassis Perrakis researcher University of York 20th century
Anderson Brito da Silva researcher Newcastle University
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Federal University of Maranhão
Andre S Godoy researcher University of São Paulo
University of York
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Andrew Benson researcher Durham University
Andrew Cantrill organist and choirmaster Barnard Castle School
Reigate Grammar School
Andrew Cheek astronomer Durham University
Andrew Colman researcher Newcastle University
Andrew Critchlow Durham University
University of Bradford
Barnard Castle School
Andrew Davies
English association football player (born 1984) Stockton-on-Tees Northfield School and Sports College 1984-12-17 Andrew Davies (footballer)
Andrew Davison researcher, biochemist University of Liverpool
Royal College of Pathologists
University of Manchester
Newcastle University
University of Lancaster
Andrew Fitzpatrick archaeologist Durham University
Andrew Garrard British archaeologist Newcastle University
Andrew Golightly Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2006 Newcastle University
Andrew H Briggs researcher University of Oxford
University of York
University of Sussex
Andrew Harkins Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2000 Newcastle University
Andrew Hodgson rugby union player Ermysted's Grammar School 1976-02-09
Andrew Hopper historian of 17th-century Britain University of York
Andrew Hromada researcher St. George's University
Northumbria University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Andrew J Page researcher Newcastle University
Andrew K Rossall researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0123-8163 University of York
University of Central Lancashire
Andrew K. G. Jones zooarchaeologist University of York
Andrew Keith Callister Ph.D. University of Durham 2010 Durham University
Andrew Knight Journalist, editor Balliol College
Ampleforth College
Andrew Kyamagero Ugandan Journalist Durham University
Kampala University
Andrew L. Johnson researcher Durham University Faculty of Science
Andrew Lawley researcher Royal College of Physicians
Newcastle University
Andrew Lloyd researcher University of York
Andrew Marc Burkimsher EngD University of York 2014 University of York
Andrew N Blackford researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1979-021X University of Birmingham
University of York
Durham University
Andrew N Boa researcher University of York
Andrew Norfolk British investigative journalist Durham University
Andrew P. Dove British polymer chemistry professor Imperial College London
University of York
Andrew Page Ph.D. University of Durham 1960 Durham University
Andrew Papworth researcher University College London
University of York
Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg
Statistician and marketing scientist Bochum University of Cambridge
Durham University
Queen's College
1926-05-01 Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg
Andrew S. Waller researcher University of York
University of Bristol
Andrew Sach Christian speaker and writer University of Cambridge
University of York
St John's College
20th century
Andrew Sage software developer, entrepreneur, company director University of York
Andrew Scarborough
actor Harrogate Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art
Harrogate Grammar School
Nelson and Colne College
1973-09-26 Andrew Scarborough
Andrew Simpson Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2002 Newcastle University
Andrew Spens Archdeacon of Lahore Durham University 1844-04-25
Andrew T Reid researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0523-926X Advance HE
University of Düsseldorf
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Andrew Woodard Ph.D. University of Durham 2019 Durham University
Andrew Zisserman British computer scientist University of Cambridge
University of Sunderland
SEEVIC College
Andy Rafferty Footballer (born 1988) Sidcup Framwellgate School Durham 1988-05-27
Angkor Lee Haldeman Durham University
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Angus Groom
British rower Glasgow Durham University 1992-06-16 Angus Groom
Angus Hedley Whyte British surgeon South Shields Ackworth School
Durham University
Angus Loughran British sports commentator Ampleforth College 1966-11-24
Angus M. Bowie British classical philologist Emmanuel College
St Peter's School
Anthony Bamford British businessman (born 1945) Staffordshire Ampleforth College 1945-10-23 Anthony Bamford
Anthony C. Little researcher University of St Andrews
Durham University
Anthony Horowitz
English novelist and screenwriter Stanmore
University of York
Rugby School
Orley Farm School
1955-04-05 Alex Rider
The Power of Five
The Diamond Brothers
Anthony Masinton archaeologist University of York
Anthony Rushton
entrepreneur Accrington University of York 1971-11-03
Anthony Salvin
architect (1799-1881) Sunderland Bridge Durham School 1799-10-17 All Saints Church, Runcorn
St Paul's Church, Whitley Bay
Anthony Salvin
Anthony W Watson researcher Northumbria University
Antonio Abatemarco Italian economic historian University of Salerno
University of York
University of Naples Federico II
Antonio D Bardoli researcher University of Birmingham
Durham University
Antonios G Dougalis researcher University of Sunderland
Antony Pilkington British businessman;(1935-2000) Ampleforth College
Trinity College
Anwar Choudhury
British diplomat and governor East Pakistan Durham University
University of Salford
Bethnal Green Academy
Durham University Business School
1959-06-15 Anwar Choudhury
Arne Strand Norwegian researcher University of York 1958
Arthur A. Just Lutheran Pastor, Missionary, Professor of Exegetical Theology Salem Phillips Academy
Union College
Concordia Theological Seminary
Yale Divinity School
Durham University
Arthur Ballard British Archdeacon Durham University 1912-03-09
Arthur Lakin Ph.D. University of Durham 1950 Durham University
Aryo Djojohadikusumo
Indonesian politician Jakarta Durham University
No/unknown value
Winchester College
Asif Ahmad
British diplomat London Durham University
Community School, Tehran
Athanasios Zolotas researcher Orestiada University of York
University of Macedonia
Auberon Herbert landowner Balliol College
Ampleforth College
Aubrey Buxton, Baron Buxton of Alsa British politician and television executive (1918-2009) Oxford Trinity College
Ampleforth College
Azzam Tamimi
British academic University of Westminster
University of Sunderland
1955 Azzam Tamimi
Bakri Osman Saeed The President of the Association of African Universities and President of Sudan International University Sudan University of Khartoum
University of Leeds
Newcastle University
Barrie Dobson English historian (1931-2013) Stockton-on-Tees Wadham College
Barnard Castle School
Barry Laight British aerospace engineer University of Bristol
Durham Johnston Comprehensive School
Basil Charles King British geologist and author Durham University 1915-06-01
Basil Hume
File:Cardinal George Basil Hume.jpg
Catholic cardinal (1923-1999) Newcastle upon Tyne Ampleforth College
University of Fribourg
Newcastle Preparatory School
St Martin's Ampleforth
1923-03-02 Basil Hume
Beilby Porteus
Bishop of Chester; Bishop of London York Christ's College
Ripon Grammar School
1731-05-08 Beilby Porteus
Ben Everitt
British politician and Conservative MP Grantham Durham University 1979-11-22 Ben Everitt
Ben Field researcher Durham University 1985
Ben Gibson
English association football player Nunthorpe Nunthorpe Academy
Yarm School
1993-01-15 Ben Gibson
Ben Hudson researcher Newcastle University
Ben Jones British rugby union player Barnard Castle School 1982-04-05
Ben Pimlott
British historian Greater London Worcester College
Newcastle University
Marlborough College
1945-07-04 Ben Pimlott
Ben Rice British writer Tiverton Wadham College
University of East Anglia
Newcastle University
Blundell's School
Ben Salisbury British music composer Newcastle University
Bournemouth University
Ben Smith English football goalkeeper, born 1986 Whitley Bay Whitley Bay High School 1986-09-05
Ben Witherington III
American religion academic High Point Durham University
Gardner–Webb University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary
1951-12-30 Ben Witherington III
Benet Perceval British monk University of Oxford
Ampleforth College
Benjamin A E Hunt researcher University of Nottingham
University of York
Bournemouth University
Benjamin Morris researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-1438-794X) University of Nottingham
University of York
Benjamin P. Horton English climatologist Durham University
University of Liverpool
Benjamin Rowlinson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2415-6400) University of York
Benjamin Wilson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2043-7771 Newcastle University
Bennjamin J Penny-Mason archaeologist University of Reading
Durham University
Berel Berkovits Gateshead Talmudical College 1949-06-03
Bill Baddeley
Dean of Brisbane (1914-1998) Durham University
Ripon College Cuddesdon
University of Tasmania
1914-03-20 Bill Baddeley
Bill Inman British medical researcher Ampleforth College
Gonville and Caius College
Bill Schwarz British historian, academic and writer University of York
University of Birmingham
Bill Sheils British historian University of York
King's College London
William Ellis School
Bob Murray English football executive Northumbria University 1946-08-03
Bradden Inman British footballer (born 1991) Adelaide Gleeson College
St Thomas More Roman Catholic Academy
Brendan Healy entertainer (1956-2016) Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 1956-12-18
Brett Houlding researcher Durham University
Brian Austin researcher Heriot-Watt University
Newcastle University
Brian J. Boyle Australian astrophysicist Stewart's Melville College
Durham University
Brian Linighan English footballer (born 1973) Hartlepool English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College 1973-11-02
Brian Woodhams Durham University
Dover College
Oak Hill College
Bruce Bucknell
British diplomat Reading Durham University
Taunton School
Bruce Charlton British doctor Durham University
Newcastle University
Bryan Robson
British footballer and manager (born 1957) Chester-le-Street Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy 1957-01-11 Bryan Robson
Bryn Morris English footballer Hartlepool High Tunstall College of Science 1996-04-25
Burhanuddin Khan Jahangir Bangladeshi academic (1936-2020) Durham University
University of Dhaka
Dhaka College
C. A. Smith British politician Durham University
University of London
C. T. R. Hayward British academic Durham University
University of Oxford
Callum Roberts
marine conservation biologist, oceanographer, author and research scholar University of York 1962-04-14
Cameron Steel cricketer (born 1995) Greenbrae College of St Hild and St Bede 1995-09-13
Carl Aarvold
English barrister who became Recorder of London, and rugby union footballer (1907-1991) Hartlepool Durham School
Emmanuel College
Carl I. Hagen
Norwegian politician Oslo University of Sunderland 1944-05-06 Carl I. Hagen
Carl McBride Ph.D. University of Durham 1999 Durham University
Carl Reynolds researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9736-0413) Durham University
Carlos Echevarria researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6916-8862 Newcastle University
Carlos Rodríguez researcher Newcastle University
Carus Vale Collier rector and antiquary Sheffield University College 1864
Cecil Chao Hong Kong billionaire British Hong Kong Durham University 1936-09-27
Cecil Edward Vaughan Owen historian and teacher Oswestry School
University of Edinburgh
Durham University
Cecil McGivern BBC One controller Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
St. Cuthbert's High School
1907-05-22 Cecil McGivern
Cecil Norgate Anglican bishop Durham University
Stamford School
Ceiri Torjussen British composer Cardiff University of York
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf
Charles Bruzon Gibraltarian politician (1938-2013) Gibraltar Ushaw College 1938-06-10
Charles Colville, 5th Viscount Colville of Culross
Television producer and director (born 1959) England Durham University
Rugby School
1959-09-05 Charles Colville, 5. Viscount Colville of Culross
Charles David Batty English librarian Northumberland Durham University 1932
Charles Frederick Peploe English Anglican clergyman Southgate Hatfield College 1865
Charles Furneaux British television producer and documentary maker Durham University 1956
Charles Grieve Scottish rugby union player (1913-2000) Manila Ampleforth College
Christ Church
Charles Hesterman Merz British electrical engineer Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
Bootham School
Charles Innes-Ker, 11th Duke of Roxburghe
File:Charles Robert George Innes-Ker, 11th Duke of Roxburghe.jpg
British peer (born 1981) Eton College
Newcastle University
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Charles Kenny English cricketer (1929-1996) Wallington Ampleforth College 1929-05-19
Charles Kightly historian University of York 1946
Charles Lakeman Tweedale
Durham University
Giggleswick School
Charles Lakeman Tweedale
Charles Maurice Davies British writer and priest Wells Durham University 1828 Charles Maurice Davies
Charles Rycroft British businessman Pudsey Giggleswick School 1901-03-21
Charles Stourton, 26th Baron Mowbray British baron (1923-2006) London Christ Church
Ampleforth College
Charles Wegelius
British cyclist Espoo Bootham School 1978-04-26 Charles Wegelius
Charles William Darbishire
British politician (1875-1925) Giggleswick School 1875-06-17 Charles William Darbishire
Charlie Adamson English rugby union footballer and cricketer (1875-1918) Durham Durham School 1875-04-18
Charlie Cresswell
English footballer Preston Fulford School 2002-12-07
Charlie Hodgson
English rugby union footballer Halifax Durham University
Bradford Grammar School
1980-11-12 Charlie Hodgson
Charlie Hunnam
British actor Newcastle upon Tyne Cumbria Institute of the Arts
Heaton Manor School
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Penrith
Jesmond Park Academy
University of Cumbria
1980-04-10 Charlie Hunnam
Charlie Luckock filmmaker Newcastle University
Charlie Taylor
English association football player York Tadcaster Grammar School 1993-09-18 Charlie Taylor (footballer born 1993)
Charlie van Straubenzee English businessman Newcastle University
Ludgrove School
Chris Athorne Ph.D. University of Durham 1982 Durham University
Chris Barber British businessman (1921-2012) Bootham School 1921-03-19
Chris Brunsdon researcher Newcastle University
Chris Bush Playwright, artistic director Sheffield University of York 1986-07-03
Chris Goldsmith British Anglican bishop (born 1954) University of York
Dartford Grammar School
Chris Harris Scottish rugby union player Carlisle Northumbria University 1990-12-28
Chris Joseph businessperson United Kingdom English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College
University of Leeds
Chris Shillum former Vice President of Platform and Data Integration for Elsevier; ED of ORCID University of York
Chris Steele-Perkins British photographer Yangon University of York
Christ's Hospital
Newcastle University
Chris Svensson british automobile designer Royal College of Art
University of Sunderland
Chris Terrill
British anthropologist, adventurer, broadcaster, author and filmmaker Brighton Durham University
Brighton College
Chris Tomlinson
British athlete Middlesbrough Nunthorpe Academy 1981-09-15 Chris Tomlinson
Chris Whitty
British physician and epidemiologist Gloucester Windlesham House School
Malvern College
Pembroke College
Wolfson College
Heriot-Watt University
Northumbria University
1966-04-21 Chris Whitty
Chris d'Lacey British writer Valletta University of York 1954-12-16
The Fire Within
Christopher Bak Ph.D. University of York 2015 University of York
Christopher David Hollings Ph.D. University of York 2007 University of York
Christopher Dow British economist Bootham School
Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College
Christopher Dowson researcher Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Christopher Eames researcher University of York
Christopher F Adams researcher University of Keele
University of York
University of Bristol
Christopher Foster
Bishop of Portsmouth Durham University 1953-11-07 Christopher Foster (bishop)
Christopher Fox English composer York University of York 1955-03-10
Christopher H Bryant researcher University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
University of Aberdeen
University of Sunderland
Christopher Hancock British actor (1928-2004) Bishop Auckland Chorister School 1928-06-05
Christopher Hugh Eustace (born 1952) The King's School Canterbury
Newcastle University
Christopher James Alexander English ornithologist (1887-1917) Croydon Bootham School
Wye College
Christopher James Carter researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6000-050X University of Nottingham
University of York
Christopher Jefferson Ph.D. University of York 2008 University of York
Christopher Lamb British journalist (born 1982) Durham University 1982-11-16
Christopher Loveluck archaeologist Durham University
Christopher N. Jensen-Butler Ph.D. University of Durham 1970 Durham University
Christopher Newman researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5131-4665) University of Sunderland
Northumbria University
University of Sussex
Christopher Paget English cricketer (born 1987) Durham University 1987-11-02
Christopher Paul Simmons Ph.D. University of York 2002 University of York
Christopher Rampling British diplomat Durham University 1973-08-08
Christopher Smart
English poet, hymnwriter, editor Shipbourne Pembroke College
Durham School
Maidstone Grammar School
1722-04-11 Christopher Smart
Christopher W. Coles Ph.D. University of York 1972 University of York
Claes Richard Cramer Ph.D. University of York 1998 University of York
Clifford Barker Bishop of Selby; Bishop of Whitby Durham University
Oriel College
Clifford Nelson Fyle Sierra Leonean academic Freetown Durham University
University of California, Los Angeles
Methodist Boys' High School
Clint Gray prematurity researcher at Otago University University of Sunderland
University of Nottingham
Clive Handford Bishop in Cyprus and the Gulf; Bishop of Warwick Durham University 1937-04-17
Clive Holland British radio and TV presenter Scarborough Sixth Form College 19th century
Clive Woodward
English rugby union footballer and coach Ely Loughborough University
Easingwold School
1956-01-06 Clive Woodward
Colin Bennett British American mathematics professor Newcastle University
Colin McDowell
British journalist and academic Durham University 1936
Conor Newton British footballer (born 1991) Newcastle upon Tyne Whickham School 1991-10-17
Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood
Royal Navy admiral (1748-1810) Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School 1748-09-26 Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood
Cyrus Chothia
English biochemist (1942–2019) University College London
Birkbeck, University of London
Durham University
Alleyn's School
1942-02-19 Cyrus Chothia
César Hernández Aguayo astronomer Durham University
D. Conley Eades English Presbyterian pastor Aston Tirrold Durham University
Westminster College
Dan Rivers
British journalist Durham University
Beechen Cliff School
Dan van der Vat Dutch-British historian and journalist Alkmaar Durham University
The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School
Daniel Hutto American philosopher and professor of philosophical psychology University of St Andrews
University of York
Marist College
Daniel Hyde British organist King's College
Chorister School
Daniel Lapin American rabbi Johannesburg Gateshead Talmudical College 1947-01-01
Daniel R Lloyd researcher Institute of Cancer Research
University of York
Daniel Revillini Ecologist Northern Arizona University
University of York
Daniel Shaw researcher ORCID 0000-0003-1284-2224 Pompeu Fabra University
Northumbria University
Daniel Shilvock English cricketer (born 1983) Birmingham Durham University 1983-11-22
Daniel-Florin Sava researcher Durham University
École Nationale Supérieure de Physique, Électronique et Matériaux
Danny Dorling
English social geographer Oxford Newcastle University
Cheney School
1968-01-16 Danny Dorling
Darren Wood professional footballer (born 1964) Scarborough George Pindar School 1964-06-09
Dave Middlebrook British Anglican priest; Archdeacon-designate of Bedford Newcastle University 1961
David Alan Young researcher Newcastle University
David Alexander Ryan Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2010 Newcastle University
David Arkless
businessperson Durham University 1954 David Arkless
David Bentley Barbadian bishop Durham University
University of London
David Berry researcher ORCID: 0000-0001-6524-2447 Durham University Faculty of Science
David Blackman researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7852-4216 University of York
University of Leeds
David Bowe British politician (born 1955) Gateshead Teesside University 1955-07-19
David Breeze British archaeologist England Durham University 1944-07-25
David Budgen researcher Durham University
David Byas English County cricketer and coach (born 1963) Scarborough College 1963-08-26
David Carter British diplomat Durham University 1945-05-04
David Coates British political economist University of York
University of Oxford
Nuffield College
David Evans British Labour Party official Chester University of York 1961
David Fitton
British diplomat Durham University 1955-01-10
David Glenn Swift researcher University of Central Lancashire
University of York
University of Cambridge
David Graddol British linguist United Kingdom University of York 1953
David Greathead Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2008 Newcastle University
David J. Leigh archaeologist Cardiff University
Durham University
David Jennings British composer Sheffield Durham University
University of Manchester
Birkdale School
David John Bruce Ph.D. University of Durham 1976 Durham University
David Kealy researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9246-8134) University of Leeds
University of York
David Leonard Ph.D. University of Durham 2007 Durham University
David Lumsden British musician Dame Allan's School 1928-03-19
David M Bailey researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0824-8823) University of St Andrews
University of York
University of Plymouth
David M Stone researcher University of York
David M. Moore British botanist (1933-2013) Barnard Castle University College 1933-07-26
David Mercer
English playwright and screenwriter (1928-1980) Wakefield Durham University 1928-06-27 David Mercer (playwright)
David Monger historian at University of Canterbury in New Zealand King's College London
University of York
David Morley Webber Ph.D. University of Durham 1974 Durham University
David Pearson
British-born Canadian scientist, academic and television personality Durham University
Imperial College London
David Quigley researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-4750-4372) University of York
David R. Bundle British Canadian carbohydrate chemist Newcastle University
University of Nottingham
David Robinson British cleric, born 1931 Durham University 1931-03-15
David S. Berman Ph.D. University of Durham 1998 Durham University
David Sadler British geographer Durham University 1960
David Sawer British composer Stockport University of York 1961-09-14 The Memory of Water David Sawer
David Simmonds
British politician and Conservative MP Kent Durham University 1976-02-22 David Simmonds
David Sinclair Durham University
David Stirling
British mountaineer, World War II British Army officer, and the founder of the Special Air Service (1915-1990) Lecropt Ampleforth College
Trinity College
1915-11-15 David Stirling (military)
David Stocker archaeologist and architectural historian University of Cambridge
University of York
David Vaughan Climate scientist of the British Antarctic Survey Hatfield College
Churchill College
David W. J. Gill scholar of antiquities Lincoln College
Newcastle University
David Walker researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-2486-4677) Newcastle University
University of Birmingham
Faculty of Environment
David Walton British economist Durham University
University of Warwick
David Watson British painter Middlesbrough College 1944
David Wright (born 1957) Wells Cathedral School
Durham University
David Zendle researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0279-6439) University of York Department of Computer Science
University of York
Dean Lindo Belizean politician (1932-2018) Belize City Durham University
New York University
Delaval Astley, 23rd Baron Hastings British actor Hatfield College 1960-04-25
Delroy Taylor Jamaican cricketer Saint Catherine Parish Durham University 1975-06-30
Denis Coulthard Graham British biological chemist Durham University 1929
Dennis Assanis Greek-American scientist & academic Athens Newcastle University 1959-02-09
Derek Hodgson British Archdeacon Durham University
King James I Academy
Derek Lott entomologist Hampton Balliol College
University of Warwick
University of Leicester
Newcastle University
Derek Wanless
British banker (1947-2012) Newcastle upon Tyne Harvard University
King's College
Royal Grammar School
Derek Ward-Thompson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1140-2761 Durham University
University of Oxford
Deryck Maughan
British businessman and philanthropist Stanford University
King's College London
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Sloan Fellows Program
Richmond School
Dick Darby Bishop of Sherwood; British Anglican bishop (1919-1993) Durham University 1919-02-28 Dick Darby
Dimitrios Giataganas Ph.D. University of Durham 2009 Durham University
Dimitris Maronidis
Media Artist Thessaloniki University of York 1980-04-11
Dominic Asquith
British diplomat Ampleforth College 1957-02-07 Dominic Asquith
Dominic Cummings British political strategist who served as chief adviser to UK prime minister from July 2019 until Nov 2020 Durham Exeter College
Durham School
1971-11-25 Dominic Cummings
Dominic Johnson, Baron Johnson of Lainston
British financier and politician London Durham University 1974-04-06 Dominic Johnson, Baron Johnson of Lainston
Dominic Montserrat British egyptologist Slough University College London
Durham University
Dominic Tolle researcher University of York
University of Cambridge
University College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
Dominic Watt Newcastle University 1970-03-30
Donald Henson Archaeologist University of York
University of Sheffield
Donald I. Williamson British zoologist Durham University
Newcastle University
Donald M. MacRaild historian, pro-vice chancellor of London Metropolitan University University of Sunderland
University of Sheffield
Liverpool John Moores University
Donald William O'Hara Ph.D. University of Durham 1973 Durham University
Dougal Wilson English video director Heswall Durham University
Calday Grange Grammar School
Douglas Burke astronomer Imperial College London
Durham University
Douglas Davies
British theologian Durham University
Lewis School Pengam
St Peter's College
1947-02-11 Douglas Davies
Douglas Dyer researcher University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Douglas Hacking, 1st Baron Hacking
British politician (1884-1950) University of Manchester
Giggleswick School
Douglas John Laidlaw astronomer Durham University
Douglass Matthew Turnbull Professor of Neurology at the University of Newcastle Newcastle University 20th century
Drexel Gomez Archbishop of the West Indies Nassau Durham University 1937-01-24
Duncan Watmore
England association football player (born 1994) Manchester Newcastle University
Cheadle Hulme School
University of Manchester
1994-03-08 Duncan Watmore
Dunstan Brown University of York 1966-01-01
Dylan Z. Childs researcher Imperial College London
University of York
University of Cambridge
Ebrahim Khodabandeh
former member of the MEK Tehran Newcastle University 1953 Ebrahim Khodabandeh
Ed Mitchell
British journalist and television presenter Durham University
Worthing High School
Ed Stafford British explorer Peterborough Uppingham School
Newcastle University
1975-12-26 Ed Stafford
Eddie Chambers artist, curator and academic Wolverhampton Goldsmiths, University of London
University of Sunderland
Edgar de Normanville British inventor and journalist (1882-1968) Ampleforth College 1882-10-13
Edmund Coleman-Fountain researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-1622-7026 Newcastle University
University of Aberdeen
Edmund Jennings English politician (1626 - 1691) Sidney Sussex College
Ripon Grammar School
Eduardo Reck Miranda
Brazilian music composer and scientist Porto Alegre University of York
University of Edinburgh
1963 Eduardo Reck Miranda
Edward Arthur Carr British colonial administrative officer in Nigeria Ermysted's Grammar School 1903-04-07
Edward Cullinan British architect (1931-2019) Islington Queens' College
Ampleforth College
University of California, Berkeley College of Environmental Design
Architectural Association School of Architecture
Edward Frossard Anglican Priest Durham University 1887-02-22
Edward Grubb British Quaker leader (1854-1939) Bootham School 1854-10-19
Edward H Silson researcher University of York
Edward Hewitt Nichols British agriculture and aquaculture official Newcastle upon Tyne University of the West Indies
Queens' College
Newcastle University
Durham University
Edward Jack Powley Ph.D. University of York 2009 University of York
Edward Jackson researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6513-6804) University of York
Edward Leslie Seager British Archdeacon Durham University
Bromsgrove School
Edward Merewether English factory inspector Durham
Durham University 1892
Edward Short, Baron Glenamara British politician (1912-2012) Newcastle upon Tyne College of St Hild and St Bede
Durham University
Edward Shotter
British Anglican Dean (1933-2019) Durham University 1933-06-29
Edward Timpson
British politician (born 1973) Knutsford Durham University
Uppingham School
1973-12-26 Edward Timpson
Edward Tomkins
British diplomat (1915-2007) Jabalpur Trinity College
Ampleforth College
1915-11-16 Edward Tomkins
Edward Wates researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-3210-6080 London College of Communication
University of York
Eike Best German computer scientist Newcastle University 1951
Einar Morset Selbu Levanger lærerhøgskole
Statens gymnastikkskole
Newcastle University
Eliezer Simcha Weiss
Manchester Gateshead Talmudical College
Mercaz HaRav Kook
machon Ari'el
1950 Eliezer Simcha Weiss
Elliott Wilson English cricketer (born 1976) Durham University 1976-11-03
Emanuele Andreano researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0088-5788) University of Siena
Newcastle University
Emmanuel Kwadwo Adu Ghanaian politician Norwood College
University of Ghana
Lambeth College
Eric Cameron Canadian artist Leicester Durham University 1935
Eric Heaton British priest (1920-1996) Christ's College
Ermysted's Grammar School
Eric Parry
British architect Kuwait City Royal College of Art
Newcastle University
1952-03-24 St Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster Eric Parry
Eric Thomas
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol Hartlepool Newcastle University 1953-03-24
Ernest Bullock British musician Durham University 1890-09-15
Eugen Weber American historian (1925-2007) Bucharest University of Paris
Sciences Po
Ashville College
Fabian Hamilton
British politician (born 1955) Westminster University of York
Brentwood School
1955-04-12 Fabian Hamilton
Fabrizio Tediosi researcher University of Basel
University of York
University of Pavia
Federico Crudu D.Phil. University of York 2009 University of York
Fergus Beeley English conservationist Tonbridge Durham University 1962
Finn Peters British musician Durham University
Plymouth College
Finn Peters
Francesco Fioranelli Ph.D. University of Durham 2013 Durham University
Francis Jackson
British organist and composer Malton Durham University 1917-10-02 Francis Jackson (composer)
Francis Johnston third Bishop of Egypt Durham University
Reigate Grammar School
Francis Matthews
British actor York Mount St Mary's Catholic High School, Leeds
1927-09-02 Francis Matthews (actor)
Francis Petre
New Zealand architect (1847-1918) Lower Hutt Mount St Mary's College
Ushaw College
1847-08-27 Sacred Heart Cathedral Francis Petre
Francis Thompson
British poet (1859-1907) Preston Ushaw College 1859-12-16 Francis Thompson
Francisco Campos researcher ORCID 0000-0001-8376-0977 Durham University
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Frank Gillingham
English cricketer (1875-1953) Tokyo Durham University
Dulwich College
1875-09-06 Frank Gillingham
Frank Katzer researcher University of York
Frank Pasquill English meteorologist Trimdon Durham University
University College
Frank Royston Burton EngD University of York 2014 University of York
Frank Rösler Ph.D. University of Durham 2018 Durham University
Frank Tyson
Cricket player of England. (1930-2015) Farnworth Durham University 1930-06-06
Frank Webster British sociologist Durham Durham University 1950-09-27
Fraser Forster
English association football player (born 1988) Hexham Royal Grammar School 1988-03-17 Fraser Forster
Freddie Ruffell cricketer (born 1997) Lambeth Durham University 1997-01-04
Freddie de Guingand
British Army general Acton Ampleforth College
Royal Military College, Sandhurst
1900 Francis Wilfred de Guingand
Frederic Beaven Bishop of Mashonaland, and of Southern Rhodesia; British Anglican colonial bishop Durham University
St Bees Theological College
Frederic William Pim Irish businessman and writer Blackrock Bootham School
Grove House School
1839-05-08 Frederic William Pim
Frederick Chapman Clemesha architect Preston Bootham School 1876-08-03
Frederick H. Todd British naval engineer (1903-1992) Durham University 1903-08-20
Frederick Kerr-Dineen British priest (1915-1988) Durham University 1915-08-26
Frederick Shaw Irish cricketer and British Army officer (1892-1935) Dublin Trinity College Dublin
Archbishop Holgate's School
Frederick W.F. Foulds researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-3071-7187 Durham University
Frederick William Sanderson British educationist, headmaster at Oundle School from 1892 to 1922 Brancepeth Christ's College
Durham University
Hatfield College
Frithjof Arngren Newcastle University 1951
Frode Eika Sandnes
Norwegian Computer Scientist University of Reading
Newcastle University
1970-01-16 Frode Eika Sandnes
Garath Archer English rugby union footballer Durham Durham School 1974-12-15
Gareth A. Morris
British scientist Royal Grammar School
Magdalen College
Gareth Ellis
English rugby league footballer Castleford Selby High School Specialist School for the Arts and Science 1981-05-03
Gareth Iball researcher University of Leeds
Newcastle University
Gareth Marlow molecular biologist University of Leeds
Durham University
Gareth R. V. Stansfield British academic (b.1973) Durham University
Hulme Grammar School
Garth Norman British Archdeacon Durham University
University of Cambridge
University of East Anglia
Henry Mellish School and Specialist Sports College
Gary Madine
English association football player (born 1990) Gateshead Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy 1990-08-24
Gavin Devine University of York 1970-05-31
Gavin Doherty researcher University of York
Trinity College Dublin
Gavin Sutherland British conductor, composer and pianist Roseberry College 1972
Gavin Williamson
British Conservative party politician (born 1976) Scarborough University of Bradford
Raincliffe School
Scarborough Sixth Form College
1976-06-25 Gavin Williamson
Gavin Wood
Decentralized internet pioneer Lancaster University of York
Lancaster Royal Grammar School
1980 Gavin Wood
Gbadebo Odularu researcher University of Sunderland
University of Ibadan
Hellenic Open University
Geoffrey Appleyard British Army officer Bramley Bootham School
Gonville and Caius College
Geoffrey Marshall British clergy Durham University
Repton School
Geoffrey McGivern British actor Balham Christ's College
Archbishop Holgate's School
Geoffrey Smith British gardener (1928-2009) Barnard Castle School 1928-03-23
Geoffrey Vickers
recipient of the Victoria Cross Nottingham Merton College
Bramcote School
1894-10-13 Geoffrey Vickers
George André Robertson English cricketer (1929-2007) Peterhouse
Ampleforth College
George Basden
Archdeacon of the Niger (1873-1944) Church Missionary Society College, Islington
Durham University
1873-10-31 George Basden
George Carleton
bishop of Chichester Kepier School 1559 George Carleton (bishop)
George Clarke
British architect, television presenter, lecturer and writer Sunderland University College London
Newcastle University
Oxclose Community Academy
City of Sunderland College
George D. Dickinson researcher University of York
University of Aberdeen
Oakham School
George Daniel Watson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6524-0828 University of York
George Dragas Orthodox Christian theologian University of Edinburgh
Durham University
George Frodsham
Australian bishop Durham University
Birkenhead School
1863 George Frodsham
George Frost Anglican priest Durham University
Lincoln Theological College
George Goldie English ecclesiastical architect York Ushaw College 1828-06-09 Saint Pancras Church George Goldie
George Gretton Scottish legal scholar University of Edinburgh
Durham University
George Harry Hitching Ph.D. University of Durham 2005 Durham University
George Hills
Anglican bishop Durham University 1816-06-21 George Hills
George Jobey British archaeologist (1918-1991) Percy Main Durham University
George Lamptey judge Accra Accra Academy
Achimota School
Durham University
George Lansbury researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-5328-9827 Durham University
George Norman Clark English historian (1890-1979) Halifax Balliol College
The Manchester Grammar School
Bootham School
George Oldfield British police officer Archbishop Holgate's School 1919-02-11
George Pearson Wilkinson gentleman of Durham, vicar of Thornley (1823-1890) Durham University 1823-05-18
George Pepler British urban planner Bootham School 1882-02-24
George Russell British television executive Gateshead Grammar School
Durham University
George Torrens researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5097-0484 Loughborough University
Northumbria University
Georgios Tzamtzis Ph.D. University of Durham 2003 Durham University
Gerry Steinberg
British politician (1945-2015) Durham Sheffield Hallam University
Northumbria University
Durham Johnston Comprehensive School
Ghis Bakour
Multidisciplinary Design Leader Northumbria University
Nielsen Norman Group
Giacomo Pignataro researcher University of Catania
University of York
Giannis Constantatos
Greek politician Athens University of Economics and Business
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Durham University
Giuseppe Nocella researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9625-6315) Newcastle University
Glen Read English cricketer (born 1981) Cuckfield Durham University 1981-09-04
Glenn Hugill British television presenter Durham Barnard Castle School
Christ Church
Golam Shabbir Sattar Vice Chancelor of Rajshahi University Rajshahi University
Newcastle University
Gordon A. Ringland Ph.D. University of Durham 1966 Durham University
Gordon Gibb British businessman St Peter's School
Woodleigh School
Gordon McPherson British composer (1965- ) University of York 1965
Gordon Meade poet Newcastle University
Strathallan School
Gordon Tindall Bishop of Grahamstown; British Anglican colonial bishop Durham University 1910
Graeme Davis
British writer and role-playing game designer Isleworth Collingwood College 1958
Graham Teasdale English neurosurgeon Durham Johnston Comprehensive School 1940-09-23
Graham Walton researcher Northumbria University
Grahame Morris
British politician (born 1961) County Durham Newcastle College 1961-03-13 Grahame Morris
Granville Maynard Sharp British politician (1906-1997) Ashville College
St John's College
Grattan Bushe lawyer and colonial governor (1886–1961) Aysgarth School
Denstone College
Greg Mulholland
British politician (born 1970) Manchester University of York
Saint Ambrose College
1970-08-31 Greg Mulholland
Gregory Hunt researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-8896-2455 Durham University Department of Chemistry
Collingwood College
Griff Dines Episcopal Provost University College London
Clare College
Westcott House
Royal Grammar School
Gurdyal Besra British microbiologist Newcastle University
Guy Pelly English entrepreneur; godfather of Prince Louis of Cambridge London Borough of Merton Stowe School
Royal Agricultural University
Newcastle University
H. T. Dickinson English historian United Kingdom Durham University
Gateshead Grammar School
Hal Cruttenden
British comedian London University of York 1969-09-09 Hal Cruttenden
Hal Lister British geographer and Arctic Explorer Fitzwilliam College
Newcastle University
Hall Charlton English rugby union player Durham Chorister School 1979-10-25
Hamid Nadimi Designer of the emblem of Iran Tehran University of York
Harman Grisewood British media executive Worcester College
Ampleforth College
Harold Dennis Taylor
British optical designer Huddersfield St Peter's School 1862-07-10 Harold Dennis Taylor
Harold Fawcus English cricketer and British Army officer (1876-1947) South Charlton Durham School 1876-05-20
Harold Heslop British writer Hunwick King James I Academy 1898
Harold Shearman British politician St Edmund Hall
Magdalen College School
Wolsingham School
Harold Williams Welsh archdeacon Durham University 1864-03-28
Harry Beevers English-born American physiologist (1924-2004) County Durham Durham University
Wolsingham School
Harry Chapman
English association football player Hartlepool Dyke House Sports and Technology College 1997-11-05
Harry Dexter British composer Durham University 1910
Harry Dobinson English footballer (1898-1990) Darlington Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College 1898-03-02
Harry Lampert Journalist St Albans School
Durham University
Hector M. Guzman marine biologist University of Costa Rica
Newcastle University
Henry Baker Tristram
English clergyman, Biblical scholar, traveller and ornithologist (1822-1906) Eglingham Lincoln College
Durham School
1822-05-11 Henry Baker Tristram
Henry Bourne British historian Royal Grammar School 1694
Henry Carden Archdeacon of Lahore (1882-1964) Durham University 1882-12-23
Henry Frederick Mercer (1872-1949) clergyman Giggleswick School 1872-03-30
Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge
British politician (1785-1856) Wrotham Eton College
Durham School
1785-03-30 Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge
Henry Hemming
English author Newcastle University
Henry Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford
British politician (1825-1914) Knutsford Durham University
Harrow School
1825-08-03 Henry Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford
Henry Nevile English farmer and politician (1920-1996) Ampleforth College
Trinity College
Henry Nicholas Greenwell
English merchant credited with establishing Kona coffee as an internationally known brand Lanchester Durham School 1826-01-09
Henry Priestman English pop musician, songwriter and record producer Kingston upon Hull Liverpool College of Art
Woodleigh School
Leighton Park School
Henry Rawlingson Carr Nigerian educator Durham University
Fourah Bay College
University of St Mark & St John
Henry Walker British mines inspector (1873-1954) Saltburn-by-the-Sea Durham School 1873-03-17
Herbert M. Sauro researcher University of Oxford University College Oxford
University of York
University of Kent
Herbert Railton
British artist and book illustrator Pleasington Ampleforth College 1857-11-21 Herbert Railton
Hopkins Badnall Leek Durham University 1821-09-12
Horatio Clare English author London University of York
UWC Atlantic College
Malvern College
Hosein Amiri Khanmakani
Iranian politician and physicist Zarand Newcastle University 1958
Howard Erskine-Hill English literary scholar Wakefield Ashville College
University of Nottingham
Howard Penman British physicist and meteorologist Durham University 1909-04-10
Howard Wilson loopland media Scarborough Sixth Form College
Hubert Llewellyn Rutter British general surgeon and medical officer Mere Sidcot School
Durham University
Hubert Wilkinson Anglican priest Durham University 1897-06-07
Hugh Pearman British journalist St Chad's College 1955
Hugh Vyvyan English rugby union player Guildford Newcastle University
Downside School
Farleigh School
Hugo Rawlinson English cricketer (born 1988) Lambeth Durham University
Eton College
Hugo Trower Bayes Business School
Newcastle University
Hunter Davies author, journalist and broadcaster, Johnstone Durham University
Trinity School
1936-01-07 The Beatles: The Authorised Biography
Hywel Dix University of Glamorgan
University of York
University of Cambridge
I. M. Dharmadasa British physicist Durham University
Iain Coucher British businessman St Albans Imperial College London
University of Reading
Ashville College
Iain G. McKinnon researcher Newcastle University
Royal College of Psychiatrists
University of Lancaster
20th century
Iain John Bate Ph.D. University of York 1999 University of York
Iain Macleod
British politician, cabinet minister and contract bridge player (1913-1970) Skipton Gonville and Caius College
Fettes College
Ermysted's Grammar School
1913-11-11 Iain Macleod
Iain Smith
British politician (born 1960) Gateside Newcastle University
Bell Baxter High School
1960-05-01 Iain Smith
Ian Baggett British property developer Durham University 1972-12-09
Ian Carmichael British actor (1920-2010) Kingston upon Hull Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Royal Military College, Sandhurst
Bromsgrove School
Scarborough College
Ian Carr British trumpeter Dumfries Newcastle University
Barnard Castle School
Ian James Davies Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
Ian La Frenais writer Monkseaton Dame Allan's School 1936-01-07
Ian Parsley Northern Ireland politician, writer and activist (born 1977) Yorkshire Newcastle University 1977-05-03
Ian Stephenson British artist (1934-2000) Durham University 1934-01-11
Ian William Murison Smith English chemist Leeds Giggleswick School
Christ's College
Imran Shah English cricketer (born 1978) Newcastle upon Tyne Northumbria University 1978-09-08
Isaac Hanna York St John University 1970
Ishmael B. Masesane researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Israel Esan Owolabi Nigeria engineer and academic Durham University
Christ's School Ado Ekiti
J. M. A. Lenihan British clinical physicist and science author Durham University 1918-06-23
J. Roger Hindley British logician Queen's University Belfast
Newcastle University
University of Newcastle
Jack Clark English former first-class cricketer (born 1994) Ashington Durham University
The King Edward VI Academy
Jack Ineson British hydrogeologist (1917–1970) Otley Durham University
Prince Henry's Grammar School, Otley
Jack Ormston British speedway rider West Cornforth Barnard Castle School 1909-10-30
Jack Plumley British Egyptologist Peverell Durham University
King's College
Jacob Young
British politician Middlesbrough Teesside University
Macmillan Academy
1993-02-02 Jacob Young (politician)
James A Watson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5653-3872) Teesside University
James A. Vickers mathematician and academic University of York
James Atkinson Hong Kong cricketer Hong Kong Durham University 1990-08-24
James Averdieck British entrepreneur (born 1965) Durham University
Uppingham School
Durham University Business School
James Baxter British actor Sunderland Farringdon Community Academy 1990-08-03
James Bell Bishop of Ripon; Bishop of Knaresborough; British Anglican bishop Wycliffe Hall
St Peter's College
Durham University
James Birch British racing driver Durham University 1989-11-24
James Bluett researcher University of Manchester
Newcastle University
James Blyden Jenkins-Johnston
Sierra Leonean lawyer (1946-2016) Freetown Durham University
Fourah Bay College
1946-10-02 James Blyden Jenkins-Johnston
James Brandon British journalist University of York
James Brown researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-5592-6087) Northumbria University
James Bruce English cricketer (born 1979) Hammersmith Durham University 1979-12-17
James C McConnell researcher Newcastle University
James C R Smart researcher University of York
University of Leeds
James Calvert Spence British paediatrician Amble Durham University 1892-03-19
James Chadwick Catholic bishop Ushaw College 1813-04-24
James Clarke British rower London Durham University 1984-12-31 James Clarke
James D McGettrick researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
James Duckworth (1869-1937) British businessman and politician University of Manchester
Ashville College
James Edmund Clark Meteorologist and geologist Street Bootham School
University College London
Heidelberg University
James Fergal Wilfred McRedmond Ph.D. University of Durham 2019 Durham University
James Flavin Ph.D. University of Durham 1962 Durham University
James Frith researcher Newcastle University
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
University of Leeds
James Gerrard archaeologist University of York
James Goss
British judge (born 1953) Durham University
Charterhouse School
1953-05-12 James Goss (judge)
James Grime University of York
University of Lancaster
James Henderson British Archdeacon Durham University 1840-09
James Jakes
British racing driver Leeds Giggleswick School 1987-08-04 James Jakes
James Joseph Foy
Canadian politician Toronto University of Toronto
Ushaw College
St. Michael's College
James King British priest St John's College
Ripon Grammar School
James Kirkbride researcher Advance HE
James Lawrence English cricketer (born 1976) Durham University 1976-11-29
James Linton Bishop in Persia; British Anglican bishop Durham University 1879-02-09
James Love-Koh researcher University of York
James M. Simpson researcher Durham University
James M.D. Day British geoscientist Durham University
James Mainwaring musician Warrington University of York 1989
James Martin
British chef and television presenter Malton Malton School 1972-06-30 James Martin (chef)
James Millen British nanotechnology researcher Durham University
Imperial College London
James Milne Robb
Royal Air Force air marshal Hexham Durham University
George Watson's College
1895-01-26 James Robb (RAF officer)
James Mullaney researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-3126-6712 Durham University
University of Nottingham
James O'Brien
British radio presenter London Borough of Hackney Ampleforth College
London School of Economics and Political Science
James Palmes Durham University 1826
James Paul Gregory Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
James R Allison researcher Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Newcastle University
James R. Mathieu University of Pennsylvania
University of York
James R. Woodgett
researcher Salk Institute for Biological Studies
University of Dundee
University of York
James Robinson British bioinformatics scientist (Anthony Nolan Research Institute) University College London
University of York
University of Nottingham
James Rowe English cricketer (born 1979) Farnborough Durham University
Tonbridge School
James Shapiro physician Newcastle University 20th century
James Simpson-Daniel English rugby union player Stockton-on-Tees Sedbergh School
Red House School
James T. Lang archaeologist Durham University 1935
James Umpleby Ph.D. University of Durham 2008 Durham University
James W A Strachan psychology researcher University of York
James Wharton
British politician (born 1984) Wolviston Durham University
Yarm School
1984-02-16 James Wharton
James Wilby British actor Yangon Durham University
Sedbergh School
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Jamie Bell
English actor Billingham Stagecoach Theatre Arts
Northfield School and Sports College
1986-03-14 Jamie Bell
Jamie Campbell British film director Durham University
Radley College
Jamie Noon
English rugby union footballer Goole Fyling Hall School
Northumbria University
1979-05-09 Jamie Noon
Jan Maryja Drucki-Lubecki Aix-les-Bains Ampleforth College
University of Warsaw
Janick Gers
English guitarist Hartlepool English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College 1957-01-27 Janick Gers
Jason Plato
British racing driver Oxford Kings Priory School 1967-10-14
Jason Plato
Jason Steele
English association football player (born 1990) Newton Aycliffe Woodham Academy 1990-08-18
Jason Szulc Ph.D. University of York 2004 University of York 1978-04
Jay Appleton
British geographer (1919-2015) Yorkshire University of Oxford
Durham University
Jay Foreman
British comedian and YouTuber Stanmore University of York
Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet
1984-10-04 Jay Foreman
Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter Brazilian computer scientist Rio de Janeiro Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Newcastle University
Jeff Errington researcher University of Oxford
University of Greenwich
Newcastle University
Jeffrey H. Pulse Lutheran Pastor, Professor of Exegetical Theology, Director of Certification and Placement, and Director of Continuing Education Iowa State University
Concordia University, Nebraska
Concordia Theological Seminary
Durham University
Jehangir Aziz Hayat
singer, guitarist, composer Peshawar University of York 1989-06-05
Jeremy Ashbee
historian Downing College
University of York
Courtauld Institute of Art
Jeremy Ashbee
Jeremy Heyl researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-9739-367X University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Cambridge
Durham University
Princeton University
Jeremy Heywood
British civil servant (1961-2018) Glossop Bootham School
London School of Economics and Political Science
Harvard Business School
Harvard University
Hertford College
University of London
Jeremy M Rawson researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Jeremy Purvis
British politician (born 1974) Berwick-upon-Tweed Berwick Academy 1974-01-15 Jeremy Purvis
Jeremy Vine
English journalist and radio presenter Epsom Durham University
Epsom College
Aberdour School
1965-05-17 Jeremy Vine
Jerome Ng pharmacy lecturer at University of Auckland in New Zealand Durham University
University of Auckland
Jesse Honey British quizzer University College London
Durham University
Kingswood School
Jez Lowe
English singer-songwriter Easington Colliery English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College
St Francis RC Grammar School
1955-07-14 Jez Lowe
Jim Rowan British businessman Glasgow Glasgow Caledonian University
Northumbria University
Joao F.B.D. Fonseca researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-0371-3682 Durham University Faculty of Science
Joao Mendes researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-7535-8750 Durham University Department of Engineering
Joe Buttleman English cricketer (born 1987) Basildon Durham University
Felsted School
Joe McElderry
English recording artist; singer, television personality South Shields Newcastle College 1991-06-16 Joe McElderry
Joe West researcher University of York
University of Nottingham
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Royal College of Physicians
Joel Corry
English DJ, producer and television personality London Stokesley School 1989-06-10 Joel Corry
Joey Batey
British actor and singer Newcastle upon Tyne University of Cambridge
L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq
St. Cuthbert's High School
John A. Clark Ph.D. University of York 2001 University of York
John A. Pyle British atmospheric scientist Durham University
University of Oxford
John Adamson
antiquary and Portuguese scholar from Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School 1787
John Allen researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-7263-0533) Newcastle University
University of Strathclyde
University of Sheffield
John Anderson Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1966 Newcastle University
John Anthony McGuckin British academic and writer Durham University
University of Southampton
Newcastle University
John Anthony Sydney Ritson English mines inspector and engineer, and rugby union footballer (1887-1957) Chester-le-Street Durham University
Uppingham School
John Arnold medieval historian United Kingdom University of York 1969-11-28
John Arthur Jackson British politician (1862-1937) St Peter's School 1862-11-30
John Ash British ornithologist (1925-2014) Gosforth Durham University
Imperial College London
Pocklington School
John Baillie-Hamilton, 13th Earl of Haddington British politician and photographer (1941-2016) Trinity College Dublin
Ampleforth College
John Barker Irish dean Durham University
Lichfield Theological College
John Bigge
British judge Northumberland Christ Church
Westminster School
Royal Grammar School
John Burgan Independent director, writer London Newcastle University
Hymers College
John Burnett, Baron Burnett British politician (born 1945) Ampleforth College 1945-09-19
John C. A. Barrett English minister Fitzwilliam College
Newcastle University
Culford School
Wesley House
John Cadman, 1st Baron Cadman
British mining engineer (1877-1941) Staffordshire Durham University 1877-09-07
John Carver
English footballer and manager Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 1965-01-16 John Carver (footballer)
John Cayley Canadian pioneer of writing in digital media Ottawa Durham University 1956
John Craig Lawrence British Army general University College
Hill House School
John Creighton archaeologist Durham University 1964-05-21
John Crichton-Stuart, 6th Marquess of Bute
Scottish peer, benefactor, and patron of the arts Mayfair West Downs School
Ampleforth College
Trinity College
1933-02-27 John Crichton-Stuart, 6th Marquess of Bute
John Crichton-Stuart, 7th Marquess of Bute Scottish peer and racing driver Rothesay Ampleforth College 1958-04-26 Johnny Dumfries
John Crook Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness England University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Lampeter Campus
Dame Allan's School
William Hulme's Grammar School
College of the Resurrection
John Cummings British politician (1943-2017) Newcastle upon Tyne New College Durham 1943-07-06
John Darwin disappearance case former teacher and prison officer Hartlepool St Francis RC Grammar School 1950-08-14
John David Barrow
British scientist (1952-2020) London Magdalen College
Van Mildert College
University of Oxford
1952-11-29 John David Barrow
John Edward Fletcher British scholar Durham University
Queen Mary University of London
Beckfoot Thornton
John Exelby British television executive Durham University 1940
John Fendley British television presenter Scarborough Raincliffe School
Scarborough Sixth Form College
John Flint British banking businessman, CEO of HSBC Yorkshire University of Portsmouth
Giggleswick School
John Francis Yaxley British civil servant Durham University 1936-11-13 John Francis Yaxley
John Frederick Bowman archaeologist Newcastle University
John G Hardy researcher University of York
University of Bristol
John G M Mina researcher Durham University
John George British officer of arms Ampleforth College 1930-12-15
John Gilbert Baker
British botanist (1834-1920) Guisborough Bootham School
Ackworth School
1834-01-13 A new flora of Northumberland and Durham with sketches of its climate and physical geography John Gilbert Baker
John Glover Welsh cricketer Cardiff Durham University
Llantarnam School
John Godfrey Irish composer and performer University of York
John Graham English churchman and academic (1794-1865) Durham Christ's College
Durham School
John Hall
British priest London Durham University
Ripon College Cuddesdon
St Dunstan's College
1949-03-13 John Hall (priest)
John Hall British businessman, born 1933 Ashington Bedlingtonshire Community High School 1933-03-21
John Hancock
English naturalist, ornithologist, taxidermist and landscape architect (1808-1890) Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School 1808 John Hancock (ornithologist)
John Hannay Thompson British civil engineer Durham University 1869
John Hare
British actor (1844–1921) Yorkshire Giggleswick School 1844-05-16 Sir John Hare
John Hawkins English Anglican priest, Archdeacon of Totnes Durham University 1903-06-30
John Hick English philosopher of religion and theologian (1922-2012) Scarborough University of Edinburgh
Oriel College
Scarborough College
John Holmes researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9283-2151) University of York
John Howson
English cleric and antiquary (1816-85) Giggleswick Trinity College
Giggleswick School
1816-05-05 John Saul Howson
John Hughes Anglican Bishop of Croydon and Bishop of the Forces (1908-2001) Durham University
Bishopshalt School
John Hughlings Jackson
British neurologist (1835-1911) Yorkshire University of York
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
1835-04-04 John Hughlings Jackson
John Inge
Bishop of Worcester; Bishop of Huntingdon (born 1955) Folkestone Keble College
Durham University
1955-02-26 John Inge
John J. Wilkes archaeologist Reigate University College London
Durham University
King Henry VIII School, Coventry
Harrow High School
John Johnston British Army officer who joined the Royal Household (1922-2006) Myanmar Ampleforth College 1922-08-24
John Laws
English jurist (1945-2020) Exeter College
Durham School
Chorister School
John Marsh British Archdeacon University of York 1947-07-03
John McLaren British crime writer Edinburgh Durham University 1951-08-03
John McManners
British historian Ferryhill Durham University
St Edmund Hall
John Middleton English actor well known for his part in ITV's Emmerdale as Ashley Thomas Bradford St. Cuthbert's High School 1953-09-07
John Mowat Scottish priest Durham University
John Murray English sports broadcaster and commentator for BBC Radio 5 Live University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Lampeter Campus
Haydon Bridge Community High School and Sports College
John Nichol Royal Air Force Navigator North Shields St. Cuthbert's High School 1963
John Noel O'Brien Ph.D. University of Durham 1966 Durham University
John Oliver Archdeacon of Leeds (1939-2018) University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Lampeter Campus
Ripon Grammar School
John Olubi Sodipo Nigerian philosopher (1935-1999) Durham University 1935-10-15
John Patrick Grogan researcher University of Bristol
University of York
John Ponsonby Royal Air Force air marshals Ampleforth College 1955-08-08
John Porter English musician and record producer King's College London
Newcastle University
Allerton Grange School
John Pugh
British politician (born 1948) Liverpool Durham University
University of Nottingham
Maidstone Grammar School
1948-06-28 John Pugh
John R. Stephenson Lutheran Pastor, Professor of Historical Theology University of Oxford
Durham University
John Randall British civil servant University of York
Wallington County Grammar School
John Rayner British rabbi and theologian Berlin Emmanuel College
Durham School
John Richard Rhodes Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
John Richards British musician and composer University of York 1966
John Robert Davis researcher Durham University
King's College London
John Robertson British Paralympic sailor Sunderland Monkwearmouth Academy 1972-02-11
John Schwab American actor Pensacola Durham University 1972-09-15
John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
British barrister and politician, born 1751 Newcastle upon Tyne University College, Oxford
Royal Grammar School
1751-06-04 John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon
John Scott, 4th Earl of Eldon
peer (1899-1976) Ampleforth College
Magdalen College
John Sewel, Baron Sewel British academic and Baron (born 1946) Bradford University of Aberdeen
Durham University
Swansea University
John Sherwood British chemist Redruth Durham University Department of Chemistry
Aireborough Grammar School
John Simpson
English lexicographer, born 1953 Cheltenham University of York
Dean Close School
John Stephenson English Test and County cricketer (born 1965) Stebbing Durham University
Felsted School
John Sutherell British Army general Chatteris Durham University 1947-10-23
John Tinsley
British bishop (1919-1992) Durham University 1919-03-22 John Tinsley
John Todhunter
Irish writer (1839-1916) Dublin Trinity College Dublin
Bootham School
School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
John Towers British businessman Durham Johnston Comprehensive School 1948-03-30
John Walters British radio producer (1939–2001) Long Eaton Durham University
The Long Eaton School
John Warburton Sagar English rugby union player (1878-1941) Easington Durham School
Jesus College
John Warham Australian ornithologist and photographer (1919-2010) Durham University
Retford Oaks Academy
University of Canterbury
John Whitley
Entrepreneur (b. 1843, d. 1922) Leeds Durham University 1843-12-13
John William Lawson Ph.D. University of Durham 2017 Durham University
John Wilson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2139-1250) Newcastle University
John-Stuart Brittain researcher University of York
Jon Blundy British petrologist University College, Oxford
Giggleswick School
Leeds Grammar School
Jonah Fisher English broadcast journalist Collingwood College 1977
Jonathan Berry, 5th Viscount Camrose
British peer Durham University
Carnegie Mellon University
Jonathan Chernoff researcher The Mount School (York)
Yale University
19th century
Jonathan Collins Ph.D. University of Durham 2009 Durham University
Jonathan Crichton researcher Macquarie University
University of York
Jonathan Dewes cricketer (born 1995) Frimley Durham University
Wellington College
Jonathan Edwards
British triple jumper Windsor Durham University
West Buckland School
1966-05-10 Jonathan Edwards (athlete)
Jonathan George Hillier D.Phil. University of York 1997 University of York
Jonathan Gould British television presenter Durham University 1961-12-14
Jonathan J Wyatt researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-0748-0791 Newcastle University
Jonathan L. Zecher scholar of early Christian asceticism, the medical cultures of late antiquity, and traditions of prayer and spiritual practice in Byzantium and Eastern Orthodox Christianity Durham University
Jonathan Marks
Radio presenter from the Netherlands Durham University Jonathan Marks
Jonathan Scott researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-3387-5412 Teesside University
Ulster University
Jonathan Youngs British infectious diseases researcher King's College London
Yorkshire Cancer Research
Jonny Burn
English association football player (born 1995) Darlington Longfield Academy, Darlington 1995-08-01 Jonny Burn
Jonny Campbell British television director Durham University
Jonny Rowell footballer (born 1989) Newcastle upon Tyne Emmanuel College, Gateshead 1989-09-10
Jony Ive
English designer and former Chief Design Officer at Apple London Northumbria University
Chingford Foundation School
Walton High School
1967-02-27 Jonathan Ive
Jordan Henderson
English footballer (born 1990) Sunderland Farringdon Community Academy 1990-06-17 Jordan Henderson
Jordan North English radio DJ Burnley University of Sunderland
Penwortham Priory Academy
Josef Craig Paralympic swimmer Hebburn St Joseph's Catholic Academy
Graveney School
Joseph Angus
English minister, teacher and biblical scholar Bolam King's College London
Royal Grammar School
1816-01-16 Joseph Angus
Joseph Colin Smith British urological surgeon (1931-2016) Lancaster Bootham School
University College Hospital
Joseph Crabtree
English drummer England Collingwood College 1979-09-21 Joe Crabtree
Joseph Gillow English antiquary and bibliographer Ushaw College 1850-10-05 Joseph Gillow
Joseph Hillier
British sculptor Truro Newcastle University 1974-04-24
Joseph Hutchinson British biologist (1902-1988) Burton Latimer Bootham School
St John's College
Ackworth School
Joseph Ikwebe researcher Newcastle University
Joseph McCormack Catholic bishop (1887-1958) St. Cuthbert's High School 1887-05-17
Joseph Richard Murphy Canadian politician (1880-1944) Halifax Ampleforth College 1880-09-10
Joseph Scott
Californian attorney and community leader University of London
St. Bonaventure University
Ushaw College
1867-07-16 Joseph Scott (attorney)
Joseph Stevenson British archivist (1806-1895) University of Glasgow
Durham University
Durham School
Joseph Terry
British politician Pocklington St Peter's School 1828-01-07 Joseph Terry
Joseph Thorman Catholic bishop St. Cuthbert's High School 1871-08-06
Joshua Harold Burn British pharmacologist (1892-1981) Barnard Castle Emmanuel College
Barnard Castle School
Joshua Smith English cricketer (born 1992) Durham University 1992-05-30
José Kenedy Martins Ph.D. University of Durham 1999 Durham University
José Lima Santos researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8122-692X Newcastle University
João Nuno Garcia Nobre Prata Ph.D. University of Durham 1998 Durham University
Juan G. Saldarriaga researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-1265-2949 Newcastle University
Andes University
Julian Asquith, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith
British Colonial Governor (1916-2011) Balliol College
Ampleforth College
St Ronan's School
1916-04-22 Julian Asquith, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Asquith
Julian Bicknell English architect Cambridge King's College
Winchester College
Mowden Hall School
Julian Fellowes
English actor, dramatist, director, novelist, producer and screenwriter Cairo Magdalene College
Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art
Ampleforth College
Wetherby School
1949-08-17 Julian Fellowes
Justin Welby
Archbishop of Canterbury since 2013 London Durham University
Eton College
Trinity College
University of Cambridge
Cranmer Hall, Durham
St John's College
1956-01-06 Justin Welby
Kacper Walentynowicz Polish researcher Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Yorkshire Cancer Research
University of Wolverhampton
Karl Brix Zinglersen researcher Aarhus University
Newcastle University
Karl Claxton researcher University of York 1967-03-01
20th century
Keith Bradley, Baron Bradley
British Labour Party politician and life peer (born 1950) Birmingham Aston University
University of York
Manchester Metropolitan University
Bishop Vesey's Grammar School
Keith Duckworth British mechanical engineer (1933-2005) Blackburn Imperial College London
Giggleswick School
Keith Kissack
British historian Clun Durham School 1913-11-18
Keith Scott Newcastle University 1951
Keith Smalldon Newcastle University 1948
Keith Wrightson British historian, born 1948 University of Cambridge
Dame Allan's School
Fitzwilliam College
Ken Dark British archaeologist Brixton University of Cambridge
University of York
Ken Goodall Irish rugby union and rugby league footballer Newcastle University 1947-02-23
Ken Major British architect Reading Durham University 1928-10-21
Ken Schenck American theologian Durham University
University of Kentucky
Asbury Theological Seminary
Southern Wesleyan University
1966 Ken Schenck
Ken Webster British hypnotist Scarborough Scarborough College 1964
Kenneth Arthur Abel chief executive of Dorset County Council Durham Durham School
University of Glasgow
Durham University
Kenneth Kay former Archdeacon of Bradford Durham University
Chorister School
Keren Dai Chinese geologist (ORCID 0000-0001-8989-3113) Southwest Jiaotong University
Newcastle University
The mechanism of partial rupture of a locked megathrust: The role of fault morphology
Kevin J Weatherill researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6577-116X Durham University
Newcastle University
Kevin Litchfield researcher Institute of Cancer Research
University of York
University of Leeds
Kevin R Gillinder researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1221-9718 Newcastle University
Khairul Khalil Bruneian royal Bandar Seri Begawan Teesside University 1975-02-28
Kieran Bew British actor Hartlepool London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College
Killian Michael O'Brien Ph.D. University of Durham 2002 Durham University
Kim Darroch
British diplomat (born 1954) South Stanley Durham University
Abingdon School
1954-04-30 Kim Darroch
Kjartan Poskitt
British writer York Collingwood College 1956-05-15
Kyle Cameron
association football player Hexham Bedlingtonshire Community High School 1997-01-15 Kyle Cameron
Lance Parkin British writer University of York 1971-09-03
Lars Kjærgaard Ph.D. University of Durham 2000 Durham University
Laurie Evans cricketer (born 1987) Lambeth Durham University 1987-10-12 Laurie Evans
Lawrence Rowntree British soldier (1895-1917) Bootham School 1895-03-04
Lazarus Ekwueme Nigerian musician Durham University
Yale University
Royal College of Music
Yale School of Music
Government College Umuahia
Lee Cattermole
English footballer (born 1988) Stockton-on-Tees Ian Ramsey Church of England Academy 1988-03-21 Lee Cattermole
Lee Dickson
English rugby union footballer Verden Barnard Castle School 1985-03-29
Lee John Stothert astronomer Durham University
Lee Novak
English association football player Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 1988-09-28 Lee Novak
Lee Sujeong philosopher (April 25, 1955 - ) University of York 1955-04-25
Leonardo Ortiz Ph.D. University of York 2011 University of York
Leslie Stanbridge former Archdeacon of York Bromley St John's College
The Ravensbourne School
Leslie Weatherhead Dean of Nassau Hatfield College 1914
Lewis Carroll
English writer, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer (1832-1898) Daresbury Christ Church
Rugby School
University of Oxford
Richmond School
1832-01-27 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Through the Looking-Glass
The Walrus and the Carpenter
The Hunting of the Snark
Rhyme? and Reason?
A Tangled Tale
Sylvie and Bruno
The Nursery "Alice"
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Wing English association football player (born 1995) Newton Aycliffe Woodham Academy 1995-06-23
Liam Henderson
English association football player, born 1989 Gateshead Joseph Swan Academy 1989-12-28 Liam Henderson
Liam Noble English association football player (born 1991) Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 1991-05-08
Liam Plunkett
Cricket player of England (born 1985) Middlesbrough St Mary's College, Middlesbrough 1985-04-06 Liam Plunkett
Lim Boon Heng
former Singaporean politician Singapore Newcastle University
Montfort Secondary School
1947-11-18 Lim Boon Heng
Lionel Fanthorpe
British writer, entertainer and priest Dereham The Open University
Barnard Castle School
The Nicholas Hamond Academy
1935-02-09 Lionel Fanthorpe
Louis Taylor British business executive Royal Grammar School
Pembroke College
Louise R. Adam researcher Royal College of Pathologists
Newcastle University
Lucas Carlisle English cricketer (born 1988) Nottingham Durham University 1988-06-01
Lucien Hardy physicist Durham University 1973
Lucio Costa
Brazilian architect Toulon Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Escola Nacional de Belas Artes
Royal Grammar School
1902-02-27 Gustavo Capanema Palace
Pilot Plan of Brasília
Lúcio Costa
Lukas Wooller
British keyboard player Newcastle University
Queen Elizabeth Grammar School
Lukas Wooller
Luke Armstrong
English association football player Durham Wolsingham School 1996-07-02
Luke Mathieson researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6470-2296 Durham University
Luke Patel English cricketer (born 1990) Wakefield Durham University 1990-10-06
Luís M. Antunes researcher Newcastle University
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
M. A. Wazed Miah
Bangladeshi physicist Pirganj Upazila, Rangpur District University of Dhaka
Durham University
Rajshahi College
Rangpur Zilla School
1942-02-16 M. A. Wazed Miah
Mackenzie Thorpe British artist Byam Shaw School of Art
Teesside University
The Northern School of Art
Mahmoud Mohieldin
World Bank President’s Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals Kafr Shokr University of York
Cairo University
University of Warwick
Warwick Business School
Malcolm Clive Crawley zoologist in New Zealand Durham University
Malcolm K. Hughes British climatologist Matlock Durham University 1943-07-24
Malcolm R Alison researcher Newcastle University 1949
Malcolm Rose British writer Coventry University of York 1953-01-31 Lawless and Tilley series
Malcolm Stoddart-Scott British politician (1901-1973) Ashville College
Elmfield College
Mandell Creighton
English historian and clergyman (1843–1901); bishop of the Church of England from 1897 to 1901 Carlisle Merton College
Durham School
1843-07-05 Mandell Creighton
Manzur Hussain Ph.D. University of Durham 1955 Jhelum District Durham University
Islamia College University
Marc Mason Himmelberg researcher University of York
Marcelo Rocha Costa Ph.D. University of Durham 2018 Durham University
Mario Daniel Melita Argentine astronomer Buenos Aires University of York 1964-03-18
Mark A Zentile researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6865-5693 Durham University
Mark Addy
English actor York Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Joseph Rowntree School
1964-01-14 The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas Mark Addy
Mark Ainsworth D. Phil. University of Durham 1989 Durham University
Mark Bryant British bishop Durham University
Ripon College Cuddesdon
St John's School, Leatherhead
Mark Burton
British screenwriter England University of York
The Henley College
Langtree School
Mark Caddick researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5489-6557) Newcastle University
Mark Chilton English cricketer (born 1976) Sheffield Durham University
The Manchester Grammar School
Mark Clarke disgraced former Conservative party politician (born 1977) Durham University
Dulwich College
Mark Davies English cricketer (born 1980) Stockton-on-Tees Northfield School and Sports College 1980-10-04
Mark Edwin Kambites Ph.D. University of York 2003 University of York
Mark Elshaw researcher University of Sunderland
University of Derby
Mark Ford British professional footballer (born 1975) Pontefract Tadcaster Grammar School 1975-10-10
Mark G. Bason researcher Durham University
Imperial College London
Mark Genge Canadian Anglican bishop (1927–2018) Durham University
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Mark Herman British film director and screenwriter Bridlington Northern Film School
Woodleigh School
Mark Hudspith British athletics competitor Hatfield College 1969-01-19
Mark Irwin Canadian cinematographer Toronto University of Waterloo
York University
University of York
Lorne Park Secondary School
Mark Knopfler
British musician Glasgow University of Leeds
Gosforth Academy
Harlow College
1949-08-12 Calling Elvis
Tunnel of Love
Mark Knopfler
Mark Nicholas Gray British soldier Weymouth Durham University
Bradfield College
Mark Norris researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-7001-805X Durham University
Mark P. Lowe researcher Newcastle University
Mark Pack
President of the Liberal Democrats University of York 1970-07-27
Mark Pougatch British journalist Paddington Durham University
Malvern College
Mark Purnell British paleontologist University of Nottingham
Newcastle University
Mark Rosamond researcher Durham University
Mark Russell British composer London University of York 1960-05-23
Mark Sealy
British curator and cultural historian London Borough of Hackney Durham University 1960
Mark Stoneman
English cricketer (born 1987) Newcastle upon Tyne Whickham School 1987-06-26
Mark Sunley English footballer (born 1971) Guisborough Laurence Jackson School 1971-10-13
Mark T Lown researcher Newcastle University
Queen's University Belfast
Mark Thorburn English cricketer (born 1978) Bath Durham University 1978-08-11
Mark Wharton British musician Harrogate High School
Mark Whyman archaeologist University of York
Marmaduke Fothergill Scholar of Christian liturgy and book collector St Peter's School
Magdalene College
Martin A. Walker American chemist Brandeis University
University of Bristol School of Chemistry
Royal Grammar School
Martin Allen British numismatist, museum curator, and university teacher Durham University 1956
Martin Birkett researcher Northumbria University
Martin Gill
Businessperson from the United Kingdom Newcastle University
Nottingham University Business School
University of Nottingham
Martin Gill
Martin John Barron researcher Newcastle University
Martin Jones English cricketer (born 1985) Bristol Durham University 1985-11-08
Martin Pitts archaeologist University of York
Maszlee Malik
Malaysian politician Johor Bahru University of Malaya
Durham University
1974-12-19 Maszlee Malik
Mateusz Strzelecki researcher Durham University
Mathew Aneke researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9908-6139 Northumbria University
Cranfield University
Federal University of Technology Owerri
Mathew Tait
English rugby union footballer Wolsingham Barnard Castle School 1986-02-06 Mathew Tait
Matloob H. Shaheen Ph.D. University of Durham 1988 Durham University
Matt Baker
British TV presenter Easington Easington Academy
Belmont Community School
Durham Sixth Form Centre
Queen Margaret University
1977-12-23 Matt Baker (presenter)
Matt Barber British actor Hammersmith Durham University
Bradfield College
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Matt Messias English football referee York St John University 1964-05-07
Matt Sutton researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6635-2127 University of York
University of Leeds
Matteo Leo astronomer Durham University
Matthew Amroliwala
British television newsreader Leeds Durham University
The King's School Ely
Matthew Bashton researcher University of Cambridge
Newcastle University
Matthew Clare badminton player Ripon Ripon Grammar School 1994-03-04
Matthew Creese English cricketer (born 1982) Durham University 1982-02-13
Matthew De Abaitua
British writer Ormskirk University of York
University of East Anglia
Matthew Doré researcher Keele University School of Medicine
University of Aberdeen
Newcastle University
Matthew Festing
Grand Master of the Order of Malta Northumberland St John's College
Ampleforth College
1949-11-30 Matthew Festing (GM 79)
Matthew I Gibson researcher Durham University 1980-11
Matthew L. Jones computer scientist from the United States Durham University Faculty of Science
Durham University Department of Physics
Matthew Nelson Hill Assistant professor of philosophy in the Department of Theology at Spring Arbor University; ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church Durham University 1981-09-19
Matthew T. Bell Biblical scholar, computer science instructor, and pastor Durham University
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
University of Pittsburgh
New Mexico State University
Matthew Wells
British rower Bradford Queen Elizabeth High School 1979-04-19 Matthew Wells
Maurice Berkeley Portman Canadian politician Durham University 1833-01-18
Maurice Roberts English minister Durham University
Free Church College
Maxwell Gregory Archdeacon of Singapore from 1945 to 1947 Durham University
May Sumbwanyambe Scottish playwright and academic Guildhall School of Music and Drama
University of York
Md. Nadiruzzaman researcher, ORCiD ID=0000-0002-4829-5114 Durham University
Michael Abney-Hastings, 14th Earl of Loudoun
British-Australian politician (1942-2012) Sussex Ampleforth College 1942-07-22 Michael Abney-Hastings
Michael Alcorn Northern Irish composer Ulster University
Durham University
Michael Allmand
Victoria Cross recipient Golders Green University of Oxford
Ampleforth College
1923-08-22 Michael Allmand
Michael B. Powner researcher University College London
Durham University
Michael Baker United Kingdom University of Lorraine
The Open University
Durham University
Michael Bowering York St John University
The Park Community School
Michael Brown
English footballer, born 1977 Hartlepool High Tunstall College of Science 1977-01-25
Michael Brown (footballer, born 1977)
Michael Brown English cricketer, born 1980 Burnley Durham University 1980-02-09
Michael C. Macey researcher University of York
Aarhus University
Michael Carrick
English footballer and manager Wallsend Burnside Business and Enterprise College 1981-07-28 Michael Carrick
Michael Charno researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8703-0995 University of York
University of Puget Sound
Michael Dixon
British zoologist University of York
Imperial College London
Tiffin School
1956-03-16 Michael Dixon
Michael Edwards researcher ORCID 0000-0003-2243-5411 University of Bath
University of York
Michael G Milner researcher Newcastle University
University of Liverpool
University of Sunderland
Michael Gear Bishop of Doncaster Durham University
Cranmer Hall, Durham
Michael Gordon Perkins Ph.D. University of Durham 1999 Durham University
Michael Gough English cricketer (born 1979) Hartlepool English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College 1979-12-18
Michael Graham
British ichthyologist and fisheries scientist Manchester Bootham School
King's College
Michael Harrison researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-5567-9650 University of Oxford
University of York
Michael Howard McCall Ph.D. University of Durham 1980 Durham University
Michael Izza chief executive officer of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Durham University 1960
Michael J. Benton
British palaeontologist Aberdeen Robert Gordon's College
Newcastle University
1956-04-09 Michael J. Benton
Michael J.O. Pocock ecologist, researcher, ORCID # 0000-0003-4375-0445 University of York
Michael Jopling, Baron Jopling British politician (born 1930) Ripon Durham University
Cheltenham College
Newcastle University
Mowden Hall School
Michael K. Whittlesey researcher University of York
Michael Lewis archaeologist University of Surrey
University of York
University of Kent
Michael Murphy Ph.D. University of York 1970 University of York
Michael Osborne Waddell British officer Durham University 1922-12-22
Michael Patrick Fogarty British politician (1916-2001) Christ Church
Ampleforth College
Michael Rowntree British activist Bootham School 1919-02-16
Michael Short
British Engineer and Professor Stockton-on-Tees University of Sunderland
Teesside University
Michael Spurr businessperson Durham University 1961-09-20
Michael Swanton
professor of medieval studies Greater London Durham University
University of Bath
Wilmington Grammar School for Boys
Michael Townsend marine ecologist in New Zealand University of York
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Michael Tugendhat English judge Bishop's Stortford Ampleforth College
Gonville and Caius College
Michael Turnbull Bishop of Rochester; Bishop of Durham (born 1935) Wombwell Keble College
Durham University
Ilkley Grammar School
Cranmer Hall, Durham
Michael Wall English writer (1946-1991) University of York 1946-11-22
Michele Lancione researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-9018-3562 Durham University Department of Geography
Mick Herron
British novelist Newcastle upon Tyne Balliol College
St. Cuthbert's High School
Micky Ward English rugby union player Wallsend Burnside Business and Enterprise College 1979-01-09
Mihail Neamțu
Romanian writer, philosopher, theologian, politician Făgăraș Moise Nicoară National College
Babeș-Bolyai University
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
King's College London
Durham University
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
1978-04-16 Mihail Neamțu
Mike Kavanagh British Archdeacon University of York 1958
Mike Oaksford researcher University of Edinburgh
Durham University
Mike Pratt English sculptor Seaham Northumbria University
De Ateliers
Mike Rumbles
British politician (born 1956) South Shields Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
University of Sunderland
Mike Tuffrey
British politician Durham University 1959-09-30 Mike Tuffrey
Miquel Gimeno researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Mirjam Weilenmann Ph.D. University of York 2018 University of York
Mohamed Elsaeiti Ph.D. University of Durham 2012 Durham University
Mohammad Hanif Atmar
Afghan politician and foreign minister Laghman University of York 1968-09-10 Mohammad Hanif Atmar
Muhammed Şahin Turkish academic Rize Istanbul Technical University
University College London
Newcastle University
Myles O'Reilly
British politician University of London
Ushaw College
1825 Myles O'Reilly (politician)
Narbi Price British painter and curator The Northern School of Art
Nasser Hussain Indian rugby union player Mumbai Northumbria University
Christ Church School
Nathan Luke Abraham researcher University of York
Nathan McCree Video game composer England Barnard Castle School
King Edward VI Grammar School
Nathan Raw
British politician (1866-1940) Durham University 1866-08-02
Nayef Al-Rodhan
philosopher, neuroscientist, geostrategist, and author Saudi Arabia Newcastle University
Yale University
Ndowa N Lale Nigerian academic and publisher University of Maiduguri
Newcastle University
Neil Henry Ritson business lecturer at Lincoln University in New Zealand University of Central Lancashire
Northumbria University
Neil Holbrook archaeologist Newcastle University
Neil Longhurst English cricketer (born 1984) Rotherham Durham University 1984-11-21
Neil Rickman economist (University of Surrey; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)) Durham University
McGill University
Neil Riddell cricketer (born 1947) Staindrop Barnard Castle School 1947-07-16
Neil T. Lunt policy researcher and academic Durham University
University of York
Massey University
Nevill Francis Mott
English physicist, Nobel prize winner Leeds Clifton College
St John's College
Giggleswick School
University of Cambridge
1905-09-30 Nevill Francis Mott
Nicholas A. J. Graham researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-0304-7467 Newcastle University
James Cook University
Nicholas A. Wright researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5525-3457) Newcastle University 1943
Nicholas Donohue researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0055-640X University of York
University of Nottingham
Nicholas Fleming researcher Advance HE
Nicholas G. Parker researcher Durham University
Durham University Department of Physics
Nicholas Girkin researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7562-5775) University of Nottingham
University of York
Durham University
Nicholas H. Smith Australian philosopher University of York 1962
Nicholas Hatch English cricketer (born 1979) Darlington Barnard Castle School 1979-04-21
Nicholas Hitchon British nuclear physicist and participant in the Up documentary television series Skipton Merton College
Ermysted's Grammar School
Nicholas Matragkas researcher University of York
Nicholas Paget-Brown English conservative politician University of York 1957-03
Nicholas Pyle British swimmer Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 2000-12-17
Nicholas Reeves British egyptologist United Kingdom Durham University 1956-09-28
Nicholas Ridley
Bishop of London; Anglican Saint Tynedale District University of Paris
Pembroke College
Royal Grammar School
1500 Nicholas Ridley
Nicholas Rigby
British priest Ushaw College 1800
Nick Hannon archaeologist Canterbury Christ Church University
University of York
University of Leicester
Nick Johnson entomologist University of Southampton
Newcastle University
Nick Kuznir British geophysicist Durham University
Nick Mohammed
British actor Leeds Durham University
Magdalene College
1980-10-04 Nick Mohammed
Nick Neave researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5380-4614) Durham University
Newcastle University
Nick Payne British playwright University of York 1984
Nick Prowting English cricketer (born 1985) Chelmsford Durham University 1985-10-26
Nick Trustram Eve archaeologist University of York
Nick Wright Commander of the Royal Victorian Order Ampleforth College
Britannia Royal Naval College
Nicolas Tejos Chilean astrophysicist University of Chile
Durham University
Nigel Boardman British solicitor Ampleforth College
University of Bristol
Nigel C. Hughes British American paleobotanist University of Bristol
Durham University
Nigel Cumberland
British author and leadership coach York Queens' College
Archbishop Holgate's School
Scarborough College
Barlby High School
Strathclyde Business School
1967-07-26 Nigel Cumberland
Nigel Gee British design engineer Newcastle University 1947-07-30
Nigel Mills
British politician Jacksdale Newcastle University
Loughborough Grammar School
1974-10-28 Nigel Mills
Nigel Phillips
Governor of the Falkland Islands Durham University
Durham University Business School
Nigel Shadbolt
Prinicipal of Jesus College, Oxford; Professor of Computer Science; Chairman of the Open Data Institute London University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
1956-04-09 Nigel Shadbolt
Nigel Stock
Bishop at Lambeth; Bishop of Saint Edmundsbury and Ipswich; Bishop of Stockport (born 1950) Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University
Ripon College Cuddesdon
1950-01-29 Nigel Stock
Nikolaos Theodoropoulos researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-0415-6534 University of York
University of Leicester
Nish Kumar
British stand-up comedian, actor, and tv/radio presenter Wandsworth Grey College
St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School
1985-08-26 The Mash Report
The News Quiz
Nish Kumar
Noah Wayne researcher University of York
Noel Birch
British Army general Llanrhaeadr-yng-Nghinmeirch Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
Marlborough College
Giggleswick School
1865-12-29 Noel Birch
Noel Forster British artist (1932-2007) Durham University
Gosforth Academy
Norman Hook British clergy Durham University 1898
Octavius Pickard-Cambridge
British entomologist Dorset Durham University 1828-11-03 Octavius Pickard-Cambridge
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos Greek entrepreneur kai chairperson (1952-2022) New York City Montanuniversität Leoben
Newcastle University
Olayinka Lawal-Solarin pharmacist and publisher Ogun State Norwood College
University of Bradford
Oliver Bodington British lawyer University of London
Giggleswick School
Oliver Michael Payne Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2003 Newcastle University
Oliver Miles British diplomat (1936-2019) Ampleforth College
Merton College
Ollie Phillips English rugby union player Brighton Van Mildert College
Cambridge Judge Business School
Osei Owusu Afriyie Ghanaian politician Achimota School
Newcastle University
Ossie O'Brien British politician (1928-1997) Darlington Durham University 1928-04-06
Paolo Li Donni researcher University of York
Paolo Pertile researcher University of York
Partha Sengupta consultant & gynaecological cancer lead clinician Newcastle University
University of Surrey
Pasquale Pazienza researcher Durham University
University of Bari
University of York
Patrick Clarke Ph.D. University of York 2011 University of York
Patrick French
British writer Aldershot University of Edinburgh
Ampleforth College
1966-05-28 Patrick French
Patrick McCorry Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2018 Newcastle University
Patrick Ottaway archaeologist University of Oxford
University of Leeds
University of York
Paul A Haigh researcher Northumbria University
Paul Arnold English video game composer Great Wyrley University of York
University of Leicester
Paul Attfield
British lecturer, researcher, and academic Birmingham University of Oxford
Durham Johnston Comprehensive School
Paul B. Bostock Ph.D. University of Durham 2004 Durham University
Paul B. Sturtevant author, historian, and public medievalist Springfield Syracuse University
University of York
University of Leeds
Paul Butterley Ph.D. University of York 2008 University of York
Paul C Taylor researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Durham University Faculty of Science
Paul Carpenter Ph.D. University of Durham 1980 Durham University
Paul Coffey British businessman University of Sunderland 1969-09-13
Paul Copley
British actor Denby Dale Penistone Grammar School
Northumbria University
Paul Corrigan Director of Strategy and Commissioning of the NHS London Strategic Health Authority, adviser, academic London School of Economics and Political Science
Durham University
Paul Courtenay Hyu
actor Ashville College Paul Courtenay Hyu
Paul Crampton researcher Durham University
Paul Crowther Professor of philosophy University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
University of Leeds
University of York
Paul Daniels
Magician and TV Personality South Bank Redcar & Cleveland College 1938-04-06 Paul Daniels
Paul Dummett
Welsh association football player (born 1991) Newcastle upon Tyne Kenton School 1991-09-26 Paul Dummett
Paul Fletcher British theologian (1965-2008) Durham University 1965
Paul Goodman British politician (born 1959) London University of York
Cranleigh School
Paul Grayson
English county cricketer and coach (born 1971) Ripon Bedale High School 1971-03-31 Paul Grayson (cricketer)
Paul Hardiman researcher Newcastle University
Paul Holmes
British politician (born 1957) Sheffield University of York 1957-01-16
Paul I P Elliott researcher University of Sheffield
University of York
Paul Kelly classicist Methodist College Belfast
Durham University
Birkbeck, University of London
King's College London
Paul Luff researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5046-2279 University of Surrey
University of York
Paul Madden
British diplomat Devon University of Cambridge
Durham University
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Gonville and Caius College
Durham University Business School
The King's School
1959-04-25 Paul Madden
Paul Martin Strickland Ph.D. University of Durham 1984 Durham University
Paul Mason researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-7569-5917 Birkbeck, University of London
Durham University
Paul Matejtschuk researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-4646-800X University of Warwick
University of York
Paul McKeegan researcher Hull York Medical School
University of York
Paul Melvin Ph.D. University of York 2009 University of York
Paul Milford Muller American aerospace engineer and author Los Angeles Newcastle University
California State University
Paul Mulholland researcher ORCID 0000-0001-6598-0757 The Open University
University of York
Cardiff University
Paul Noble British artist Newcastle upon Tyne University of Lincoln
Whitley Bay High School
Paul Raymond Trebilco biblical scholar in New Zealand Durham University 1958-11-03
Paul Smith English cricketer (born 1964) Jesmond Park Academy 1964
Paul Swarbrick British Roman Catholic bishop Trivero Ushaw College
Lancaster Royal Grammar School
1960-09-15 Paul Swarbrick
Paul T. Fenn economist (University of Nottingham) University of Lancaster
University of York
Paul W Denny researcher Medical Research Council
Newcastle University
Paul W. S. Anderson
British filmmaker Wallsend University of Warwick
Royal Grammar School
1965-03-04 Paul W. S. Anderson
Paul Wheatley Archdeacon of Sherborne Durham University 1938-05-27
Paul Wicks
researcher King's College London
Durham University
Paul Wilson researcher ORCID: 0000-0003-4802-4127 Newcastle University
Paññavuḍḍho British Buddhist monk University of York 1946
Pedro Saramago researcher University of York
Pedro Silva Martins Portuguese politician University of Warwick
University of York
Pete Wilcox
Bishop of Sheffield Durham University
St John's College
Peter A Tennant researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1233-8602 University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Peter A. Stott British climate scientist Durham University
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
Peter Adam Australian Christian minister Durham University
King's College London
Australian College of Theology
Peter Aston English composer, academic and conductor (1938–2013) University of York 1938-10-05
Peter Beardsley
English footballer Hexham Longbenton Community College 1961-01-18
Peter Bergen
American journalist Minneapolis New College
Ampleforth College
1962-12-12 Peter Bergen
Peter Browne English rugby union player Bristol Durham University
Dean Close School
Peter C E Moody researcher Imperial College London
University of York
Peter Cadogan British political activist Durham University 1921-01-26
Peter Chovanec researcher University of Cambridge
University of York
Peter Christopher Caldwell British zoologist (1927-1979) Ampleforth College 1927-01-25
Peter Clegg British architect Tadcaster Grammar School
Clare College
Peter D Ashton researcher University of York
Peter Eckersley researcher Newcastle University
Leipzig University
Peter F. Buxton nuclear physicist University of York
Peter Fraser
British judge Harrogate Grammar School
St John's College
Peter Gibson
British politician Middlesbrough Newcastle University 1975-05-22 Peter Gibson (politician)
Peter Grant Peterkin British Army general Durham University
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Ampleforth College
Peter Greenaway researcher Newcastle University
Peter Hartley
English footballer (born 1988) Hartlepool English Martyrs School and Sixth Form College 1988-04-03 Peter Hartley (footballer)
Peter Howells English cricketer (born 1981) Stockton-on-Tees Durham University 1981-10-09
Peter Huntington British musician Royal Grammar School 1973
Peter J Morrison researcher University of York
Peter J. B. King Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1979 Newcastle University
Peter Kellner
English journalist Lewes Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School
King's College
Minchenden School
Royal Grammar School
1946-10-02 Peter Kellner
Peter Lord
British animator Bristol University of York 1953-04-11
Peter Lord
Peter Martell
Italian actor (1938-2010) Bolzano Mowden Hall School 1938-09-30 Peter Martell
Peter Milner Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2011 Newcastle University
Peter Moseley researcher Durham University
Peter Paul Pugin
British architect Ushaw College 1851 St Joseph's Cathedral Peter Paul Pugin
Peter Pilkington, Baron Pilkington of Oxenford British politician (1933-2011) Newcastle upon Tyne Jesus College
Dame Allan's School
Peter R. Wainwright Ph.D. University of Durham 1987 Durham University
Peter Reid D. Phil. University of York 1983 University of York
Peter Robinson British poet, translator, literary critic, and university professor Salford University of York 1953-02-18
Peter Senior researcher Newcastle University
Peter Straughan English dramatist, screenwriter and short-story writer Gateshead Newcastle University 1968-08
Peter Styles British geologist Newcastle University 1950-09
Peter Taylor, Baron Taylor of Gosforth British judge (1930-1997) Newcastle upon Tyne Pembroke College
Royal Grammar School
Peter Whitewood historian University of Leeds
University of Glasgow
Newcastle University
Petros Perros researcher Newcastle University
Phil Jones
British climatologist Redhill Newcastle University
University of Lancaster
Philip Best British musician and author Durham University 1968
Philip Booth
British economist Durham University
City, University of London
Philip D Jones researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-5032-5493 Newcastle University
Philip Drake researcher University of Bath
University of York
Philip Hands researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3613-5869) Durham University
Philip Lawson composer, arranger, baritone Crawley University of York
Hazelwick School
Philip North
Bishop of Burnley; British Anglo-Catholic bishop St Stephen's House
University of York
The Latymer School
1966-12-02 Philip North
Phillip Mann
British science fiction writer Northallerton Scarborough College 1942-08-07 Master of Paxwax Phillip Mann
Pierce Galliard Smith Australian rector Scotland Durham University 1826
Pierce Phillips rugby union player (1992-) Middlesbrough Stokesley School 1992-10-06
Pieter J Eichhorn researcher Newcastle University
Pim van 't Hof Ph.D. University of Durham 2010 Durham University
Pirzada Qasim poet Delhi University of Karachi
Newcastle University
Pit Corder
language scholar from England (1918-1990) York Bootham School
Merton College
Pádraig T Kitterick researcher University of York
Dublin Institute of Technology
Quentin S. Crisp British writer Devon Durham University 1972
RJ Thompson
British singer songwriter Bishop Auckland Barnard Castle School
Newcastle College
1985-06-25 RJ Thompson
Ra'ad Munir Daid Mahmoud astronomer Durham University
Ralph Blakelock Archdeacon of Norfolk St Catharine's College, Cambridge
Giggleswick School
Ralph Ineson
English actor Leeds University of Lancaster
Woodleigh School
Pocklington School
Furness College, Lancaster
1969-12-15 Ralph Ineson
Ralph Wightman British journalist Durham University
Beaminster Grammar School
Randall Giles American composer University of York
Reed College
Northwestern University
British portrait and fashion photographer and director (1966- ) Paisley University of Brighton
University of the Arts London
Barnfield College
Thirsk School & Sixth Form College
1966-04 Rankin (photographer)
Rapoon British composer and musician Cumbria University of Sunderland 1955
Raymond Asquith, 3rd Earl of Oxford and Asquith
British former diplomat and hereditary peer London Balliol College
Ampleforth College
Farleigh School
Redvers Opie British economist Harvard University
Durham University
Remco Polman researcher University of York
Free University of Tbilisi
20th century
Rex C Russell Historian and author Hackney Durham University 1916
Rhys Thatcher researcher Teesside University
Ric Graebner British composer University of Cambridge
University of York
Ricardo Rodrigues researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4184) University of York
Lisbon School of Economics and Management
Richard Adams British founder of fair trade organisations Durham University
University of London
Newcastle University
King Edward VI Five Ways School
Richard Allen Downing British hydrogeologist Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University 1928-03-18
Richard Barrett British author (b.1945) Kingston upon Hull University of Manchester
Newcastle University
Richard Barrett British diplomat and intelligence officer Ampleforth College
University College, Oxford
Richard Blundell Comins British botanist Durham University 1848
Richard Brodie
English association football player Gateshead Whickham School 1987-07-08 Richard Brodie (footballer)
Richard Bruce Abbott Ph.D. University of Durham 1983 Durham University
Richard Buck
British sprint athlete Grimsby Leeds Beckett University
Lady Lumley's School
1986-11-14 Richard Buck
Richard Burden
British politician (born 1954) Liverpool University of York
University of Warwick
Bramhall High School
1954-09-01 Richard Burden
Richard Cookson researcher University of York
Richard Coyle English actor Sheffield University of York
Birkdale School
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Richard Eric Holttum English botanist and author (1895-1990) Cambridgeshire Bootham School 1895-07-26
Richard Gilbertson British paediatric oncology clinician scientist Newcastle University
Richard Gillings Anglican Archdeacon Durham University
Sale Grammar School
Richard H. Clayton researcher Newcastle University
Durham University
Richard Hammond
English motoring journalist and broadcaster Solihull Harrogate College
Ripon Grammar School
Solihull School
1969-12-19 Top Gear Richard Hammond
Richard Harpin British businessman Huddersfield University of York 1964
Richard Hornshaw business person University of Sunderland
Richard Howson former Carillion CEO Leeds Beckett University
Settle College
Richard Hyde researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-2576-3448 University of Nottingham
Durham University
Richard Ibbotson
Royal Navy admiral Grey College
Aireborough Grammar School
Richard J Randle-Boggis researcher University of York
Newcastle University
Richard John Firth Ph.D. University of Durham 1975 Durham University
Richard Kay researcher ORCID 0000-0001-8968-0951 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Imperial College London
Newcastle University
Richard Kingston researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-2041-5505 Newcastle University
Richard M. Aspden researcher University of York
University of Manchester
Richard M. Ibberson researcher University of Reading
Durham University Faculty of Science
Richard Meinertzhagen
British soldier, intelligence officer, fraudulent ornithologist (1878-1967) Kensington Aysgarth School
Harrow School
1878-03-03 Richard Meinertzhagen
Richard Milward British writer Middlesbrough The Northern School of Art
Laurence Jackson School
1984-10-26 Apples
Richard Murphy British architect University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Richard Norman
Greymouth University of Canterbury
Newcastle University
Richard Nugee
British military personnel Durham University
King's College London
Radley College
Brambletye School
1963-06-03 Richard Nugee
Richard Ord British footballer (born 1970) Murton Easington Academy 1970-03-03
Richard Ovenden
British librarian Durham University
Sir Roger Manwood's School
1964-03-25 Richard Ovenden
Richard Parsons English Anglican bishop Magdalen College
Durham School
Richard Ross-Lewin Irish Anglican priest and poet Hatfield College 1848
Richard Russell researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-0195-0812) Royal College of Physicians
Newcastle University
Richard Smyth English cricketer, born 1951 Bishopwearmouth University of Cambridge
Emmanuel College
Mowden Hall School
Richard Summers RAF officer Beverley Ermysted's Grammar School 1921-10-18
Richard Turnbull British theologian University of Oxford
Durham University
University of Reading
Cranmer Hall, Durham
Richard W. Walker researcher Newcastle University
Richard Walker geology researcher at University of Leicester Durham University
University of Leicester
Richard Welbury researcher Newcastle University
Richard Whiteley British television personality and journalist (1943-2005) Bradford Christ's College
Giggleswick School
Richard Whitfield researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4787-2060 University of Warwick
Durham University
Rick Holden English footballer (born 1964) Skipton University of Salford
Ermysted's Grammar School
Rick Witter
English musician Stockport Huntington School 1972-11-23
Rob Bellamy researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-9592-705X University of East Anglia
University of York
Rob Collins archaeologist State University of New York at Geneseo
University of York
Rob Forsyth researcher Newcastle University
University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Rob Heaps British actor York St Peter's School 1983-07-11 Imposters
Rob Smedley
British motor racing engineer Normanby Loughborough University
St Peter's Catholic Voluntary Academy
St Mary's College, Middlesbrough
1973-11-28 Rob Smedley
Rob Wilson researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-0469-1884) Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Robbie Elliott
English footballer (born 1973) Gosforth Northumbria University
Gosforth Academy
Gosforth East Middle School
1973-12-25 Robbie Elliott
Robbie Williams English cricketer (born 1987) Pembury Durham University 1987-01-19
Robert Alfred Humble Stanhope University College 1864
Robert B Davis researcher University of York
Robert Boyd researcher Durham University Department of Chemistry
Robert C Shields researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8823-9504 Newcastle University
Robert Chambers
English judge, born 1737 Newcastle upon Tyne Lincoln College
Royal Grammar School
1737-01-14 Robert Chambers (English judge)
Robert Clough politician (1873-1965) Giggleswick School 1873-02-10
Robert David Stevens
Professor of Bio-Health Informatics University of York
University of Bristol
Robert E. Hynds researcher Durham University
Robert Gwyn Evans (1917-1970) Bootham School 1917-06-03
Robert Hay Australian bishop Durham University 1867
Robert Holtby British priest and writer Ripon College Cuddesdon
St Edmund Hall
Scarborough College
Robert Honey researcher University of York
Robert J Bettles researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-6193-7890 Durham University
Robert Joseph Willan British surgeon Durham University
Durham School
Robert Lyman British military historian University of York
University of East Anglia
Cranfield University
Robert Maximilian de Gaynesford
English philosopher London Balliol College
Ampleforth College
Robert Michael Franklin, Jr. American educator and writer Chicago Durham University
University of Chicago Divinity School
Harvard Divinity School
Morehouse College
University of Chicago
Robert Pope dean of Gibraltar Durham University
Maidstone Grammar School
Robert Robson English historian Haltwhistle Queen Elizabeth High School
Trinity College
Robert Shirley, 14th Earl Ferrers British peer and chartered accountant (born 1952) Ampleforth College 1952-12-29
Robert Smith Surtees English writer (1805-1864) Durham School 1805-05-17 Robert Smith Surtees
Robert Spence Watson
politician (1837-1911) Gateshead University College London
Bootham School
1837-06-08 Robert Spence Watson
Robert Sturdy British politician (born 1944) Wetherby University of Sussex
Ashville College
Robert Swan
English explorer Durham Durham University
Sedbergh School
Aysgarth School
1956-07-28 Robert Swan
Robert W. Banks researcher Durham University
Robert Wilson British astronomer (1927-2002) South Shields University of Edinburgh
King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Robert de Vries sociologist from the Netherlands Imperial College London
University College London
University of York
Roberto León-González economist University of York
Robin Bennett British Archdeacon Durham University
Northgate High School
Robin Donkin British historical geographer (1928–2006) Durham University 1928-10-28
Robin Peers English rugby league footballer and coach North Tyneside Burnside Business and Enterprise College 1982-01-18
Robson Green
British actor and musician Hexham North Gosforth Academy 1964-12-18 Robson Green
Rod Clements
British musician North Shields Durham University 1947-11-17 Rod Clements
Roderick Mackay Scottish priest Durham University 1874-07-20
Roderick Wells English Anglican priest University of Hull
Durham University
Roger J. Colbran molecular physiologist Newcastle University
University of Bristol
Roger Stead English cricketer (born 1980) Dewsbury Durham University 1980-04-18
Ronald Doney British mathematician Durham University
Ronaldo Vieira English association football player Bissau York College 1998-07-19
Rory Best
Irish rugby union player Craigavon Newcastle University
Portadown College
1982-08-15 Rory Best
Rory Clegg
English rugby union footballer Hanover Barnard Castle School 1990-01-06 Rory Clegg
Rory Palmer
politician (born 1981) Worksop University of York 1981-11-19 Rory Palmer
Ross Batty English rugby union footballer North Tyneside Barnard Castle School 1986-09-20
Ross D. King
British computer scientist University of Strathclyde
University of Aberdeen
Newcastle University
Adam (robot scientist)
Ross Greenwood
English association football player (born 1985) York Tadcaster Grammar School 1985-11-01 Ross Greenwood (association football player)
Rowan Coultas British snowboarder Bedford Fulford School 1997-06-21
Roy Naidoo British keyboardist amd guitarist University of Sunderland
Rui Campos researcher Durham University
Rumon Gamba British conductor Durham University
Royal Academy of Music
Rupert Whitaker British psychiatrist, immunologist and AIDS patient-advocate University of Toronto
Durham University
University of Michigan
Lord Wandsworth College
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
University of London
University of Michigan Medical School
Boston University
Russell G. Yates Ph.D. University of Durham 1978 Durham University
Russell Howarth English association football player (born 1982) York Barlby High School 1982-03-27
Ryan Donaldson British footballer (born 1991) Newcastle upon Tyne St. Cuthbert's High School 1991-05-01
Ryan Gibson English cricketer (born 1996) Staithes Fyling Hall School 1996-01-22
Sachith Peiris musical artist Colombo Northumbria University 1986-02-21
Salman Razvi researcher Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Newcastle University
Dr. Y.S.R University of Health Sciences
20th century
Sam Bond British bodybuilder Christchurch St Peter's School 1983-12-06
Sam Gowland
British television personality Middlesbrough Macmillan Academy 1995-08-02
Samuel Cadd researcher Teesside University
University of East Anglia
Samuel Dagogo-Jack
American academic Newcastle University
University of Ibadan
Samuel Dagogo-Jack
Samuel Ford Ph.D. University of York 2020 University of York
Samuel H. Taylor researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0001-9714-0656 University of York
Samuel I Hardman researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-2857-9926 Aberystwyth University
Durham University
University of Derby
Sandy Millar clergyman Durham University
Eton College
Trinity College
Scott Mann British film director Woodham Academy 1965-06-16
Sean Longstaff
English association football player North Shields John Spence Community High School 1997-10-30 Sean Longstaff
Sean Polley English cricketer (born 1981) Basra Durham University 1981-04-27
Sean Scully
American artist Dublin Harvard University
Newcastle University
1945-06-30 Sean Scully
Sebastian Roberts British Army general Balliol College
Ampleforth College
Sebastian de Ferranti (1927-2015) Ampleforth College 1927-10-05
Seebohm Rowntree
British philanthropist industrialist and sociologist writer York Bootham School 1871-07-07 How far it is possible to provide Satisfactory Houses for the Working Classes at rents which they can afford to pay Seebohm Rowntree
Senna Proctor British racing driver Driffield Scarborough College 1998-08-12
Seren Waters Kenyan cricketer Nairobi Durham University
Cranleigh School
Severin Schwan
manager Hall in Tirol University of York
University of Innsbruck
University of Oxford
Shaun Vipond English footballer Hexham Queen Elizabeth High School 1988-12-25
Silvanus P. Thompson
British academic physicist (1851-1916) York Bootham School
University of London
1851-06-19 Silvanus P. Thompson
Silvester Bolam British newspaper editor (1905-1953) Durham University 1905-10-23
Simon C. George geochemistry researcher in Australia Newcastle University
University of St Andrews
20th century
Simon Clifford English football manager (born 1970) Loftus Leeds Beckett University
St Mary's College, Middlesbrough
Simon Dixon researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7394-7009) University of Southampton
University of Sheffield
University of York
Simon Dobson D.Phil. University of York 1993 University of York
Simon Dyson
English professional golfer York Malton School 1977-12-21 Simon Dyson
Simon Easterby
Irish rugby union footballer and coach Harrogate Ampleforth College 1975-07-21
Simon Fowler British-New Zealand entomologist University of York
University of Oxford
Simon Heslop
English association football player (born 1987) York Huntington School 1987-05-01 Simon Heslop
Simon Hollingsworth English cricketer (born 1983) Chertsey Durham University 1983-10-01
Simon McKeown British artist (born 1965) Middlesbrough Teesside University 1965
Simon O'Keefe researcher University of York
University of Lancaster
University of Cambridge
Simon Stephens British playwright Manchester University of York
Stockport School
Simone Paolo Ponzetto Italian web and data science researcher University of Stuttgart
Johns Hopkins University
University of Sunderland
University of Milan
20th century
Sir Hew Hamilton-Dalrymple, 10th Baronet British soldier, landowner, businessman Ampleforth College 1926-04-09
Sir John Sinclair, 3rd Baronet
British politician Edinburgh Durham University
Cheam School
Sir Joseph Gurney Pease, 5th Baronet British politician Bootham School 1927-11-16
Sir Stephen Furness, 1st Baronet
British politician and businessman Ashville College 1872-05-26 Sir Stephen Furness, 1st Baronet
Soonhung Han South Korean engineer and professor Seoul National University
Newcastle University
University of Michigan
Spencer Reece American poet Hartford University of York
Harvard University
Wesleyan University
Harvard Divinity School
Berkeley Divinity School
Yale Divinity School
Breck School
Stan Heptinstall British mayor and academic Newcastle University
King Edward VII and Queen Mary School
Stan Laurel
British-American actor (1890–1965) Ulverston Kings Priory School
Stonelaw High School
King James I Academy
Queen's Park Secondary School, Glasgow
1890-06-16 Stan Laurel
Stan Openshaw British geographer Newcastle University 1946-08-10
Stan Woodell British botanist (1928-2004) Durham University 1928
Stanley Fabes Dorey 28 November 1891 - 30 August 1972 Hornsey Durham University 1891-11-28
Stanley J. Patchet mining engineer New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
University of Arizona
Newcastle University
Stefan Molyneux
far-right white nationalist and white supremacist podcaster, blogger, author and political commentator Athlone University of Toronto
McGill University
York University
Humber College
National Theatre School of Canada
University of York
Glendon College
1966-09-24 Revolutions
Universally Preferable Behaviour: A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics
The Art of the Argument
Real-Time Relationships
Stefan Molyneux
Stefan Poslad researcher Newcastle University
University of Southampton
Stefano Benini researcher University of York
Stephen Bonner researcher Durham University
Stephen Brewster British computer scientist University of York 1967-03-25
Stephen C. West
British biochemist Hessle Newcastle University
Hessle High School
1952-04-11 Stephen C. West
Stephen Chapman
Australian teacher and chemist Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle University 1959-05-12 Steve Chapman (chemist)
Stephen Davies
British writer Durham University
Plymouth College
Stephen Emmott
Computational Scientist Keighley University of York 1960-06-03 Ten billions
Stephen Hamer researcher Durham University
University of Kent
Stephen Matthew Lyth researcher University of Surrey
Durham University
Stephen Murray English bicycle motocross rider Newcastle upon Tyne John Spence Community High School 1980-01-09
Stephen Taylor Archdeacon of Maidstone Bradford Durham University
Stephen Uppal British actor Middlesbrough Teesside University 1982
Stephen Warner English evangelical Eltham Durham University 1873-01-17
Stephen Youll British cover artist (1965-) Hartlepool University of Sunderland 1965-06-08
Steve Carver researcher Newcastle University
University of Huddersfield
Steve Coombes British TV writer Kingston upon Hull Dulwich College
University of York
University of Warwick
Steve Cram
British middle distance runner Gateshead University of Sunderland
Northumbria University
1960-10-14 Steve Cram
Steve Harper
English association football player (born 1975) Easington The Open University
Easington Academy
1975-03-14 Steve Harper
Steve Mould
presenter Gateshead St Hugh's College
St Thomas More RC
1978-10-05 Steve Mould
Steve Richards British journalist University of York
Christ's College, Finchley
Steve Robson British record producer Jarrow Boldon School 1969-11
Steve Smith British political philosopher Newcastle University
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
Steve Turley
Political Commentator Durham University Steve Turley
Steve Watson
English association football manager and former player North Shields Burnside Business and Enterprise College 1974-04-01 Steve Watson
Steven Betts British Anglican priest University of York
University of Oxford
The Nottingham Bluecoat Academy
Steven Croft
Bishop of Oxford; Bishop of Sheffield; British Anglican bishop and mission theologian Halifax Worcester College
Durham University
Heath Grammar School
Cranmer Hall, Durham
The Crossley Heath School
1957-05-29 Steven Croft (bishop)
Steven Gillman researcher Durham University
University of Birmingham
Steven Hartley
English actor Shipley London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
Archbishop Holgate's School
1960-08-12 Steven Hartley
Steven J Fowler British writer Durham University 1983
Steven King researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-5268-6679) University of Oxford
Durham University
Steven L Senior researcher University of Liverpool
University of Oxford
University of Bath
Durham University
Steven Marshall
Australian politician Adelaide University of South Australia
Durham University
Immanuel College
1968-01-21 Steven Marshall
Steven Moore percussionist Newcastle upon Tyne Nuffield Health Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital 1978-12-14
Steven S Foster researcher Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Steven Worthington researcher New York University
Durham University
Steven Wright researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6052-264X Durham University
Royal Holloway, University of London
Stewart Ferebee English footballer (born 1960) Carshalton Newcastle University 1960-09-06
Stewart McPherson British geographer University of Tübingen
Durham University
Yale University
British musician Wallsend University of Warwick
St. Cuthbert's High School
Northumbria University
1951-10-02 Every Breath You Take
Fields of Gold
Englishman in New York
Sting (musician)
Stuart Colman English Musician, record producer, disc jockey (1944-2018) Harrogate Harrogate Grammar School 1944-12-19
Stuart Legg English rugby union footballer Solihull Hatfield College
Solihull School
Stuart Lindsley Stirling British composer, conductor, pianist University of London
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
University of Keele
Durham University
University of Leeds
Stuart Peacock researcher University of York
University of Leeds
Stuart Prebble British television executive Newcastle University 1951-04-15
Stuart Reid English journalist Ampleforth College 1943
Sultan Barakat researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-3747-785X University of York
Sunil S Bhopal researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0003-1229-781X London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Newcastle University
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Leeds School of Medicine
University of Leeds Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development
Sydney Caulton British bishop Durham University 1895
Sólvit Nolsø politician in the Faroe Islands Newcastle University
Northumbria University
Tadhg O'Keeffe archaeologist University College Dublin
Durham University
Courtauld Institute of Art
University of Poitiers
Ted Wragg British educator (1938-2005) Sheffield University of Exeter
Durham University
University of Leicester
King Edward VII School
Tempest Anderson
British eye surgeon, photographer and volcanologist York St Peter's School
University College London
University of Leeds
1846-12-07 Tempest Anderson
Terence Patrick Drainey British bishop Manchester Ushaw College 1949-08-01 Terry Drainey
Terry Dyson English footballer (born 1934) Malton Malton School 1934-11-29
Terry Farrell
British architect Sale Newcastle University
University of Pennsylvania School of Design
St. Cuthbert's High School
1938-05-12 2 Marsham Street
SIS Building
Terry Farrell (architect)
Theodosios Alexander
American academic and university administrator; as of 29 April 2013, Dean of Saint Louis University’s Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology Athens Newcastle University
Thomas A Hunt researcher University of York
Thomas Addison
19th-century British physician and scientist Longbenton University of Edinburgh
King's College London
Royal Grammar School
1793-04-02 Thomas Addison
Thomas Andrew Fisher Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2017 Newcastle University
Thomas Barber researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8252-5350) University of Nottingham
Durham University
Thomas Blackburn British writer Durham University
Selwyn College
Thomas Bland researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-9852-0183) Newcastle University
Thomas Brentnall Australian accountant and musician Durham University 1846
Thomas Brodie British Army officer Bellingham Durham University 1903-11-20
Thomas Bruce English cricketer (born 1983) Bampton Durham University 1983-02-10
Thomas Chapman Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge; (1717-1760) Christ's College
Richmond School
Thomas Clifford Allbutt
British physician Dewsbury Gonville and Caius College
St Peter's School
1836-07-20 Thomas Clifford Allbutt
Thomas Cope Ph.D. University of York 2018 University of York
Thomas Godfrey Binney English army officer Cheetham Hill Giggleswick School
University of Manchester
Christ's College
Thomas Grant school principal and Catholic bishop (of Southwark Archdiocese (1816-1870) Ligny-lès-Aire English College
Ushaw College
Thomas Hall neuroscientist Newcastle University
University of Oxford
Thomas Harrison
English architect; (1744-1829) Richmond Richmond School 1744-08-07 Thomas Harrison (architect)
Thomas Horrocks Openshaw
British surgeon Lancashire Durham University
Bristol Grammar School
1856-03-17 Thomas Horrocks Openshaw
Thomas J Bullock researcher University of York
University of Sheffield
Thomas J Williams researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9319-1701) University of York
Thomas J.A. Maguire researcher University of Cambridge
Durham University
Thomas John Hesketh Ph.D. University of York 2014 University of York
Thomas Kidd British scholar Trinity College
Giggleswick School
Thomas Lawson English botanist and Quaker (1630-1691) Christ's College
Giggleswick School
Thomas Martin British politician (1901-1995) Jesus College
Giggleswick School
Thomas Moorhouse Ph.D. University of Durham 1994 Durham University
Thomas Neville Barry veterinary scientist in New Zealand Newcastle University
Massey University
Thomas O. Ronson researcher University of Oxford
University of York
Thomas Rhys Evans researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-6670-0718 British Psychological Society
Advance HE
Birkbeck, University of London
Thomas Sherwood Jones British bishop in Manchester Durham University 1872
Thomas Tuohy General Manager of Windscale uclear power plant University of Reading
St. Cuthbert's High School
Thomas Turner researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-3776-2044) University of Leeds
University of York
Thomas William Hanforth British composer Durham University 1867-03-06
Tim Blackman sociologist and university executive Belfast Durham University
Tim Farron
Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats Preston Newcastle University
Lostock Hall Academy
Runshaw College
1970-05-27 Tim Farron
Tim Harries British musician University of York 1959
Tim Liardet
poet London University of York 1959 Tim Liardet
Tim Maltin British maritime historian, Titanic expert Newcastle University
Bradfield College
Winchester House School
Heatherdown Preparatory School
Tim N.L. Evans archaeologist and university lecturer University of Exeter
University of Birmingham
University of York
Tim Phillips English cricketer (born 1981) Cambridge Durham University 1981-03-13
Tim Radford
British army officer Durham University
Rugby School
King's College London
Staff College, Camberley
1963-02-23 Tim Radford (British Army officer)
Tim Smith
English broadcaster and radio personality York St John University 1961-02-16
Tim Visser
Dutch rugby union footballer Zeewolde Barnard Castle School 1987-05-29
Tim Willcox
English journalist England Durham University 1963-05-28 Tim Willcox
Tim Wright British composer University of York
Timothy Hawkes Australian schoolteacher Durham University
Macquarie University
Timothy Kirkhope
British lawyer and politician (born 1945) Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School 1945-04-29 Timothy Kirkhope
Timothy R. Smithson researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-6546-1145) Newcastle University
Tirso Gonzalez Alam researcher University of York
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Tom Brindle archaeologist King's College London
University of York
Cardiff University
Tom Dening Newcastle University 1956
Tom Denton English rugby union footballer York St Peter's School 1988-02-13
Tom Harwood
British political commentator, activist, and journalist Cambridge Durham University 1996-08-26
Tom Huddleston British entomologist Newcastle University
Natural History Museum, London
Tom Hughes-Croucher British businessman University of Sunderland 1981
Tom Hustler English soldier and photographer Eton College
Aysgarth School
Tom McKenna Australian town planner Durham University 1925
Tom Registe Green Party local politician Newcastle University
Tom Service
British classical music presenter and journalist (born 1976) Glasgow University of York 1976-03-08
Tommy Johnson English footballer (born 1971) Gateshead Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy 1971-01-15
Tommy Mooney
English association football player (born 1971) Middlesbrough Northfield School and Sports College 1971-08-11
Tomás Sherwen researcher University of York
Tony Burdett researcher Newcastle University
Tony Scott
British film director and producer (1944–2012) North Shields Royal College of Art
University of Sunderland
Leeds Arts University
The Grangefield Academy
The Northern School of Art
1944-06-21 Tony Scott (director)
Trevor Wishart English composer Leeds University of York 1946-10-11
Tsai Ying-wen Taiwanese political scientist (1952–2019) Tunghai University
University of York
Tunde Baiyewu
British singer London Northumbria University 1968-11-25
Ulisses Barres de Almeida researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-7909-588X Durham University 1982-09-11
Umberto Albarella archaeologist Durham University 1950
Vernon Nicholls British bishop Truro Durham University
Truro School
Vesa Kivinen
Finnish visual artist Northumbria University 1978
Victor Adenuga Oyenuga Nigerian Professor Emeritus of Agricultural science Ijebu Ode Durham University 1917-04-09
Victor Chavez British businessman University of York 1963-01-19
Victor Watson British businessman Leeds Bootham School
Clare College
Vilsoni Hereniko Fijian filmmaker University of the South Pacific
Newcastle University
Vincent Cronin British writer, editor and historian Tredegar Faculty of Arts of Paris
Harvard University
Trinity College, Oxford
Ampleforth College
Vincent Jan Ambrosius Knibbeler Ph.D. University of Northumbria at Newcastle 2014 Northumbria University
Vincent O'Connell British filmmaker and writer University of York
Vishak Dudhee Engineer and innovator known for contributions in sustainable energy solutions and digital transformation Teesside University
W George Hutchinson researcher Durham University
Queens University Belfast School of Nursing and Midwifery
W. Arundel Orchard Australian musician London Durham University
Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Wade Hall-Craggs British rower Newbury Durham University 1966-01-09
Walter Adams British Anglican bishop London Durham University
Hurstpierpoint College
Walter Carroll British composer (1869-1955) Manchester Victoria University of Manchester
Durham University
Walter Kershaw British artist Rochdale Newcastle University 1940-12-07
Walter Kershaw
Walter de Voil Scottish priest Durham University
Wasim Raja Pakistani cricketer (1952-2006) Multan Durham University
Government College University
Webber Ndoro Zimbabwean archaeologist University of Zimbabwe
University of Cambridge
University of York
Uppsala University
Wee Jeck Seng Malaysian politician Johor University of Sunderland 1964-04-20
Wilf Mannion
English footballer (1918-2000) Middlesbrough St Peter's Catholic Voluntary Academy 1918-05-16
Will Burnell English cricketer (born 1984) London Borough of Havering Durham University 1984-07-07
Will Carling English rugby union footballer Bradford Durham University
Sedbergh School
Terra Nova School
Will Dobson
English cricketer (born 1986) Durham Durham University
Eton College
Will Greenwood
English rugby union footballer Blackburn Durham University
Sedbergh School
Durham University Business School
Stonyhurst Saint Mary's Hall
Will Gregory English musician and record producer (born 1959) Bristol University of York 1959-09-17 Will Gregory
William Conton Sierra Leonean academic and writer Banjul Durham University 1925-10-27
William Curzon-Siggers Durham University 1860-05-06
William Dalrymple
author and historian (born 1965) Scotland Trinity College
Ampleforth College
1965-03-20 William Dalrymple (Historian)
William David Butler-Adams
Managing Director of Brompton Bicycle Ltd. and Brompton Bike Hire Ltd. London Aysgarth School
Rugby School
Newcastle University
University of Valladolid
William Dent Priestman British engineer Sutton-on-Hull Bootham School 1847-08-23
William Dimond
British actor and theatre manager Richmond School 1750
William Fishburn Donkin
Professor of Astonomy (1814-1869) Bishop Burton University College, Oxford
St Edmund Hall
St Peter's School
William Fletcher British rower (* 1989) Chester-le-Street College of St Hild and St Bede 1989-12-24
William Gaunt English actor Pudsey Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Giggleswick School
William Gibbons Ph.D. University of Durham 2005 Durham University
William Greenwell British archaeologist Lanchester Durham University
Durham School
1820-03-23 William Greenwell
William Hague
British politician (born 1961) Rotherham Magdalen College
Ripon Grammar School
Wath Academy
1961-03-26 William Hague
William Hanson English cricketer (born 1982) Leicester Durham University 1982-04-21
William Herrick Macaulay
British mathematician (1853-1936) Durham University
University of Cambridge
William How
English bishop (1823-1897) Shrewsbury Wadham College
Durham University
Shrewsbury School
1823-12-13 William Walsham How
William Kay English Anglican priest Durham University 1894
William M Coombs researcher (ORCID 0000-0003-2099-1676) Durham University
William McGhee Ph.D. University of Durham 1994 Durham University 1968-06
William Menzies Weekes Fowler English Royal Air Force pilot and cookbook author Durham School 1914-07-14
William Miller World War I flying ace, born 1892 Newcastle upon Tyne Durham University 1892-05-12
William Norledge Ph.D. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 2017 Newcastle University
William Paley
Christian apologist, natural theologian, utilitarian Peterborough Christ's College
Giggleswick School
1743-07-14 William Paley
William Philipson English-born New Zealand botanist and explorer (1911–1997) Newcastle upon Tyne University of Cambridge
University of London
Dame Allan's School
Durham University
Downing College
William Pumphrey
British photographer Bootham School 1817 William Pumphrey
William R. Lawrence D.Phil. University of York 1980 University of York
William Rogers British educator London Balliol College
Durham University
William Sackville, Lord Buckhurst British investment manager Newcastle University
Eton College
William Speares Ph.D. University of Durham 1988 Durham University
William Thomas Doyne (1823-1877) civil engineer Durham University 1823-04-15
Wissam S. Al-Hashimi Petroleum Engineering and Geologist Newcastle University
University of Baghdad
Wyl Menmuir British novelist Stockport Marple Hall School
Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College
Newcastle University
Manchester Metropolitan University
1979 The Many
Xiaochen Kou Ph.D. University of York 2018 University of York
Xuan Chen particle physics researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6772-2196) Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Yimin Chao researcher Newcastle University
Peking University
Nanjing Normal University
Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss
Chief Rabbi Pezinok Gateshead Talmudical College 1926-08-26 Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss
Yunus Carrim South African politician University of Warwick
Darlington College
Zach Kibirige English rugby union player Middlesbrough Yarm School 1994-10-28
Zaini Ujang Negeri Sembilan Newcastle University 1965-03-03
Zeb Kyffin
British cyclist Chiswick Northumbria University 1998-02-23 Zeb Kyffin
Zeno Tajoli Italian system librarian Negrar di Valpolicella Northumbria University
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer Toronto York University
University of York
Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute
Carleton University
1972-02-20 K-OS
Αλέξανδρος Αλεξάκης Greek politician Corfu Northumbria University 1978
Ісаак Адеагбо Акінджогбін Durham University
University of London
سفیر اختر Attock
University of the Punjab
University of York
پروفیسر محمد اسلم Phillaur
Durham University
University of Manchester
University of Cambridge
Ṣaghīr, Muḥammad Ḥusayn ʿAlī, Najaf Hawza of Najaf
Cairo University
University of Baghdad
Durham University
朱天奎 Durham University 1883
李炳曄 Kaohsiung University of Edinburgh
Newcastle University


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trans woman

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Sonia Burgess British immigration lawyer Castleford St Catharine's College, Cambridge
Ermysted's Grammar School
End of auto-generated list.