Talk:Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith: Difference between revisions

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:I added some back in. Not the uncredited people. Most of them at least have a page for the character if not the actor. And I split it into two columns. I had to mess with the spacing of the opening crawl to get the info box to keep from intruding on the cast section. Thoughts? [[User:Dismas|Dismas]] 01:01, 15 May 2005 (UTC)
:I added some back in. Not the uncredited people. Most of them at least have a page for the character if not the actor. And I split it into two columns. I had to mess with the spacing of the opening crawl to get the info box to keep from intruding on the cast section. Thoughts? [[User:Dismas|Dismas]] 01:01, 15 May 2005 (UTC)
::Thoughts? Good work - I saw the previous layout, where just about every actor known to be in the film was listed and wondered where it was going to end. Much tidier (and legible) now, thanks for your work. [[User:Sheridan|sheridan]] 21:09, 2005 May 15 (UTC)
::Thoughts? Good work - I saw the previous layout, where just about every actor known to be in the film was listed and wondered where it was going to end. Much tidier (and legible) now, thanks for your work. [[User:Sheridan|sheridan]] 21:09, 2005 May 15 (UTC)
:::Should we remove from the cast the characters that were cut from the film, such as Mon Mothma? [[User:Ben W Bell|Ben W Bell]] 11:23, 20 May 2005 (UTC)

== Quotation edit ==
== Quotation edit ==

Revision as of 11:23, 20 May 2005

Please revert this page

Where is all of this information coming from? So far as I know, the plot hasn't been released. Sounds like speculation to me. -- Zoe

Appears to be a verbatim copy from this page. Poorly written, probably completely inaccurate, and possibly copyright violation. (I've removed said text from the article, which itself may merit deletion as there's not a whole lot valid to say on the subject...) --Brion VIBBER
I think that the facts stated here are clearly imaginable from what we know from the old trilogy. Laz 12:01 20 Jun 2003 (UTC)
Didn't George Lucas originally envisage 9 films to tell the whole Star Wars saga (3 more films set after the time covered in Star Wars- return of Jedi)? that's what i grew up believing anyway... quercus robur 17:18, 5 Aug 2003 (UTC)
Nope. Or at least Lucas now denies and says it's always been only six. Whether he changed his mind or what, I don't know, but I remember reading an old biography of him (before ROTJ) saying that the movies would have been 6 in total, so if he really changed his mind he did it a long ago. Lazarus Long 14:35, 6 Aug 2003 (UTC)

Even that 6 thing is complete retconning. A complete bullshit. He originally wrote one movie, which was complex and contained elements that were split off somewhat to create the original trilogy. Somewhere in writing episode 4, he decided to call it the 4th episode to give room to write a prequel and a sequel.

That's closer to the truth, but still not what Lucas says in the Episode IV DVD commentary. He claims that his reasoning behind making the originals episodes 4-6 was that he wanted this to be like part of a space-opera serial that you would catch on TV. Everyone had walked in on episode 4 and missed last week's episode where everything was explained about how Darth Vader came to be. It gave the audience the thought that there had been a lot that had happened prior to the film (the Clone wars, fall of Anakin, etc.), but they had missed that part. At least that's what he says himself in the commentary.-GamblinMonkey 12:24, 19 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I'm tempted to remove the reference to R2-D2's ability to fly. Firstly, I doubt that it will be resolved in the film. Secondly, it isn't really a very big problem in terms of continuity. Thirdly, is it really relevant? -- 20 May 2003.

Since there have been no objections, I've removed the reference and replaced it with something more likely to be in the film. HWelles 07:00, 10 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Again, I object to whoever put the R2-D2 reference back in. 1) There is no continuity problem with R2 and his jets. There is no reason why R2 should "lose the ability to fly". There's no conflict there. Thus 2) It is very unlikely that this will be touched on in the film. With everything that has to happen in E3, this is surely not deserving of time in the film. If it does get touched on (which I don't think it even needs to be) it will probably be done in some Expanded Universe literature. So, the sentence referring to in the main article is unnecessary and misleading. I won't remove the reference yet, but I'd appreciate it if whoever put it back in would explain why they did so. If nobody tells me otherwise, I'll remove the reference again, because I can't see a good argument for why it should be in there. HWelles 05:37, 14 Jun 2004 (UTC)

I agree with removing the R2 reference, that's really no big deal. I also wonder... what about Lucas "not producing an unlikely Episode VII"? There can be no Episode VII if Lucas won't produce it of course, that doesn't make much sense.Lazarus Long 07:58, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Continuity is still intact. It's stated in the novels multiple times that R2's could be configured for various functions. Evidently between Episode II and Episode IV, they take them out. Simple enough.

Recent changes

What the hell is with revisions made by Can someone revert to before then as well as include the additions made since then.

AFAIK, Mace Windu is killed by Sidious using force lightning, and Anakin just stands there watching. But this is just another rumor of course, so I won't "correct" the page.

Samuel L Jackson himself has said that Mace falls out of a window (probably after being stabbed or blasted or lightninged)

No, Anakin delivers the fatal blow to Mace, sending him off the ledge outside the window of Palpatine's office.M412k 01:04, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Where on earth is this stuff coming from?

Has Supershadow been working overtime? This stuff can't possibly 'official'.

Where all this stuff is coming from

Everything here is simply a coherant amalgamation of all the spoilers that have been floating around for months. Not much is 'official', but most of it comes from many sources, not to mention Hyperspace subscription owners who get web documentaries and on-set webcams and all that fun stuff.

Opening crawl

Is this official or just speculation? Cbarbry 08:21, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)

I see nothing to indicate that this is anything other than speculation. I don't know how much is known, but my propasal is to delete everything from "Opening Crawl" down. Comments? DJ Clayworth 22:39, 11 Feb 2005 (UTC)
I recommend we do something like what is being done with Casino Royale -- a section for officially released information, and section for speculation. I will go ahead and make these sections, and change it if you like. Cbarbry 04:22, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)
It's official: Cornince 02:21 AM (CST), 3 Mar 2005

I put up the opening crawl, it's from the official Star Wars site. Is anyone opposed to me putting it back up? Shadowtrooper 03:22, Mar 4, 2005 (UTC)

Jedi ghosts

Why is it mentioned that it will need to be resolved why some jedis become ghosts when they die and others do not? I was under the impression that jedis become ghosts if and only if they die peacefully. --elpenmaster

The disappearing act is something Qui-Gon learns after his death. It is a way of becoming one with the Force yet retain consciousness and physical form. At the end of Episode III, he informs Yoda and Obi-Wan of his discovery, and they become his students. This is revealed in Episode III. Connor Hill
Actually, Yoda reveals this to Kenobi. There is, in the movie, no sequence of You and the voice of Qui-Gon coversing -- unfortunatly. Robeykr 02:29, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
how could yo be under that impression, as Obi-Wan in a New Hope is struck down by a lightsaber, wich is needless to say non to peacfull.

The Fate of Jar Jar

"The explanation of why Jar Jar Binks is present in Episodes I & II but not included in IV-VI. " Yousa theenkin he gonna die? Sorry, had to be done.

Jar Jar is heard in Episode VI DVD during the celebration over Naboo. There is no need for an explanation as to why he's not in the "sequels", as more than likely he was serving in the Imperial Senate which of course we see no member of that. --guest

--cuiusquemodi 02:26, 26 Feb 2005 (UTC)

  • It's confirmed that he does not die in Episode III. In fact, no information about Jar Jar's role in the film is known at all. TheCoffee 14:56, 1 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • Jar-Jar makes a couple of back-ground cameos on Corusant. He has no dialouge throughout the movie -- and plays no role at all. He makes his final appearance at the end of the film when he is alongside Boss Nass at the funeral procession for Padme on Naboo. Robeykr 02:33, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Classic trilogy scenes in Episode III

Are there going to be scenes from the Star Wars classic trilogy because there were scenes from Star Wars A New Hope in the Revenge of the Sith trailer where Obi-Wan is talking to Luke about the prequel trilogy. If so, then i'll add it to the main article. - John-1107

Yes, I heard a very strong rumour that the final scene of ROTS is actually the scene that started it all: the boarding party smashing through the blast doors of the Tantive IV, with Vader in tow. This is likely to be true, as Wedge Antilles is in the cast and even has an action figure for Episode III.

    • Wow, you two are way way in the dark. NO, the final scene is the construction of the Death Star. And the Antilles character is NOT is Captain Antilles, the captain of the alderaan cruiser. Wow!<<Coburn_Pharr>> 04:46, 8 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
    • Wowsee wowsee woo woo, you three are way in the dark. NO, the last final scene is at the Lars homestead where Kenobi entrusts baby Luke to Owen Lars and his wife Beru. The final shot is of Owen with Beru holding the baby, looking at the setting twin-suns just as Luke will do 19 years later in episode IV. Robeykr 02:17, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Conjecture doesn't belong in a Wikipedia article. It's no different than original research. RickK 23:27, Mar 3, 2005 (UTC)

Except we're reporting on the conjecture. --Phil | Talk 18:11, Mar 9, 2005 (UTC)

Poster change

I've changed the main picture to the release poster. Personally I think it looks misaligned, but this is the one they've shipped to cinemas around the world... Rje 16:23, Mar 9, 2005 (UTC)


Just curious if someone can answer a question I've had about the articles for the SW movies on the Wikipedia. Why isn't the cast listed for any of the movies except for a scant few of them in the info boxes? Dismas


Well I just picked up the Novel by Matthew Stover and will be posting Episode III Novel spoilers in the various sub-articles. These will be clearly marked for those who wish to wait (unlike me). Ravenhull

Cool, but the novel isn't really a spoiler. In the novel of Return of the Jedi, it was said that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Owen Lars are brothers. George Lucas has also said that the books aren't canon, only the movies are. Maybe you should make a little note of that.
Actually, I belive he was refering to the original trilogy novels. I seem to remember Lucasfilm indicating that the novelizations of TPM, ATOTC, and ROTS are canon. When Lucas aproved the cretion of the Expanded Universe, it has always been his stated position that all printed Star Wars novels and comics published after 1992 are canon. Lucas said he was not going to let the STAR WARS universe become as conflicting as the STAR TREK universe. Robeykr 02:24, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The general plot will not change. So long as immense detail is avoided, there should be no problems. RW
The script has leaked out, so you might as well make a synopsis based on that. The novel does not differ much from the script. TheCoffee 18:48, 17 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Homophobic C3PO Edits

Are back. Can't see how to revert it, so could someone who does know do it please? Daveryan 18:31, 11 Apr 2005 (UTC)


Almost all the Star Wars articles contain Revenge of the Sith spoilers, they are really annoying. Can't we wait the Ep3 spoilers until at least May 19? It's just... annoying

Well, the books on Episode III were released a few weeks ago, so it seems that many die hard fans here want to post stuff about them. Zzyzx11 | Talk 07:46, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
If you have a problem with the spoilers, don't read them- that's why we have the spoiler warnings. M412k 01:04, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)

The transformation of an organic being into a cyborg as in the case of Grievous and Anakin Skywalker becoming Vader--Ed Telerionus 14:30, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)


Go look at Star Wars III's certificates for yourselves! --Ryanasaurus0077 00:26, 7 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Opening Crawl Added

I see no reason the opening crawl shouldn't be here. For one, it is listed on all the other Star Wars movie pages. Also, books and scripts were published weeks ago that clearly detail the crawl. Perhaps a spoiler warning is needed, but regardless... the crawl should be included.


I really don't think we need a list of every single person (especially uncredited people) who was shown in this movie. Half of the list are people who appear for less than 30 seconds

I added some back in. Not the uncredited people. Most of them at least have a page for the character if not the actor. And I split it into two columns. I had to mess with the spacing of the opening crawl to get the info box to keep from intruding on the cast section. Thoughts? Dismas 01:01, 15 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Thoughts? Good work - I saw the previous layout, where just about every actor known to be in the film was listed and wondered where it was going to end. Much tidier (and legible) now, thanks for your work. sheridan 21:09, 2005 May 15 (UTC)
Should we remove from the cast the characters that were cut from the film, such as Mon Mothma? Ben W Bell 11:23, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Quotation edit

The Emperor does not say in the film “you killed her, don’t you remember?” but something more along the lines of “I am afraid that in your anger you killed her” --- Iorek Brynson

This is just stupid liberal/anti-Bush crap. It has no place here. The line about "you're with or against me" was not invented by Bush. (unsigned)

I was amused when it was pointed out that this dates at least as far back as Jesus: "He who is not with me is against me" (Matthew 12:30). - Nunh-huh 02:30, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
why was the politica thing put back? There are no Bush connections as I said earlier here. Take a look at this link:

"Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Isn't it funny that this line itself is an absolute? 09:33, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Plot Summary

The current dot-point-esque summary is almost un-readable. Surely there's a star wars fan or 500 here who can write a more readable take on the movie that that? Anyone? Psychobabble 04:24, 20 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]